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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. A good watch and a fairly good summary, however there were two labour partys at play. One, including Brown who wanted to keep going and the younger generation who had no interest in a deal and preferred the time in opposition to stake their own claims for power. ( a wise move). Cameron came out of the program very well.......and yes I would say that.....but he did Don't think he came out particularly well for lying to his own party that Labour would give the Lib Dems voting reforms.
  2. Giving The Suburbs it's first listen now. Rococo makes me think of Gob....
  3. Five Days that Changed Britain Did everyone watch? Labour - Did all they could but had to stick to their principles. Unable to work with outlandish requests from lib dems (who wanted to cut spending immediately even if they joined up with labour) Tories - Reasonable pragmatists, willing to make compromises to bring the Lib Dems in but graciously accept losing out if it happens. Lib Dems - Like a teenage tart at the school disco running after the sexy boy and the funny one at the same time. Somehow contriving to disregard both principle and pragmatism all at once. Won't have done Clegg's poll numbers any good.
  4. All Portsmouth kit items down to £1. http://www.store.portsmouthfc.co.uk/stores....aspx?cid=11140 get your thick socks for winter.
  5. If you haven't taken advantage of the leak, the whole album is streamed here..... http://www.shazamers.com/2010/07/stream-ar...uburbs-in-full/
  6. I still haven't listened to any of it except the couple of songs that leaked a month or two ago. The reviews are gushing.... Even on a cursory listen, a water-testing foray into its 16 tracks, it’s immediately apparent that this is an album unlike either that came before it - BBC Music For all the over-arching themes, The Suburbs is the most rocking Arcade Fire album yet - Prefix The band certainly aims for transcendence on The Suburbs — a work of impressively fervent majesty - EW One of the 21st century's most intelligent and satisfying bands (musically, lyrically, emotionally) have once again set out their stall, and once again produced a work of inspired resonance, capturing truth after truth, in all its muddled, human realism - Music OMH You barely detect it at first, but something miraculous happens on Arcade Fire’s revelatory third album. The songs breathe — occasionally in long exhales, sometimes in staccato gasps - Boston Globe Further proof that The Arcade Fire may indeed be the best band on the planet - Clash Music I shouldn't have read them before listening. No way will it live up to the hype now.
  7. There's two types of man U fans though. I've never had any problem with one that goes to games. Pretty much all of them seem genuinely grateful for their success and only use it to lord it over other mouthy fans (liverpool). The one's that don't go tend to be twat ends that think they've got a devine right and would lay into a Blackpool season ticket holder for paying to watch crap.
  8. Crystal Castles have based their career on that ad.
  9. "What senses do we lack that we cannot perceive another world all around us?" Is there a standard answer to that as well? Questions with no answer, I realise that. I just don't agree with the implication from HF that no rational and intelligent person can believe in God. Many of the world's most foremost scientists have been believers, for example, and their religious beliefs didn't impact their discoveries. I wouldn't suggest it for a second. The most intelligent people comprehend the magnificence of the universe far better than the rest of us and inevitibly struggle with the questions surrounding the unknown to a far greater degree than people indoctrinated into a church unquestioningly or people that dismiss the good from all religion because the story of Noah is preposterous. EDIT: What I mean is, I know nowt about the universe. There's far more intelligent people than me that know much more and still believe in god. The question of what happened in the milliseconds before the big bang and ealier are beyond a dunce like me, and I'm awestruck wondering about it. What I question is why people (the ones more intelligent than me) choose to devalue that question by explaining it away with an imaginary magician that did it by waving a wand. I can't comprehend why they have to make up an answer when the question is more inspiring. Attributing the answer with human emotions and motives. I believe those people actually think the same way as me, but prefer having an answer (however unreasoned) rather than a question.
  10. Yeah, that's why I can't imagine anyone actually believes in god if they're honest, the standard counter-argument is weak as piss.
