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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Absolutely the wrong thing to do. That money could hardly be better directed. Disgusting. Anyone remember what school dinners were like under Thatcher? Wummery at its best Gentlemen, well done Not wummery at all. Certainly not on my part. My brother is a low income, stay at home, single father of an under five year old without IS or JSA. This is going to cost him a bomb. Well unlike your headline...... The story is actually about them not rolling out a trial project into a bigger trial project ....therefore ending free school diners that Labour had provided/envisioned.
  2. Absolutely the wrong thing to do. That money could hardly be better directed. Disgusting. Anyone remember what school dinners were like under Thatcher? Wummery at its best Gentlemen, well done Not wummery at all. Certainly not on my part. My brother is a low income, stay at home, single father of an under five year old without IS or JSA. This is going to cost him a bomb.
  3. Tories stopping free school dinners.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/education/10273613.stm They'll be after the milk next.
  4. Of course Joe Public himself has to shoulder some blame for revelling in the credit provided by that deregulation. As I've said before if Brown had at any time said "I'm going to massively limit personal credit and lending" he would have been crucified. I think I've responded to this a few times and said it's baloney. If the government said loan companies could and should be allowed to shotgun your ankles off for defaulting then people who are desparate enough will go ahead and take out that loan. The governments role is to protect those idiotic enough to take out a loan with an APR of 2600% or mortgages worth 150% of the property value.....as well as the intelligent ones like you who know not to take out those loans but suffer the consequences of those that do. That's not limiting lending, it's limiting the return from a loan that's likely to default....and for that he wouldn't have been crucified, because it was already the approach.
  5. I wouldn't blame the average American for anything....apart from voting for anyone but Nader
  6. http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/0...mands-for-pain/
  7. http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/0...pean-austerity/
  8. http://www.juancole.com/2010/06/mystery-of...ube-videos.html
  9. As the clip you posted shows, Maher invites dissenting voices on to argue against Israel. Just because he personally is pro-Israel it doesn't make him as bad as Fox. I don't see how you can show an anti-Israel clip from US TV....then say all US TV is pro Israel.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/nickrobinson/20...chancellor.html As i posted earlier in the thread, on average Thatcher increased spending. She only cut spending 2 years. So ANY cuts will be deeper and tougher than hers. according to paxman last night, thatcher increased public spending every year she was in office. He never said that. He said on average she increased it 1.1% every year. She is responsible for the biggest single year cut in the last 30 years. This is how it breaks down.... Of course, the increased spending went exclusively on the military and law while she cut the shit out of education, health, housing etc.
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/nickrobinson/20...chancellor.html As i posted earlier in the thread, on average Thatcher increased spending. She only cut spending 2 years. So ANY cuts will be deeper and tougher than hers.
  12. Funny watching Paxo rip the shit out of it on Newsnight. "who makes the ultimate decision?" "The government!" "So why are the public involved? They've elected you to govern!" "So we can implement their ideas" "but the country is full of widely divergent ideas, you can't implement them all" "yes, we'll make the ultimate decision" "So why involve the FUCKING PUBLIC DIPSHIT?" Gimmicky bollocks that's no different to listening to voters in constituencies....and ignoring them.
  13. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jun/0...-rise-recession
  14. Even if it's true, I don't see why one persons idiotic views justify the murder of 9 people. Leazes has said anyone protesting the war should be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan or Pakistan (or somewhere, he's never been particularly specific), does that justify the indiscriminate slaughter of 9 Toontastic posters?
  15. Some scary shit like. Having won the Superbowl in 2003 their Buckaneers now have the lowest wage bill in the NFL.
  16. Why the fuck are we taking macro economic advice from a bunch of fucking risk assessors in the fucking first place? Would they be the same risk assessors who looked at risky sub-prime mortgages that had been lumped together and had no clue what the risk was so just gave them a thumbs up and slapped a triple A sticker on them to keep the financial industry happy?
  17. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ENGLAND-1990-NIGEL-C...T-/190402541840 I think Nigel Clough has devalued it tbh
  18. Is that true as a percentage of GDP?
  19. NUFC Box Office fuck up? Inevitably. Most of the old codgers with enough points for a derby ticket haven't been to another away game in 10 year. They should base it on the preceding season points total rather than an ongoing accumulated total.
  20. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...id=opinionsbox1
  21. When (then) speaker of the house Dick Amrey insisted Palestinians should get out of the West Bank... http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn0508.html ...No-one made a peep. That a journalist can't view the same opinion from the other side shows the lack of discourse that's accepted in the US.
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