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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Indeed. Clegg has lost the plot on that one. It sends out the wrong message. It's a vote loser and not what Joe Public wants to hear (because they're bigots aren't they Gordon?) Clegg floundering a bit tonight imo. It's a common sense idea to collect tax from illegals that are working rather than spending money on keeping them....but you're right, that old gadgie that got called a bigot doesn't want to hear that.
  2. I thought Brown won it tonight, despite his stupid smiling.
  3. Members of the board of directors of the Economist Group include Sir Robert Wilson, Helen Alexander CBE, Sir David Bell, Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Lord Stevenson of Coddenham. Plum sucking mother fuckers.
  4. Kim Wilde - Kids In America It's made me really want to do the Molly Ringwald dance from the Breafast club.
  5. http://www.channel4.com/news/articles/poli...ge+cards/507807
  6. As reported in the US.... http://www.salon.com/news/gordon_brown/ind...d_woman_britain
  7. Well, compared to Cameron he pretty much is actually. What would have happened if Cameron and Osbourne had let the banks collapse? Sorry, I should have clarified: the line needs to be that it's a bit rich positioning yourself as the great rescuer when you were complicit in creating the problem and exposing the country to the global crisis to a massive extent in the first place. True, but what's done is done now, and we are hardly unique in this aspect. I want to back the best man to get us out of the mess, and think Brown is still best qualified to do it. Daftest thing I've ever read. Brown got us into this mess by piss poor planning. We had the biggest economic boom in ages and rather paying off our debt and saving for future issues like the pension time bomb or banking collapse like the Australia did, he wasted it while making arrogant claims (e.g. 'end of boom and bust' etc...). We are in £848.5 billion debt (Feb 2010) and have to pay 42 Billion a year to service it. What baffles me is Gordon has the cheek to attack the Conservatives aim to cut 6 billion spending to try and reduce it, while claiming he will reduce it by half in four years. Wake up and smell the coffee mate, even Shepard would agree borrowing 14 billion a month is wrong. The conservatives have laid out their plan to regulate the banking sector and force them to lend, which will stimulate SME and grow the economy. Super Gordon wants to piss away more money on public services which has created an unsustainable reliance on the public sector. If you want the country to stand any chance vote conservative, if you want to work until you die and live in a crappy over crowed care home with a worthless pension, stick with Gordon - the debt is out of control. Or if you think they're both shite go with one of the many other options.
  8. Lost 2 stone this year , lighter than John Terry (and better lookin) Is this your first Donald? I'm made up for you mate you must be so happy. I heard you had more chins than a chinese phone book, good to shed a few unwanted pounds though Nar mate 6ft2 14st6 don't really want to lose much more weight now. 34 inch waist for the first time in about 6 year happy days. I'm 6ft5 and just under 14st. Wii Fit told me I need to lose another 1st3lb. Daft fucking machine. Anyway, well done Stott. You should celebrate with a little explosion.
  9. I know. They should get their own fucking thread. It's like Rosa Parks never existed
  10. bump You're a terrible fisherman. I'm good at making correct statements though. that's debatable indeed. You were one of the many people who disputed that the Halls and Shepherd were the best owners we have had in 50 years and would be a very difficult act to follow, if I remember correctly ? You were also one of the tosspots who celebrated Ashley buying the club because "anybody would be better than Fred" too. If I am wrong, then state now that you agreed I was correct, because I most certainly said both of these things at the time. Doubt you will though no reply I see............ *cough* http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=732802 *cough* are you Dr Gloom ? I don't get the reference.
  11. bump You're a terrible fisherman. I'm good at making correct statements though. that's debatable indeed. You were one of the many people who disputed that the Halls and Shepherd were the best owners we have had in 50 years and would be a very difficult act to follow, if I remember correctly ? You were also one of the tosspots who celebrated Ashley buying the club because "anybody would be better than Fred" too. If I am wrong, then state now that you agreed I was correct, because I most certainly said both of these things at the time. Doubt you will though no reply I see............ *cough* http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=732802 *cough*
  12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politic...010/8649012.stm She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she. fuckin hell.....I'm no Tory but you are talking left wing looney shite man. Nothing she said is bigoted and having concerns about immigration isn't bigoted either. Get your head out of your arse. I haven't had a chance to listen to what she said yet Stevie, but if she was being a bigot I'm very upset. I'm very annoyed. well its a bog standard accusation usually made by left wing idiots when someone points out genuine concerns about immigration and its effect on the country, both socially and financially. What were her concerns? what ? Obviously not along the lines of "you're doing a good job Gordon keep them coming in............" I've not heard what she said but you've defended her genuine concerns about immigration and its effect on the country, both socially and financially. So what were her genuine concerns on immigration? eer.........the usual concerns that people with concerns are concerned about HF man, he's looking a bigger cunt day by day, he hasn't got a clue, he has zero charisma, he is out of his depth and has shown his private face to be that of a dislikeable arsehole. In short, he's as bad as Cameron but in different ways. The country is fucked. Because one of these idiots is going to win. If its a hung parliament, there will be another election soon after with one or both parties parading different leaders but little if any change in direction. "Bigot" my arse. The only bigot is our tit of a PM. I agree he's a cunt....and i won't vote for him, but that's down to genuine concerns on actual policies (mainly foreign...sending Brits to die senslessly, supporting and implementing torture, exacerbating the problem of terrorism etc). Not vague buzzwords like "immigration" which isn't actually impacting negatively on our economy at all.
  13. She had one thing to say about immigration... "You can't say anything about the immigrants, but all these Eastern Europeans what are coming in...where are they flocking from?"
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politic...010/8649012.stm She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she. fuckin hell.....I'm no Tory but you are talking left wing looney shite man. Nothing she said is bigoted and having concerns about immigration isn't bigoted either. Get your head out of your arse. I haven't had a chance to listen to what she said yet Stevie, but if she was being a bigot I'm very upset. I'm very annoyed. well its a bog standard accusation usually made by left wing idiots when someone points out genuine concerns about immigration and its effect on the country, both socially and financially. What were her concerns? what ? Obviously not along the lines of "you're doing a good job Gordon keep them coming in............" I've not heard what she said but you've defended her genuine concerns about immigration and its effect on the country, both socially and financially. So what were her genuine concerns on immigration?
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politic...010/8649012.stm She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she. fuckin hell.....I'm no Tory but you are talking left wing looney shite man. Nothing she said is bigoted and having concerns about immigration isn't bigoted either. Get your head out of your arse. I haven't had a chance to listen to what she said yet Stevie, but if she was being a bigot I'm very upset. I'm very annoyed. well its a bog standard accusation usually made by left wing idiots when someone points out genuine concerns about immigration and its effect on the country, both socially and financially. What were her concerns?
  16. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politic...010/8649012.stm She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she. fuckin hell.....I'm no Tory but you are talking left wing looney shite man. Nothing she said is bigoted and having concerns about immigration isn't bigoted either. Get your head out of your arse. I haven't had a chance to listen to what she said yet Stevie, but if she was being a bigot I'm very upset. I'm very annoyed.
  17. The main problem with democracy innit? whatever the system... http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/06/magazine...nted=1&_r=1
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politic...010/8649012.stm She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she.
  19. Lush photos like this
  20. Surely a hot, posh, graduate is more likely to feel ashamed of putting out for a footballer she's talked to for 5 minutes and more bitter about being discarded, than an idiot slag who does it week in, week out. Not that that's the case here.
  21. http://garfieldminusgarfield.net/
  22. On a similar note.... www.pauldaniels.co.uk/blog then there's.... http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/
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