  11. Fuck the million odd that did get killed then eh?
  12. You don't REALLY though do you? He's got the brainpower and the muscle power to create this universe in all it's magnificent wonder and infitecimal detail from the tiniest sub atomic particles to the vastness of the milky way and that...but since pulling off that genius move he's done nowt else? Such a brilliant individual would surely be getting bored after billions years watching it expand and setting fire to the odd bush. Has he got an ipad to pass the time?
  13. Ban the shit out of those intolerant bastards
  14. I can't get my head around anyone actually believing in God. I always assumed everyone puts it on to get kids to behave.
  15. Why did no-one mention Howe Gelb has a new album out?
  16. I'm surprised the overall mood isn't a lot darker to tell the truth. People this time last year were horrified that the squad wasn't going to be good enough for the championship. We've added Perch and Campbell and there's some confidence that we won't be relegated from the Premiership.
  17. Get the albums on the list for £3 http://www.amazon.co.uk/b/ref=s9_al_bw_brw...f_rd_i=77197031
  18. We'll be the judge of that. I don't think you managed it.
  19. Agree with all that. The problem with pinning it on the Republicans and Bush in particular is that people think things are going any better under new leadership, which is not the case at all. The Democrats have thrown more money, more soldiers and more drones at Afghanistan. They've killed more civilians and as a result created more resentment and more jihadists among the population. The White House have tried to spin the leak as a Republican problem too. Arguing that they only report up to December 2009.....when Obama had been in office for a year. Far from fixing the problem, the house today voted they would throw even more money at it, while ignoring domestic hardship.... http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/07/27/...in6718896.shtml I guess the problem the Democrats have is that unless they're seen to have won the "war", any withdrawal looks like capitulation. And a humiliating Vietnam syle withdrawal would be political suicide. I expect the strategy is, as you say, blame the mess on the Rebuplicans, throw enough money at it to get some progress over the Taliban, then get the hell out claiming credit for sorting it out and hoping Karzai can survive long enough for it all to have some credibility. If they say they've won...they've won. There's not an opponent in this war that can surrender. There's not even an organised, cohesive resistance. Attacks come from people with no alliances to any group at all, just pissed off people that look up 'bomb making' on the internet when they see their wives and children indiscriminately killed. Declared active jihadists are limited to a hundred or so people in the mountains, that's enough to say "we've incapacitated terror networks and now plan to work on reducing recruitment by withdrawing from the country" . Instead they've allocated another £59 billion to fighting that 100 odd strong army while cutting every other government department. Permanant war is a profitable business the people that own Washington like to maintain.
  20. That statement doesn't give me any sympathy for Everton whatsoever. There's very few gentlemen (like Sir Berb) in the game, and that's always been the case. Reminds me of that scene in The Damned United when Cloughie and Taylor took a contract to Dave Mackay's house for him to sign on a Sunday. Taylor says they can get round the rules by just coming to a gentleman's agreement and actually signing the contract later. Clough says bollocks to that, someone else could nab him. Everton clearly weren't fussed on him as a player, just as a commodity....and even then, not that fussed.
  21. Sennheiser headphones are brilliant for the money I'm using these atm and they're fantastic http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sennheiser-PXC300-...s/dp/B00080O0UI the noise cancellation was great for when i was flying, surprised how well it works. lad in my office has these though http://store.apple.com/uk/product/TX584ZM/...mco=MTcwOTA3OTU and gotta admit, the build quality and sound out of them is superb, more for sitting in the house hooked up to something rather than on the go though. The PXC450s won what HiFi's best noise cancelling headphones of 2009... http://awards.whathifi.com/winners/headphones/2009
  22. Cost? £262 is the cheapest I can find. Looks ok, but I personally wouldn't be having a Stereo system. You can get the Sony LG BD390 for £170 at Richer Sounds if you already have a canny set of surround speakers (or want put the savings towards some new ones). http://www.froogle.richersounds.com/produc.../bd390/lg-bd390 CNET spunked thheir load over it.... http://reviews.cnet.co.uk/blu-ray-players-...eview-49304317/ and what hifio gave it five stars... http://www.whathifi.com/Review/LG-BD390/ It doesn't have a cradle for your ipod, but i don't see the benefit of that when you can play anything from your PC on it anyway.
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