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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. The other one I liked was that every year as many Americans die from being underweight as die from being obese. You always hear about the fatties killing themselves, but get only occasional anecdotal stuff about the skinnies. Makes sense when when the diet industry is worth $100billion a year.
  2. Been listening to the Freakonomics podcasts today. All about proprtionate levels of anxiety. It's been almost 10 years since anyone died from terrorism in the US, but every single year since then deaths have resulted from playing American Football. Since gridiron began, only in 1990 were there no fatalities.....but the profits come from making terrorism a national obsession and from enjoying recreational sports. I know it's nowt to do with flu, but i didn't want to start a thread for that small snippet.
  3. That positive outlook didn't last long. Wouldn't have thought you'd be so supportive off Mike this last few weeks if you don't think ANY of his January signings are close to good enough. you misunderstand January was about getting us promoted. The summer dealings will be about keeping us up. I have every confidence this will be sorted in the summer. My negativity is in the current midfield and srikers to do well in the prem. You think Ashley will buy better strikers and midfielders across the board...even though he's reported to be offering the players we have reduced rate contract extensions? Unbelievable Geoff.
  4. You should drink more HF end of thread that post tbh. Bradford. cockneys. How do you know they are british. Scousers. mackems. teesiders. taffs. Say no more. I don't. that's why I used questions. How do you know the lad in your opening post isn't British?
  5. I'd usually get Shure or Etymotic in ear ones but I'm off to the US later in the year so I got these for £12.99 (£17 off) to tide me over....
  6. Whossat then? I believe they toured the bowling alleys of every Canadian province and recorded one of those shows. There was a track on last weeks All Songs Considered. EDIT: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1633562/2...309/story.jhtml
  7. That positive outlook didn't last long. Wouldn't have thought you'd be so supportive off Mike this last few weeks if you don't think ANY of his January signings are close to good enough.
  8. I've had a few cans tonight so I'll bite. Living next door to you.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/south_y...ire/8559750.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/bradford/8561204.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/8560408.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wear/8560008.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/mid/8560287.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8560093.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/tees/8560205.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/berkshire/8560596.stm Why've you not started threads for any of these today Leazes? Proper British Criminals who've comitted proper British crimes? What's your solution? Deport them?
  9. http://www.newstatesman.com/international-...rael-rami-nurit
  10. Really? From what I've seen it's always Israel is a monster, Israel is the biggest threat to world peace etc and the new channels seem biased towards that view. There's always two sides to these war debates. People should feel sorry for the Jews as well given the persecution they have had to put up with for centuries/milleniums. Erm.. I think a nation armed to the teeth bombing civilian districts with no air defense doesn't bear one iota of sympathy. It's barbaric and totally unwarranted and disproportionate. If America had any balls they would stop all aid to Israel immediately. the bombing might have been an over-reaction and i agree it was heavy handed but it was a reaction to relentelss rockets being fired into israel. Shall we examine civilian death counts on either sde? i'm aware of it, and i agree that israel's reaction was too heavy handed but there had to be a reaction. what's the alternative? ignore the rockets that are fired into your territory? it's israel's right as a soverign state to protext itself from terrorist attacks. i doubt many countries across the world would ignore it. Look at the maps mate. You think those rockets being fired aren't themselves a tiny proportional response to that travesty that's been ongoing for 65 years? EDIT: Also, "terrorist attacks" isn't the description, it's legitimate resistance. legitimacy is moot - depends on which side you're on. Legitimacy is not moot. If the rocket attacks were not legitimate responses to illegal occupation then they'd be terrorism. The BBC and Fox will paint it as terrorism and you'll lap it up as a balanced view of Israeli baddies versus Palestinian baddies. But ALL of the aggression in this situation is from Israeli colonialism. Palerstinians are not looking to expand the Gaza strip into Israel. The Geneva Declaration on Terrorism states: “As repeatedly recognised by the United Nations General Assembly, peoples who are fighting against colonial domination and alien occupation and against racist regimes in the exercise of their right of self-determination have the right to use force to accomplish their objectives within the framework of international humanitarian law. Such lawful uses of force must not be confused with acts of international terrorism.” the jewish people have lived in israel/palestine/call it what you will since biblical times. to them it has always been their