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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. It's not The Entrance Band is it? similar colours but looks out of proportion. Grim Reaper Blues off that album is lush mind.
  2. I always like looking at the music they have on their advertising images. The new Spoon album What's the top right one?
  3. Happy Face

    Level 7

    I couldn't be happier with the move to the corner. More standing. More singing. More banter. Less Stewards. Got the back row so we can bang the roof. View of the match? Who wants to actually watch that shite?
  4. It'll ruin TV football. The best angle for the majority of the game is the wide shot from the halfway line. That doesn't really offer much of a 3d thrill though because most stuff on the screen is the same distance away. What we'll get now is much more of the game shown from the sidelines which will much better show off the depth of image....but leave you pretty clueless with regards to reading the game. ...or I could be talking bollocks, Sky probably know these concerns and will caution their editors/producers from changing anything about which shots they choose to cater to technology rather than the game.
  5. I've investigated further and there seems to be a stand. No way is that going to stay upright unless your surface is perfectly flat. The best thing about my archos was watching films in bed. There's no chance on that.
  6. I stayed just around the corner from there. Can't remember the name of the place. Would have been one of the hotels here though Google Map
  7. Does it have a little arm that swings out the back to stand it up?
  8. I love it when Stevie and Leazes get in off the pop.
  9. His younger son Elliot is on the books at West Ham too. Should be about 15 now. Imagine two Rob Lee's in the middle.
  10. Echoes of a certain Andrew Cole who in 1993 brought characteristics to an already successful side which were evidently missing at the time (i.e. pace & clinical finishing). IIRC some questioned the signing of Cole saying it was a lot of money for a player who was largely unproven at our level and had failed at the level above us. Yet signing for us proved to be the making of him and suddenly the world sat up and took noticed agreeing we'd got him at a snip. Write off Beckford at your peril IMO. He'll either be in the Premiership next season or a top-end Championship club. And if he proves successful, we'll be absolutely kicking ourselves..... true. Leeds fans have told me he needs lots of chances but in my book 20 + goals and the belief and desire in yourself to keep getting them speaks for itself along with the attributes I've mentioned already in particular the pace and getting behind defenders which I like a lot in any player. In fact, Andy Cole lacked a good first touch too but he was lightening quick and when you watched him he was always moving before others in the box and reacting first. Mick Quinn was actually one of the most dead eye finishers I have seen play for the toon but he lacked the pace and mobility to be a top player. Not too many of them are the complete article thats the way it goes. Andy Cole should have given half his pay to Beardsley at Newcastle. He never got close to the rate of goals he scored alongside Beardsley at any other club. and Rob Lee Someone mentioned Hughton's kid the other day, but Rob Lee's kid Oliver is 18 and just getting in the reserves at West ham. Get him up here on the cheap and he'll be an instant favourite.
  11. Echoes of a certain Andrew Cole who in 1993 brought characteristics to an already successful side which were evidently missing at the time (i.e. pace & clinical finishing). IIRC some questioned the signing of Cole saying it was a lot of money for a player who was largely unproven at our level and had failed at the level above us. Yet signing for us proved to be the making of him and suddenly the world sat up and took noticed agreeing we'd got him at a snip. Write off Beckford at your peril IMO. He'll either be in the Premiership next season or a top-end Championship club. And if he proves successful, we'll be absolutely kicking ourselves..... true. Leeds fans have told me he needs lots of chances but in my book 20 + goals and the belief and desire in yourself to keep getting them speaks for itself along with the attributes I've mentioned already in particular the pace and getting behind defenders which I like a lot in any player. In fact, Andy Cole lacked a good first touch too but he was lightening quick and when you watched him he was always moving before others in the box and reacting first. Mick Quinn was actually one of the most dead eye finishers I have seen play for the toon but he lacked the pace and mobility to be a top player. Not too many of them are the complete article thats the way it goes. Andy Cole should have given half his pay to Beardsley at Newcastle. He never got close to the rate of goals he scored alongside Beardsley at any other club.
  12. Been listening to it. Amazing how demure he seems now. Seems cool as a cucumber and certain of the legality. Still hasn't said what caused him to change his mind on the legality after months of saying it wasn't legal like. The ability to lie so convincingly you deceive yourself is a pre-requisite for any role like his. John Yoo was similarly devoid of contrition on The Daily Show recently, depite personally tearing up the Geneva convention.
  13. Been listening to it. Amazing how demure he seems now. Seems cool as a cucumber and certain of the legality. Still hasn't said what caused him to change his mind on the legality after months of saying it wasn't legal like.
  14. Looking better... 27 days in. 6 days to go. Players in: 2 (Routledge, Williamson) Players out: 2 (Khizanishvili, Harewood) While the outgoing have been replaced with (apparently) better quality, we're still basically where we were a month ago in terms of depth.
  15. Goldsmith giving evidence Live stream from the Beeb 'The consequences did not weigh on me' At least Jack Straw showed some regret.
