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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. You seen 'The Box' yet? Nope. I took heed of yopur rating though. Going to see the new Herzog one tomorrow night
  2. Wikipedia has a nice condensed history... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war#History
  3. you sure the top wave form is the cd?! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Magneti...ding_production
  4. On a serious note, do they expect the fans to stick their hands in their pockets when they've quite clearly refused to do so? Also, does anyone know what the take-up was for season-tickets pre-31st March? I assume they've already hit their target just on renewals and early apoplications.
  5. Does that mean we'll be getting an additional £16m next season from relegation the season before last...or is it only if you stay down?
  6. is that not because the album was for some reason made loud? Yeah....like most CDs tend to be these days, that's what the article is saying. No record companies want their songs to sound quiet when your ipod is on random. This is the comparison between Snow (RHCP) on CD and vinyl...
  7. Unfortunately it's not something your kit can resolve in many circumstances. My Apocalypse is on the last Metallica album (Death Magnetic). The top waveform is the CD, the bottom is the Guitar Hero version....
  8. For whoever complained about £300 earphones in the Materialism thread.... http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/10/business...ia/10audio.html
  9. The vast majority agree it's a complete balls up. Some are trying to look on the bright side though, and some are fucking idiots. Examples...
  10. That's what everyone on here expects. ...and don't deny it.
  11. Board moderation is a disgrace these days like. The world cup threads would have been merged and this thread would have been moved in a flash if I was running the show. Sort it out someone. ta
  12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8671668.stm Stevens was the most liberal member of the court for decades. He's being replaced by an executive power supporting centrist at best. Sad day for progressives in the US.
  13. Caulkin.... http://timesonline.typepad.com/thegame/201...-quicksand.html
  14. I think I was too angry to notice this before. The nerve. Who'd a thunk if you tell the press lies, they'll repeat them.
  15. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/panic-and...ing-sp-500-pits Right click and "save target as".
  16. Disappointed with the last few films I've watched. Had really high hopes for them too. The Hurt Locker had little story to it. It was really effective in building tension, but played out as a sequence of exciting events rather than a film with anything to say. In The Loop had the opposite problem of too much story. The series is excellent at getting half an hour of big laughs out of innocuous things in politics, but few of the laughs were anything more than chuckles here because they'd blown the scale up too much to make it cinematic.....having said that, it still shits all over any other recent comedy from a great height. Some fantastic stuff about going from discussing the initiation of war in Washington, to helping a mentalist with their wall in the constituency. The standard's just been set too high in the TV show.
  17. The benefit of the doubt (CT) angle is that the statement was written by an uber twunt of magnificent proportion and they've failed to convey their approach properly. "Capital outlay*" means long term investment (over more than a year). So, for example, we wouldn't be buying Owen...or Luque on installments. We will only buy players with what cash there is available.....while also spending enough to ensure survival and avoid the drop in income that would hinder the plan. The long term goal being that the amount spent will not lead to an overall loss year on year. Given that the plan is to slowly reduce the losses over 5 years, we plan to lose £28m next season, then £22m, then 16m etc. Losses for the championship were £32m....so losses could be almost zero next year on TV money alone, suggesting they plan to outlay something. *Capital Outlay Payments made in cash or cash equivalents over a period of more than one year. Capital outlays are used to acquire assets or improve the useful life of existing assets. An example of a capital outlay is the funding to construct a factory. In accounting, capital outlays must be capitalized; that is, the outlay is recognized on a balance sheet gradually over the course of asset's useful life. Capital outlays are recorded as liabilities on a balance sheet. They are also called capital expenditures. http://financial-dictionary.thefreediction.../Capital+Outlay
  18. Seems a petulant way of making a point about what a DOF would offer in their minds. I wonder if they wanted one (as rumoured) and Hughton kicked off....so they've dropped this shit storm in his lap instead.
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