home, even before the war of 1948 and declaration of independence. from the israeli standpoint, it's tempting to question whether the last 65 years could have been avoided if the arab nations had accepted the UN plan for a palestinian and jewish state side by side. but israel as we now know it IS a democratic sovereign state and because of that has the right to defend its borders from attacks. from the arab pov, they have been displaced and are now fighting for their freedom against a much more powerful force. in their eyes, israel is the terrorist and their cause is legitimate. personally, i feel sorry for the innocent people caught up in it on both sides. it seems like the conflict is going to go on and on, despite large numbers on both sides who crave a peaceful resolution. it's the fundamentalists on both sides that are to blame. the brain-washed suicide bombers on the arb side and the far right in the israeli government plus the orthodox jews who refuse to withdraw from the settlements. Again, not so. Were the French Resistance that refused to surrender to German rule and sabotaged them at every opportunity fundamentalists? Most people would say the French that gave up sovereignty so easily were the cheese eating surrender monkeys, and those that didn't were heroes. There is no balanced view of both sides of the argument here. That's what the media push though, that it's a very difficult and complicated situation whereby both sides have a strong ethical point supporting their actions. It's far simpler than that, either you agree Israel have the right to create a state of apartheid and to do so by force (and a large number of Israeli jews don't at all, many within government), or you believe Palestinians have the right to oppose that. but though israel's retaliation was heavy-handed , they had to do something. it seems excessive to us as outsiders but if you lived as an israeli with the threat of suicide bombers and rockets being fired into your homeland you would demand that something was done.
  11. Really? From what I've seen it's always Israel is a monster, Israel is the biggest threat to world peace etc and the new channels seem biased towards that view. There's always two sides to these war debates. People should feel sorry for the Jews as well given the persecution they have had to put up with for centuries/milleniums. Erm.. I think a nation armed to the teeth bombing civilian districts with no air defense doesn't bear one iota of sympathy. It's barbaric and totally unwarranted and disproportionate. If America had any balls they would stop all aid to Israel immediately. the bombing might have been an over-reaction and i agree it was heavy handed but it was a reaction to relentelss rockets being fired into israel. Shall we examine civilian death counts on either sde? i'm aware of it, and i agree that israel's reaction was too heavy handed but there had to be a reaction. what's the alternative? ignore the rockets that are fired into your territory? it's israel's right as a soverign state to protext itself from terrorist attacks. i doubt many countries across the world would ignore it. Look at the maps mate. You think those rockets being fired aren't themselves a tiny proportional response to that travesty that's been ongoing for 65 years? EDIT: Also, "terrorist attacks" isn't the description, it's legitimate resistance.
  12. Me, You and Them Brazillian film from 2000 in which an old man proposes to a younger woman, convincing her it'll be worthwhile because he'll die soon and she'll be left with his house to bring up her illegitimate son. She's soon moved another couple of blokes in and is knocking out sprogs left right and centre. Not bad. Bombon, El Perro Lovely Argentinian film from 2004 about a down on his luck middle aged gent who's lost his low paying petrol station job and been forced to move back in with his daughter. After doing someone a favour, he's rewarded with a pedigree dog and from then on his luck gets better and better as he enters it in shows and offers it's stud services. I most enjoyed when the Dog sits next to him in the car.
  13. Id run with this myself. Colo had a poor first season but Id be interested to see how he done next. I think he'd be much improved. Though the whole squad will have to step up and get used to playing decent sides again with alot less time. Plus when you say cut it, Im just looking for a side that wont be relegated, Im not expecting miracles. So we need 8 new players, 4 first teamers and 4 more for back-up? I think that's going much too far (not to mention living in cloud cuckoo land if you think Ashley will cover it). One new pacy midfielder getting Butt's wages and one new top flight quality striker getting Geremi's will do the job. A left back to cover for Enrique would be nice too like. i hope that ashley has learnt from his mistakes. i'm not expecting massive investment but this group of players failed last time. if we're to avoid another relegation battle i think he's going to need to bring in at least 5 players capable of going straight into the first team. Not quite this group. The whole club was falling apart at the seams, there was huge disruption off the pitch and no-one wanted to be at the club, if anyone else was interested in signing them. We underachieved to a massive degree getting relegated with the squad we had. I think our best bet is to a large extent sticking with the players that have got us promoted, with a tweak or two here and there. A couple of bad results early on with a squad that haven't gelled and have no heart for the club could lead to a nightmare imo.
