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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. You've ignored the facts again there. I'll repeat them.... "MI5 was fully aware of the brutal treatment he received, and" not only "provided information and questions to be asked by his torturers" but also "helped 'interrogate' Mohamed in Pakistan in 2002" "The courts have concluded that British officers were, indeed, deeply enmeshed in the abuse" "MI5 kept files relating to the treatment of Mohamed from the ISC" "It is a crime to commit ‘an act which constitutes complicity in torture." you are still ignoring the basic point, why don't we tell him to fuck off and sue the other countries, particularly the ones who actually did the torturing You hand wringers really are making this country an easy touch For the third time.... "British officers were, indeed, deeply enmeshed in the abuse" And If you repeat that he should sue the countries that tortured him, I'll repeat myself again. Which country do you think he should sue, if not the US or the UK?
  2. http://www.newstatesman.com/film/2010/02/p...ar-american-war
  3. They've got Leazes and Stevie bang on The author discusses the report here... Angry White Men Back on topic, this is repeated on More4 at 8.30pm tonight... Young, Angry and White In July 2009, almost a million voters chose the BNP in the EU elections. But it's not just traditional BNP voters swelling the ranks, with a recent survey finding one in 20 young people would vote BNP. Against this backdrop, Peter Beard follows 19-year-old Kieren, who is considering joining the party. Kieren is looking for a home in the BNP but is unsure that it represents his views. Having been a fervent nationalist from the age of 15, he is concerned that the BNP is losing its radical edge and selling out its racial policies. His choice is made more difficult by the fact he comes from a moderate family who find many of his far-right views shocking. There is concern that the opinions and choices he is making at a young age could have serious consequences for his future. This fascinating First Cut documentary offers an insight into a young person's attraction to a party whose policies and image continue to cause extreme controversy throughout the country. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/young-a...ite/4od#3032994
  4. I'm sure I've mentioned it, but Pedro stabbed me in the heart when he told me the fans are to blame for our current league position. I'll never look at him the same now that he's become an Ashley shill.
  5. They aren't playing here though. Got tickets to Panda Bear I'm not going to see Hot Chip any more. If anyone wants a couple of tickets and can pick them up from Cobalt/Silverlink before 5.30pm, drop me a PM.
  6. His prediction was the board would be full of happy campers if it happened. He was wrong so he's registered as Dummydan to give that illusion.
  7. Am I unfair on Jonas? He ran their defence ragged, had them in his pocket.....but still didn't have any end product aa far as I could see. In his few games at the club Routledge has already scored as many and probably provided as many assists as Jonas has all season. I thought he thoroughly deserved man of the match.
  8. You've ignored the facts again there. I'll repeat them.... "MI5 was fully aware of the brutal treatment he received, and" not only "provided information and questions to be asked by his torturers" but also "helped 'interrogate' Mohamed in Pakistan in 2002" "The courts have concluded that British officers were, indeed, deeply enmeshed in the abuse" "MI5 kept files relating to the treatment of Mohamed from the ISC" "It is a crime to commit ‘an act which constitutes complicity in torture."
  9. Liam responds to Peter Kay's face. By Tweeting two days later. Particularly ironic given his long history of using interviews to slag off other people like Blur, Robbie Williams, 'our kid' and all the others.
  10. 10 years since finishing Uni I'm STILL hugely relieved whenever I'm sat in the house watching telly or playing on the X-Box that I don't have the feeling of guilt about the poor effort that's going into my homework. Being a student is the worst job in the world.
  11. In a very convoluted and unjust sort of way. His solution is to make sure the government cannot be placed on such charges to ensure they get away with it, rather than holding them to account and punishing their misdeeds to put off future governments from repeating and worsening the offences. For someone so opposed to the USSR and their style of government/justice/disappearances in the night it's a confuzzled point of view. get away with what ? Other countries torture him, he thinks he can sue us, and you agree with it ? What planet do you live on If that were the case, he wouldn't have a case and would be told to fuck off. But the facts are.... "MI5 was fully aware of the brutal treatment he received, and" not only "provided information and questions to be asked by his torturers" but also "helped 'interrogate' Mohamed in Pakistan in 2002" "The courts have concluded that British officers were, indeed, deeply enmeshed in the abuse" "MI5 kept files relating to the treatment of Mohamed from the ISC" "It is a crime to commit ‘an act which constitutes complicity in torture." you should go back and read Toonpacks post about the good guys and the bad guys HF. There are a lot of bad guys out there and its about time you recognised who they are and ask yourself again, why WE should foot the bill and others are quite happy to see us do it. We owe him nothing. He will claim from us, because we are the only ones daft enought to contemplate it. You're no longer denying UK involvement in his treatment. You're denying his right to be compensated as an innocent man on the grounds of a high level concept of the existence of good and evil that ignores the facts of the case. The reason he's claiming from us (and the US) is that we're the country(s) that colluded to jail and tortured him for 7 years without charge. He's not going to sue Switzerland is he?
