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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Watching that compilation it looks like we've signed another Guttierez. Can't shoot and can't cross but runs like the clappers and wins free kickks.
  2. I laugh whenever Sky advertise THE GRAND RETURN of Monday Night Football like anyone missed watching a shite game of football on a Monday night. That advert celebrating 20 years of Andy Gray pushing poker chips up and down the wings pisses me off no end.
  3. If he's going to share the showers with Campbell he wants to make sure he doesn't Ben Arfa.
  4. Just watched the first one. Really fascinating stuff. Cheers for the heads up. If anyone else wants to watch, it's a 4 part documentary called The Century of Self that originally aired in 2002 on BBC4.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Century_of_the_Self video.... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6718420906413643126# Been googling the writer/director too. He's done some of the excellent stuff we've all enjoyed on Screenwipe.... Go to 1 minute 10 seconds in on the second one.
  5. He was shit v PSV too wasn't he? I wasn't there but my mate said he was run ragged and the match report said "the challenge by Perch that led to Eindhoven's opener would probably have seen United reduced to ten men in a competitive situation"
  6. Psycho Winger Qu'est que c'est? Arf Arf Arf Aarf, Arf Arf Arf Arf Aarfa
  7. Arfa my dear you have always been my inspiration Please Be good to me Arfa my love Don't forget me Arfa my dear.
  8. Just two of them. I'd read Catch 22 already and have since read Manufacturing consent. I'll add it to my wishlist and probably get it for christmas, I'm not buying books with the pile I've got. I feel bad for having still not read Slaughterhouse Five too.
  9. I've got a night off tonight so might get to it.
  10. I'm sure there's a song somewhere in "Arfa world away"... So what do you say? You can't bring me my dreams cos there's been a delay You're Arfa world away Arfa world away Arfa world away You've been lost you've been loaned but I don't feel down.
  11. I'd be surprised if they pay that much. In the 77 days since the spill (11 weeks) it's only cost them $3 billion. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/10505423.stm 7 days after the explosion first quarter (12 week) profits announced were almost double that - $5.6 billion. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/ap...oil-prices-rise The law suits ain't started yet bro. The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, yielded $1 billion in restoration and restitution costs, although Exxon Mobil Corp. estimates it has so far spent $3.5 billion and faces an additional $2.5 billion in criminal penalties. Can't see BP getting hammered for almost 7 times that amount, especially if they manage to pin the blame on Deepwater Horizon. It's also set up a 20 billion reserve legal fund. This ain't like the exxon thing, the oil has been gushing for weeks and at a massive rate, not sure it still isn't actually. The impact will be massive and ongoing for generations. Plenty of legal action to come. Trust me. It's going to be gushing into August. I wish i shared your confidence in corporate responsibility. BP have been turning people's heads with cash offers all over the coast...on condition of waivers being signed on any future pay-out. Lot's of people that have lost their livlihood get offered work assisting in the clean-up, on similar conditions. Of course, a lot of it's covered by insurance too. The rig owners insured it for $560 million, of which they've already received $401m back to cover their loss of earnings. Insurers and reinsurers are likely to be have to pay about $1.4 billion in connection with the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, according to the Insurance Information Institute (BestWire, May 5, 2010). So BP's liability looks like half what's actually been paid out so far. For all the talk of 40 billion, it's only cost BP £3.8bn so far. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-10910612 Quarterly profits are £3.6bn. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/ap...oil-prices-rise
  12. Try doing a google search on "record profits" today. On page 1 you'll get these results just from the last few days.... JB Hi-Fi posts record profit‎ Aviva Life profits increase by 26%‎ Stanchart makes record US$3.12b profit‎ Sky TV reveals record profits‎ Samsung Electronics profit jumps to record‎ Rio Tinto posts record profit‎ Pearson announces record profits‎, impressive 79% jump http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q...sa=N&tab=wn The recovery is complete and everyone knows it. When it suits business to drive confidence it is reported as what it is. However, the benefits of a recession are great for business. When it suits we're still reported to be in trouble. Employers are cutting staff left right and centre while recording these record profits and the government are taking an axe to the budget, removing the social safety net for those being laid off and keeping wages down. The US (and the UK by proxy) has become an oligarchy that values the personal wealth of a select number of individuals over the well-being of the entire population.... http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_gr...apse/index.html
  13. We're going to kill ourselves? How's that work? Sorry, you misunderstood me. I meant the big United. I've only once previously used the fuck off kevin in a half joking manner - now its serious - fuck off you stupid cunt. The kid is a lonely WUM. Surely everyone must see this by now? Yes but I thought the Wummery was accidental as he was/is just a stupid kid - no excuse for this faux pas though. None of it's accidental. He's a lid.
  14. Twilight 2 These films aren't meant for people approaching middle age are they? I find myself wanting to punch the screen. Kids in these films (actually 24 year olds) fall into 2 categories: 1. Mean and moody serious adult type kids who have the weight of the world on their shoulders. The question of whether they should date one boy or another (or neither) is treated like it's the weightiest issue anyone has ever struggled with in the history of the planet. It's as if the makers are pondering if there can be a two state solution in the middle east, but films like Lebanon actually have more of a sense of humour than these little shits. 2. Fucking idiots only interested in shopping and prom dresses. Treated with disdain by the film-makers, their lives aren't interesting enough to play any actual part in the film. They're just there so the main character looks popular, rather than being the outsider, billy no-mates she really would be in reality if if she went on like she does. I think you're supposed to root for the miserable kids. They get all the lingering slow motion and arty farty 360 degree shots. Teenagers will root for them too, aspiring to have grown up relationship type problems as they tend to. Personally though I would prefer to spend a bit more time with the group of kids that were having a bit more of a laugh. They seemed like far more fun and I wondered what they were up to while Bella sat in the house for 3 months then repeatedly tried to kill herself beacuse her boyfriend was gone. Anyone that pays taxes saying they personally enjoy these films should lose the right to vote because their intellectual growth was severely stunded before they reached college. Stuff like this has it's place, like The Telletubbies generally appeals to the under 5's this should only appeal to virgin girls. I'm on team Jacob.
  15. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=708429
  16. Ramside for two is only £80 to bookvia somewhere like late rooms normally so where they get £240 from It's a premium room...with breakfast. Not standard. Theres Superior rooms available now on late rooms for £80 which makes £160 for brekfast rather steep. Whey £72 is cheaper then innit
  17. Ramside for two is only £80 to bookvia somewhere like late rooms normally so where they get £240 from It's a premium room...with breakfast. Not standard.
  18. Ramside Hall just outside Durham. Nice Golf Course if you fancy it, this deal is for a Premier room for the night (none of your basic) and breakfast. Treat your lass, she'll think you've pushed the boat reet out. http://www.groupon.co.uk/in/.CAkqPi/,52570?nlp
  19. The majority of the muslim world did have faith in him. That's the point. They asked muslims in 2009 and they asked muslims in 2010 and their view went from a low minority being negative to a sizeable majority. I'm confused by your edit because you've clarified this with what's in the graphs (the largely positive view of muslims amongst Obama when he came into office and the decline of it) but still say muslims never liked him.
  20. A 40 point move from a positive/neutral view of Obama to a negative one is news I think. People were on his side and had faith in him. He hasn't delivered.
  21. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20100806/op...2240137_2113293 For the dole bludgers.
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