  16. Krugman's made the same point today... http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/01/2...=NytimesKrugman
  17. Funny you should mention that. Just read an interesting article... Presidential assassinations of U.S. citizens Barack Obama, like George Bush before him, has claimed the authority to order American citizens murdered based solely on the unverified, uncharged, unchecked claim that they are associated with Terrorism and pose "a continuing and imminent threat to U.S. persons and interests." They're entitled to no charges, no trial, no ability to contest the accusations. Amazingly, the Bush administration's policy of merely imprisoning foreign nationals (along with a couple of American citizens) without charges -- based solely on the President's claim that they were Terrorists -- produced intense controversy for years. That, one will recall, was a grave assault on the Constitution. Shouldn't Obama's policy of ordering American citizens assassinated without any due process or checks of any kind -- not imprisoned, but killed -- produce at least as much controversy? ... More critically still, the Obama administration -- like the Bush administration before it -- defines the "battlefield" as the entire world. So the President claims the power to order U.S. citizens killed anywhere in the world, while engaged even in the most benign activities carried out far away from any actual battlefield, based solely on his say-so and with no judicial oversight or other checks. That's quite a power for an American President to claim for himself.
  18. Scientist have been wrong about almost everything since day one. Aye, we know. That rocket never got anyone to the moon. It was a Roger Corman production.
  19. People (greed) are to blame? I've fed a cat and eaten Ice Cream and i don't think I'm greedy. The poorest people in britain live like kings compared to other places though. £8,800 per household is over £24 a day. I'm sure I read that the WHO classify povery as surviving on $1 a day or less. Of course, our wealth and 'their' suffering is to a large extent built on our subjugation of 'them' historically. Unfortunately, I can't imagine anyone winning the next election running on a platform of debt relief for poor nations, especially in the current economic climate, no matter how much Bono tries to push it up the agenda. It's in the news today that Afghanistan are getting $1.6Bn debt relief....but Haiti aren't, just another $100million loan to perpetuate the cycle of poverty. It's only demons like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela who'll give Haiti a chance... http://www.etaiwannews.com/etn/news_conten...p;lang=eng_news I've not seen it reported on the BBC yet like. The poorest in Britain live like Kings? Also to suggest that the period of economic imperialism is to blame for global poverty is blatantly wrong. Old hat Marxist clap trap. "compared to other places". £24 a day (£6 a day for a house of 4) is better than $1 a day. "to a large extent". Stealing the resources of a poorer, weaker country doesn't help it prosper.
  20. Scientist reports outcome of experiments show 90% liklihood of Global Warming being man made - The sceptics dismiss it. Scientist reports we can't be 100% about it - The sceptics are all over it. Most of us see that both reports are factual.
  21. People (greed) are to blame? I've fed a cat and eaten Ice Cream and i don't think I'm greedy. The poorest people in britain live like kings compared to other places though. £8,800 per household is over £24 a day. I'm sure I read that the WHO classify povery as surviving on $1 a day or less. Of course, our wealth and 'their' suffering is to a large extent built on our subjugation of 'them' historically. Unfortunately, I can't imagine anyone winning the next election running on a platform of debt relief for poor nations, especially in the current economic climate, no matter how much Bono tries to push it up the agenda. It's in the news today that Afghanistan are getting $1.6Bn debt relief....but Haiti aren't, just another $100million loan to perpetuate the cycle of poverty. It's only demons like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela who'll give Haiti a chance... http://www.etaiwannews.com/etn/news_conten...p;lang=eng_news I've not seen it reported on the BBC yet like.
  22. While provision of basic education for all would require $6 billion, $8 billion is spent on cosmetics in the US; While water and sanitation for all would require $9 I billion, Europeans spend $11 billion on ice cream. While reproductive health for all women would cost $12 billion, Europeans and Americans spend $12 billion on perfumes. While basic health needs could be provided for $13 billion, people spend $17 billion on pet food in the US and Europe.
  23. I thought the need for him to lean on his own party was self evident given the likes of Joe Lieberman are in a supposedly liberal political party. They're not just fiscally conservative democrats, they're more like undercover Republicans infiltrating the party and shifting it to the right from within. Democracy Now are trying to secure funding for true liberal candidates to run against democrats who are most egregiously in bed with lobbyists. I totally agree on tempered expectations. Even without the broken promises I was also saying before the election that his policies as outlined in no way suggested more than a tiny fraction of the 'change' his advertising suggested.
  24. Obama wasn't exactly leaning on any democrats to vote along party lines....lines that he dictates. Why do you think he needs to lean on his fellow democrats at all? On such a clear cut issue that the majority want, why would he need to jivvy-up the troops? Not sure how to interpret the idea that he chose a deliberately risky path through the law for the Guantanamo proposals. Its as though the suggestion is he is evil and not to be trusted. Which is funnily enough pretty much on GOP's messaging. Which has been my point all along. No-one's saying it was intentional evil-doing..he says...
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