  12. In a very convoluted and unjust sort of way. His solution is to make sure the government cannot be placed on such charges to ensure they get away with it, rather than holding them to account and punishing their misdeeds to put off future governments from repeating and worsening the offences. For someone so opposed to the USSR and their style of government/justice/disappearances in the night it's a confuzzled point of view. get away with what ? Other countries torture him, he thinks he can sue us, and you agree with it ? What planet do you live on If that were the case, he wouldn't have a case and would be told to fuck off. But the facts are.... "MI5 was fully aware of the brutal treatment he received, and" not only "provided information and questions to be asked by his torturers" but also "helped 'interrogate' Mohamed in Pakistan in 2002" "The courts have concluded that British officers were, indeed, deeply enmeshed in the abuse" "MI5 kept files relating to the treatment of Mohamed from the ISC" "It is a crime to commit ‘an act which constitutes complicity in torture."
  13. In a very convoluted and unjust sort of way. His solution is to make sure the government cannot be placed on such charges to ensure they get away with it, rather than holding them to account and punishing their misdeeds to put off future governments from repeating and worsening the offences. For someone so opposed to the USSR and their style of government/justice/disappearances in the night it's a confuzzled point of view.
  14. The "human rights" you mock so easily are exactly what gives you the right to hold and express your views. The weren't handed down from on high - they had to be fought for over centuries. Now you want to chuck them away because you're scared of women in veils. I am quite aware of the fact I have human rights, and how and why. I've said this before though, nobody has 100% freedom of speech, you have to accept laws and certain responsibilities in life. Women in veils ? Don't make me laugh, they are saying they will bomb us unless we let them do as they like. That is not freedom of speech, it should be a jail offence and a deportation order to another country as such that suits their beliefs. You are aware a bombers use them as disguises aren't you ? If a bomber hid his bomb in a kids football would you insist we ban the game and deport* anyone that plays. *love how you're still holding the diametrically opposed opinions that other countries are going to gladly take in thousands of British deportees....while insisting Britain should clamp down on asylum. It holds up for wummery, but not real life.
  15. I reckon they should just take him out. The judge? sorry, I meant those who think they can sue them The bloke wrongly arrested, jailed for 7 years, tortured throughout and released without charge is to blame and deserves to be punished? tell him he's lucky to be out and fuck off. If he wants to sue anybody, he should sue those who imprisoned him. Another example of how soft and stupid we are. He's part of a civil suit in the US too...that doesn't mean the UK shouldn't also be held account for the 7 years of inhumane treatment against a man who'd done nothing beyond surfing the web. Oh dear, how sad Omellete's/eggs etc etc He should sue the fundamentalist clerics, who by their actions have created the environment where "these things happen". Root cause analysis and all that Aye, the Birmingham 6 should be told to fuck off and find the people that REALLY did it before they get any compen too. The justice system can't be expected to be held accountable when if fucks up completely.
  16. Only briefly. He found it all a bit too perpetual.
  17. I reckon they should just take him out. The judge? sorry, I meant those who think they can sue them The bloke wrongly arrested, jailed for 7 years, tortured throughout and released without charge is to blame and deserves to be punished? tell him he's lucky to be out and fuck off. If he wants to sue anybody, he should sue those who imprisoned him. Another example of how soft and stupid we are. He's part of a civil suit in the US too...that doesn't mean the UK shouldn't also be held account for the 7 years of inhumane treatment against a man who'd done nothing beyond surfing the web.
  18. I reckon they should just take him out. The judge? sorry, I meant those who think they can sue them The bloke wrongly arrested, jailed for 7 years, tortured throughout and released without charge is to blame and deserves to be punished?
  19. My brother's met more people off here than I have. He says you're all cunts.
  20. I reckon they should just take him out. The judge?
  21. On the subject of Miliband, I tend to concentrate on the US because they sponsor the torture, but the news last week of the UK's complicity is shameful... http://www.wsws.org/articles/2010/feb2010/biny-f17.shtml
  22. We don't..... Cheyney says "I was a big supporter of waterboarding" Cheyney can go on national TV and gloat of the war crimes he supported while in office safe in the knowledge that attorney general Eric Holder will do fuck all about it. As Andrew Sullivan notes... http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_...erboarding.html Who's got the Cojones to start legal proceedings? I reckon you should lay a complaint and summons down South Shields Mags. Granted it might have to be transferred to Newcastle if it gets up and running, but you can claim bus fares back. Milliband has Shields sewn up man, he's not averse to pressuring judges. I'll get Bridget on it down in mackem land
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