  14. You wouldnt keep Barton who has proved he can keep a club in the top flight? Or Colocinni? Or Gutierrez? Personally i would sell Nolan and look to get someone with pace and strength to play along Guthrie who i see as capable of playing a similar role as Carrick. I think we need a new right back and a new striker, if sunderland go down we should try and get Benteee. I think we have 4 defenders and 4 midfielders who are good enough to start prem games. I'd want to strengthen that starting 4 in midfield though and RB is not covered in that. For stikers its a bit complicated. I think Carroll has started to develop as a decent striker this season, its been a year of development for him so you've got to hope he can translate that into a step up to the top flight. I see Lovenkrands as decent but was not happy with his overall performances when we were up there. Maybe that will change and would agree he should be kept. Ranger is one for the future still, Best i dont think is good enough but i wouldnt know and Shola is a possible. If the mackems go down, i'd suggest Bent, like i suggested 2/3 seasons ago and was laughed at. Get Crouch. He isn't getting a club game and is about to win a world cup....and we have to have an England striker.
  15. http://www.juancole.com/2010/03/israel-hum...-announces.html
  16. Id run with this myself. Colo had a poor first season but Id be interested to see how he done next. I think he'd be much improved. Though the whole squad will have to step up and get used to playing decent sides again with alot less time. Plus when you say cut it, Im just looking for a side that wont be relegated, Im not expecting miracles. So we need 8 new players, 4 first teamers and 4 more for back-up? I think that's going much too far (not to mention living in cloud cuckoo land if you think Ashley will cover it). One new pacy midfielder getting Butt's wages and one new top flight quality striker getting Geremi's will do the job. A left back to cover for Enrique would be nice too like.
  17. For what it's worth, when Llambias was doing the rounds last week he said there are 28,000 season ticket holders at the moment.
  18. Gorillaz - Plastic Beach Good stuff. Particularly Mark E Smith and Bobby Womack's contributions.
  19. Of course, this all assumes Ashley won't put us into administration, stop paying anyone, fail to earn another point and get 9 points deducted. His capacity to fuck us over shouldn't be underestimated.
  20. Aye, everyone else is obsessed with Shepherd. YOU want to heap praise on them at any and every opportunity, whether it's to compare Ashley with them or Benjamin Netanyahu. You're like a 50 year old that hates his wife and won't stop furiously masturbating over some 18 year old that once gave you a nosh. Face it man, she was a slag too. Forget about it. It's history. Slate Ashley on his own terms.
  21. You never like Jonny said it in August last year. Then Jimbo, then Donald Stott, then you in October http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...ite=hurt+locker I had no idea if I said it first or not, but there was no way I was going to be sad enough to trawl through that thread and check. The seconds it took to do a search on "hurt locker" with results by ascending post was well worth it to make sure you were blahn oot
  22. You never like Jonny said it in August last year. Then Jimbo, then Donald Stott, then you in October http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...ite=hurt+locker
  23. Can he actually call in the debts whilst he owns the club? I assume any such manouvre would involve the club going into receivership which is not a good move for Ashley to make whatever way you look at it. Otherwise he would have to sell the club to be able to call in any debt. With any potential buyers (who aren't Mike Ashley) sure to perform due dilligence there would be no way that the club could be sold if the levels of debt that Happy Feet has calculated actually exist I never calculated those figures, it's what Ashley says. If this is the case it leaves Ashley in a position where the only thing that he can do is attempt to redress the shortfall in revenue against outgoings in order to make the club profitable. Once it's profitable it would be in a better position to sell, but only once the profit has been ploughed back into the club/the debters in order to improve the total financial position. This is exactly the point. We're a badly run club and will be for a long time yet. If we're losing 26million pounds this year, then we were in the red in previous years. I'm not suggesting we're in a better position with Ashley but more-so that we're in an equally shit position. Shepherd was hush hush regarding financial matters so it's tough to properly gauge the financial position of the club when it was sold. All we have to go by is what has come out of Ashley's PR machine Not true. All the figures from then have been published and can be read at nufc-finances.org.uk there was £70m of debt and £33m losses for the season. When it comes down to it any statements that they have made have always been with a purpose - either to herald Ashley pouring money into the club to cover debt/keep things running or to give an excuse as to why players had to be sold, or why players couldn't be bought. When they know that there's no real way for any of their 'facts' to be checked they can and will say whatever the fuck they want to suit whatever their current agenda happens to be. Whatever they say can be checked when the accounts come out. The 2009 accounts are out in the next month or so
  24. Far more inclined to vote for the Iraq film where Americans are the victims. Avatar's more realistic tbh
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