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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Where do they get this shit? EDIT:....oh aye, it's from Llambarse
  2. The new Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip. nice.
  3. I guess access to tabs will reduce his chances of expanding the reduced capability set in future and also ensures that it's size is more rapidly decreased by his accelerated removal, enriching opportunity for the few that remain. Not that I'd endorse eugenics of course.
  4. Well done. Remember to donate generously to those less well off once you're stinking rich. If everyone had access to the same 'capability set' (which they dont) then i would argue he should not donate anything. Inequalities are not inequitable. Does that mean you think he should give Jonny Decka a tab when asked or not?
  5. Well done. Remember to donate generously to those less well off once you're stinking rich.
  6. The Hollywood perception that get's sold around the world is far from reality though, the model as advertised is a lie. Human Rights? The US are one of few countries where the state endorse torture of detainees. High standard of living? "Russia is top of the world league of child poverty with 26.6 per cent of children living below the poverty line. The US ranks second with a rate of 26.3 per cent; Britain is third at 21.3 per cent, while Italy comes in only slightly behind this at 21.2 per cent" http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-...gue-693606.html Freedom of thought and religion are reducing too. So these are relative rates rather than absolute rates? Meaning, for instance, an American 'poor child' will still have huge benefits copared to a child from Zambia? Interesting stuff maybe, but you have to take these facts in context. Of course...and the fact that the cost of living is proportionally higher too. Quarter of the population of the world survive without any electricity and in monetary terms they're poorer than the majority of Americans who have power. But that's attributing disproportionate importance to monetary wealth. Someone can live a far more healthy self-sustained life on a yak farm in Peru where a family get by on $10 a week, than in a welfare house in New Orleans where the entire family gets $200 a week (plucking figures out of the air). Aye. All of which makes your 'comparisons' less valid imo. I don't see how that makes the world health organisations (not mine) comparisons invalid. It shows that in the UK and the US there's a far greater disparity between the wealthy and the poor. If anything it's even more shameful that with such a high level of average wealth western democracies don't do more to lift their own citizens out of poverty.
  7. The Hollywood perception that get's sold around the world is far from reality though, the model as advertised is a lie. Human Rights? The US are one of few countries where the state endorse torture of detainees. High standard of living? "Russia is top of the world league of child poverty with 26.6 per cent of children living below the poverty line. The US ranks second with a rate of 26.3 per cent; Britain is third at 21.3 per cent, while Italy comes in only slightly behind this at 21.2 per cent" http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-...gue-693606.html Freedom of thought and religion are reducing too. So these are relative rates rather than absolute rates? Meaning, for instance, an American 'poor child' will still have huge benefits copared to a child from Zambia? Interesting stuff maybe, but you have to take these facts in context. Of course...and the fact that the cost of living is proportionally higher too. Quarter of the population of the world survive without any electricity and in monetary terms they're poorer than the majority of Americans who have power. But that's attributing disproportionate importance to monetary wealth. Someone can live a far more healthy self-sustained life on a yak farm in Peru where a family get by on $10 a week, than in a welfare house in New Orleans where the entire family gets $200 a week (plucking figures out of the air).
  8. Incredible point of view if it's anyone but Llambias. Ashley has loaned the club vast quantities more than Shepherd ever had to borrow.
  9. The Hollywood perception that get's sold around the world is far from reality though, the model as advertised is a lie. Human Rights? The US are one of few countries where the state endorse torture of detainees. High standard of living? "Russia is top of the world league of child poverty with 26.6 per cent of children living below the poverty line. The US ranks second with a rate of 26.3 per cent; Britain is third at 21.3 per cent, while Italy comes in only slightly behind this at 21.2 per cent" http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-...gue-693606.html Freedom of thought and religion are reducing too.
  10. I will, as soon as the odds on first manager to get the sack in Premier League are made available. i would agree that he'll be the favourite for the chop but what else can you do as a supporter but get behind him? i think it's an unplayable situation. what do you do? sack the manager that takes us up or give him a chance and get behind him even though you don't fancy him to do a decent job? given that he will almost certainly still be in charge if we are promoted and ashley still our owner i don't see what we can do other than get behind him. you could equally apply that logic to proven trophy winners who had just got you to the FA Cup Final. Lets hope the "timing" of a change is spot on, whatever that means. 25
  11. I hear that a lot as an argument against crouch but you can only score against those put in front of you and, for the most part, as one of the top ten teams in the world we are constantly put up against what we'd call "shit opposition" what with the seedings and such you may as well criticise messi for not scoring against teams better than barca Aye, seems strange to ignoe him cos he only scores against the 'shit' opposition when the 'several better forwards in the picture' couldn't themselves manage to score against Belarus, Ukraine, Egypt and the like.
  12. When Hull can't afford the payout to sack that orange mackem you know there's no money left in football.
  13. The pet rottweiler is off the leash and is going to maul the baby. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8567706.stm
  14. Happy birthday big fella
  15. 3 articles that make unsurprising reading when read in conjunction.... http://www.newstatesman.com/international-...a-murdoch-media October 2008.... http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2008/oc...-rupert-murdoch http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/20...ry-media-policy
  16. http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_gr...rats/index.html
  17. Beckham crocked. Played his last for England. RIP http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...midfielder.html
  18. How To Train Your Dragon (3d) I went in with low expectations and the first hour is pretty ropey with nothing that you don't get from the trailer. But the last 40 minutes really picks it up with some fantastically entertaining 3D action, some very touching moments and some unexpected views on terrorism and how any hope in 'defeating' it lies with the next generation the film is aimed at (no-one else thought that was the point like, but I'm certain of it). Still don't know why anyone angry in a film has to be Scottish. Shrek, The Spartans, The Mad-Hatter (ONLY when he's angry) and now these vikings (whose less angry children are all American ). Checking the people involved I was even more wrong to have low expectations, there's a lot of ex-Disney involvement. People that worked on most of the modern classics from Beauty And The Beast onwards. Oh, and there was a new Toy Story 3 trailer before it which was immense One more thing. Out of 17 screens it's sad to see 12 taken up with Alice in Wonderland and Avatar. I remember when the multiplexes promised more screens would mean more choice.
  19. Do the well off do less work to pass their exams?
  20. Lovely film, got that on DVD. You seen Tetro yet? Never even knew it was being made. After the panning that Youth Without Youth got I'd lost all hope for Coppola. Alice In Wonderland Saw it with a cinema full of kids and it was all very quiet. No laughs or owt. It's not bad though.
  21. I thought I'd hoyed up some snow ones.....
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