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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I'm jealous. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...indhotelinth-21 Get to it.
  2. I don't know what a razer is, but it's a blank keyboard. After 20 years of typing I'm still looking at the keys.
  3. "The artistic achievement of Treme is that it blends bluntness with the nuances of gorgeous music." "This is a spectacular new series, with some stunning performances--Pierce, Peters, Zahn, in particular--and gorgeous music." "Just like "The Wire," Simon has again delivered a series unlike anything you've seen on television before." "Treme is like Cajun food--it's spicy, it's weird and it's good, but it takes a while to appreciate." "Treme puts everything into every scene. The camerawork is rich and the direction squeezes every nuance from the actors. The city's history has been painstakingly researched and effortlessly inserted into the writing. As a result, the moments—or notes—that make up this show are all that much richer, that much livelier." http://www.metacritic.com/tv/shows/treme
  4. Happy Face


    Started a couple of weeks ago..... http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/09/arts/tel...ml?pagewanted=2
  5. Not bought yet, anyone know where I can get one for less than £50?
  6. If you're posting from China It wasn't invented was the correct answer. What comes out of my lighter then?
  7. If you're posting from China
  8. Brought back from the edge of lunacy by that clause. Pipe down. We've done more for the world than anyone. Half the people in the world would be in caves if it wasn't for us. I recommend this mate.... http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...ry+of+the+world Well yee would I'll take that as a compliment. In the 2 million years since our ancestors started thinking ahead of the other animals it's only been about the last 500 or so where Britain (or the area britain occupies) have made much of an impact.
  9. Brought back from the edge of lunacy by that clause. Pipe down. We've done more for the world than anyone. Half the people in the world would be in caves if it wasn't for us. I recommend this mate.... http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...ry+of+the+world
  10. Probs worth £100 or so... You'd pay $2000 for a Japanese import first edition of his first album.... http://www.musicpriceguide.com/495336/BOB_...L_LP_W_OBI.html
  11. http://www.newstatesman.com/sport/2010/04/...liverpool-south
  12. The away kit looks like a rugby top.
  13. To be fair the majority of Israeli's would accept a two state solution, slightly more than the Palestinians.... 74 percent of Palestinians and 78 percent of Israelis are willing to accept a two-state solution. As predominantly happens in older democracies though, the leadership rarely listens to the electorate.
  14. following on.... http://www.juancole.com/2010/04/netanyahu-...new-policy.html
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8601172.stm
  16. No you areNo you areNo you areNo you areNo you areNo you areNo you areNo you areNo you areNo you areNo you are
  17. Bloke at work had to stay in his villa on the costa del sol for an extra 3 or 4 days and he was going on like it was the worst nightmare of his life. No Dunkirk Spirit whatsoever.
  18. Call me stupid, but I tend to get get a bit pissed off when someone says I favour the rape of kids. Perhaps Toontastic should introduce a smiley that's disguised itself as a school you can use when joking about paedophilia. Apologies, as you rightly pointed out I was just talking shite. Gladly accepted.
  19. Call me stupid, but I tend to get get a bit pissed off when someone says I favour the rape of kids. Perhaps Toontastic should introduce a smiley that's disguised itself as a school you can use when joking about paedophilia.
  20. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/23/opinion/...=NytimesKrugman
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