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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Particulary funny when Cameron's made a point of whining about Labours leaflets (suggesting the Tories will drop the winter fuel allowance) in the debates.
  2. Time for Spurs to spend big now they're up there with the elite. Course, they won't qualify next year, they'll nose dive down the league and go under when they can't afford to maintain the increased wage bill. *fingers crossed*
  3. Tynemouth's always been Tory historically though. It was only in '97 that it flipped.
  4. 2005 Conservative 47.3% Liberal Democrat 28.0% Labour 18.2% A 10% swing from the Tories to the Lib Dems is surely doable with Cleggmania in full swing It's Lib Dem Target 89.
  5. Yup! Where I picked it up at! That Steinski cd is excellent too.
  6. Nope Lib Dem. I'd love a third option to be realistic in the next election. Two party systems are virtually dictatorships Lib Dems being used to split the Labour vote?? Just a thought. It won't work in South Shields mate.... 2005 RESULT Labour 60.8% Liberal Democrat 19.2% Conservative 17.6% Others 2.4% It might in the marginals. Old trick, if you were wondering why the Lib dems have had a perceived easy ride from monster media. I wouldn't vote Lib Dem if I lived in a marginal I'd vote Labour if I was in Tynemouth.
  7. Nope Lib Dem. I'd love a third option to be realistic in the next election. Two party systems are virtually dictatorships Lib Dems being used to split the Labour vote?? Just a thought. It won't work in South Shields mate.... 2005 RESULT Labour 60.8% Liberal Democrat 19.2% Conservative 17.6% Others 2.4%
  8. Late St Totteringham's Day this year....if it happens.
  9. Nope Lib Dem. I'd love a third option to be realistic in the next election. Two party systems are virtually dictatorships
  10. You can still pay as little as you like for the full album too.... http://illegal-art.net/shop#
  11. 1 null vote/spoiled ballot Theres no option to do so Can't you click "view results" which is the same thing.
  12. Actually it's the textbook definition.
  13. We all know it, just not sure this article was posted at the time... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politic...and/8632636.stm
  14. Good idea. Don't forget the BNP and UKIP. You decided which one you're going for yet? yes Well? well what ? You're presuming I'm going to vote for one of those aren't you Whey you never reminded him to include the English Democrats did you?
  15. Good idea. Don't forget the BNP and UKIP. You decided which one you're going for yet? yes Well?
  16. Good idea. Don't forget the BNP and UKIP. You decided which one you're going for yet?
  17. http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05/0...rse-the-tories/
  18. I've not listened to The Tallest Man on Earth yet. It was high up on the rate your music chart for 2010 though so I thought I'd give it a whack. Folk music too though apparently. Sounds a LOT like he's doing an early Dylan impression. No bad thing.
  19. Seems it always takes a couple of years... September 2008 - the shit hits the fan April 2010 - Riots in Greece and Arizona SB 1070 makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying legal documents. All just little bits of history repeating.
  20. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8661385.stm Free market policies which benefit private businesses pushed through while citizens are busy reacting to a rough crisis. The Shock Doctrine in action.
  21. That's the unfortunate paradox. The people who've benefitted more than anyone else from Labour policies (under educated/low paid/out of work/with kids/pensioners) are the ones that seem illest informed and most likely to vote on a non-existant "issue" like immigration because "they're taking our jobs". "It's not right that we pay for them!" To tell the truth, YOU probably don't.
  22. Shugo Tokumaru's last album is one of my all time favourites. He's a Japanese folk dude, inevitably called the Japanese Sufjan Stevens. I particularly like this little banjo number.... But that's me. This was the single.... I've not listened to The Tallest Man on Earth yet. It was high up on the rate your music chart for 2010 though so I thought I'd give it a whack. Folk music too though apparently.
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