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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. The daily Mail should sell "80 per cent of immigrants vote Labour" T-Shirts. Sums them up perfectly.
  2. Who wrote it? Substitute "Darkies" for Northeners and it gives the true nature of it. Leo McKinstry the man who said "There is nothing barbaric about the death penalty. The real barbarism lies in refusing to punish criminals. The drug-fuelled, crime-ridden, welfare-dependent, fear-filled inner city housing estate in modern Britain is far more savage than any place of execution in China for a trafficker of human misery." Obviously a proud Brit.
  3. I think I read that. Very scary. No link provided on purpose.
  4. And not surprising that is exactly what they ultra right-wing Tories are now calling for... It's marvellous. They run a campaign on reducing waste in public services, smaller government, cutting 10% of MPs....and then they advocate a whole new (and expensive) branch to be created.
  5. Owt North of Watford should fall into the Scottish parliament
  6. I'm getting the feeling these aren't so random.
  7. Thing that stands out for me is the 10k tax band. What's the threshold at the moment? £6k or summat?
  8. I fear that, but he's in now and i'm hoping for the best. Fingers crossed that being wrong on the economy at EVERY turn means he's due to get a few things right. Hopefully having the Lib Dems chipping in will temper some of the more idiotic ideas, without giving the Tories an excuse if they do fail. Seems to me Labour will be resurgent within a very short space of time, rertaining all the votes they got this time and adding to it a large bulk of the dissatisfied Lib Dems....and people who objected personally to Brown rather than Labour policy.
  9. Anyone got that photo of Cameron immediately after talking to the cabinet secretary? Basically said "I'm fucked!"
  10. They're finished. Joe is writing/directing movies and Adam does a show on his own that's not as good. so they got a sort of "lifetime acheivement" sympathy award?....fucks sakes You wouldn't have liked any of the other nominees either... GOLD: Adam and Joe - 6 Music SILVER: Mark Steel's In Town - Radio 4 BRONZE: Bleak Expectations - Radio 4 NOMINEE: Down The Line - Credit Crunch Special - Radio 4 NOMINEE: News Quiz - Radio 4
  11. Didn't get the silver or the bronze either. At least Collings will be pleased.
  12. They're finished. Joe is writing/directing movies and Adam does a show on his own that's not as good.
  13. Seems strange that Radio 4 should win so much...then 5 Live gets station of the year with just Kermode's one award.
  14. Breakfast Show of the Year (10 million-plus listeners) Today (BBC Radio 4) Best Music Programme Dermot O'Leary Show (BBC Radio 2) Best Entertainment Programme The Capital Breakfast Show (95.8 Capital FM) Best Speech Programme Nihal (BBC Asian Network) Music Radio Personality of the Year Scott Mills (BBC Radio 1) Music Broadcaster of the Year Zane Lowe (BBC Radio 1) Speech Radio Personality of the Year Frances Finn (BBC Radio Nottingham) Speech Broadcaster of the Year Sir David Attenborough (BBC Radio 4) News Journalist of the Year Lyse Doucet (BBC World Service) Station Programmer of the Year Euan McMorrow (Radio City 96.7) Best Station Imaging Oxfordshire's 106 Jack FM Station of the Year (up to 300,000 listeners) Moray Firth Radio Station of the Year (300,000 - 1 million listeners) BBC Radio Derby Station of the Year (1 million-plus listeners) Kiss 100 Digital Station of the Year Planet Rock National UK Station of the Year BBC Radio 5 live Sony Gold Award Trevor Nelson Special Award BFBS Radio. Sony Rising Star Award Jarvis Cocker (BBC 6 Music) Best Community Programming The New Ballads of Reading Gaol (BBC Radio Berkshire) Best Sports Programme Sportsound (BBC Radio Scotland) Best Feature Archive on 4: Working for Margaret (BBC Radio 4) Best News Special Crossing Continents: Chechnya (BBC Radio 4) Best Competition Who's Calling Christian? (Absolute Radio) Best Music Special Elvis By Bono (BBC Radio 4) Best Internet Programme Hackney Podcast (HackneyPodcast.co.uk) Best Specialist Contributor Mark Kermode (BBC Radio 5 live) Best Single Promo/Commercial Dear Stan (talkSPORT) Best Breaking News Coverage Alzheimer's Tragedy (BBC Radio Ulster) Best News & Current Affairs Programme Newshour - (BBC World Service) Best Use of Branded Content Skins Radio (NME Radio) Best Live Event Coverage Absolute Blur (Absolute Radio) Best Drama People Snogging in Public Places (BBC Radio 3) Best Promotional/Advertising Campaign Vote Joe (Real Radio North East) Best Interview Jenni Murray interviews Sharon Shoesmith, Woman's Hour (BBC Radio 4) Best Comedy Adam and Joe (BBC 6 Music) Best Specialist Music Zane Lowe (BBC Radio 1) Breakfast Show of the Year (under 10 million listeners) Dixie & Gayle, The Real Breakfast Show (Real Radio Yorkshire)
  15. Click Random article, post anything funny you get... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craigmore_Chr...hool#Discipline
  16. What's the point in that? I'd rather keep the tight knit squad we have than trade like for like and risk upseting the apple cart. ....Taylor's obviously not that integral to that team spirit like
  17. They're like a fat lass on a diet.
  18. He's like Michael on Partridge. "STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!"
  19. I had a conversation with a Texan about this a couple of months ago while discussing Guantanamo in general and her attitude was 'fuck them, wrong place, wrong time'. It really is scary how much some educated Americans believe that. Imagine if you said that about any of the victims of 9/11.
  20. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8674179.stm
  21. Are we gonna win it like?
  22. And she's the cunt (and I meant that in the strongest sense) who said on 9/11 "If you're just joining us, the entire eastern seaboard of the United States has been decimated by a terrorist attack".
  23. At least he got off lighter than Peter Andre. The bitch drove that poor sod to tears on live telly.
  24. Impartial journalism. Strange cos Tony Blair went to Boulton's wedding.
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