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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Agree with all that. The problem with pinning it on the Republicans and Bush in particular is that people think things are going any better under new leadership, which is not the case at all. The Democrats have thrown more money, more soldiers and more drones at Afghanistan. They've killed more civilians and as a result created more resentment and more jihadists among the population. The White House have tried to spin the leak as a Republican problem too. Arguing that they only report up to December 2009.....when Obama had been in office for a year. Far from fixing the problem, the house today voted they would throw even more money at it, while ignoring domestic hardship.... http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/07/27/...in6718896.shtml
  2. Oaah Kayah How recent is that photo? It looks like the 80's to me. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sour...,29.5,,0,-16.56
  3. You see, I think this is a common misconception. Local Authorities are subject to both internal and External Audits on how they a run. Its easy for people to assume they are over staffed but I honestly dont think that is the case. Can you tell me which departments of which organisations you think are over staffed? I'm not disagreeing to have a go by the way. You should be disagreeing. In '99 it was at it's lowest level in 60 years. It's still roughly around that level. That's despite the population of the UK growing by a third in the last century, which you'd expect to produce a corresponding growth in administative employees, not a reduction. It should drop though with advances in IT [\Devil's advocate]. I was going to mention that myself. It didn't make Rob less wrong though.
  4. There's a bloke at work who wears a Flying Spaghetti Monster T-shirt. Nerd. It's a canny funny book that makes a very important point, especially against the background of the religious nuttery that is the US. Nowt wrong with nerds, I thought you would have agreed with that. It's not often I'm on the cooler side of anyone else on the nerd scale though. I have to enjoy it when I can. He'd be Moss to my Roy.
  5. Tom Cruise blatantly had it contractually stipulated that he gets the fastest lap. His joy was less convincing than jumping about on Oprah's sofa.
  6. http://howgoodisthat.wordpress.com/2009/08...ght-years-away/
  7. There's a bloke at work who wears a Flying Spaghetti Monster T-shirt. Nerd.
  8. You see, I think this is a common misconception. Local Authorities are subject to both internal and External Audits on how they a run. Its easy for people to assume they are over staffed but I honestly dont think that is the case. Can you tell me which departments of which organisations you think are over staffed? I'm not disagreeing to have a go by the way. You should be disagreeing. In '99 it was at it's lowest level in 60 years. It's still roughly around that level. That's despite the population of the UK growing by a third in the last century, which you'd expect to produce a corresponding growth in administative employees, not a reduction.
  9. There's this thing called google that allows you to check outlandish claims before you make them. http://www.civilservice.gov.uk/about/facts...ics/index.aspx# The civil service has dropped from a peak of 1.1m employees to the 493,000 there currently are (Q1 2010). 1918, end of WW1 – 221,000 1939, start of WW11 – 347,000 1944, highest ever number – 1,160,000 1945, the number stood at – 1,100,000 1977, the highest number in the last 35 years – 746,000 First quarter 1999, the lowest recorded number post WW11 – 478,000 Second quarter 2005, Her Majesty’s Court Service (HMCS) transfer – 536,000 First Quarter 2010, current position – 493,000 It's 65% of the levels it was in the 70s.
  10. For anyone that believes in a creator, who created him?
  11. Paul Weller - Wake Up The Nation Belter
  12. Do you not think it undermines them when they're essentially based on a lie though? I mean, what you consider to be a lie anyway. From a personal viewpoint I think if the Church / Christianity ever had a 'truth' behind it it was lost centuries ago. The dogma makes fuck all sense to me in general. What are 'Christian values' anyway? I take it J69 is referring to the cherry-picked ones which happen to fit into his own personal philosophy. Nowt wrong with that but what's the point in the middle man? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_atheism ?? Don't you know then? I thought this was about what you believed. Still worth pointing out I think that it's a later version of what the Church wanted you think he said rather than stuff he might have said / what actually happened in his life. Still, I'd have more respect for Christians that adhered to that rather than being total fucking hypocrites. I know. It was just to show there are people out there who believe in Christian values but not in God I prefer budhist values.
  13. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/7935406/p...-during-baptism Jesus sobbed
  14. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=763237
  15. The Seahorses - Love Is The Law Only the band The Stone Roses could have ruddy bloody been.
  16. Storage is cheap as chips these days. No reason to be using MP3 at all.
  17. Or an example from the 91,000 reports that came out today..... Read more http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/clos...l#ixzz0unu5ghOY
  18. Operational matters. Doesn't concern us. Those kids would definitley have grown up to be terrorists....even the feotus.
  19. http://journalism.nyu.edu/pubzone/weblogs/...aks_afghan.html
  20. Jay Rosen at NYU highlights the glaring contradictions in the White House response.... http://journalism.nyu.edu/pubzone/weblogs/...aks_afghan.html
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