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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Very likely when you look at our squad. Yesterdays team played well. Few of them will manage 30+ games though unfortunately.
  2. Some talk yesterday amongst season ticket holders in level 7 about buying up extra tickets and selling them on at a profit to non-members. Cheaper than ticket + membership = moral more than ticket + membership = immoral
  3. David Pleat gushing with praise for Carroll.. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/20...tle-aston-villa
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...o=feeds-newsxml
  5. At kick off the bloke stood next to us told us that Carroll wasn't good enough, FACT! You can imagine his face 90 minutes later
  6. NOTW were reporting £80k yesterday...but I wouldn't stain my arse on that shit rag.
  7. Still no-one joining in at the match when i sing X.I.S.C.O. to the tune of the Ottawan classic. Perhaps once he starts scoring.
  8. HF will be after you. It's all a matter of personal taste innit. I felt the same way as you about rap before I listened to any too
  9. I agree. The fact that your first sentence is true makes your last sentence impossible. If Simon Cowell invested in an artist with genuine originality and talent then the people that complain about how shit the charts are would steal that music (or spotify/grooveshark it) rather than buy it and he'd have failed in his job. He supplies music for people that buy music (more specifically, singles), and the only people left that buy music are kids with pocket money, women who fancy the singer and men over 60. If Cowell were to push a band like (say) OOIOO with the fiull force of his marketing department, he'd struggle to get them in the top 10.
  10. I thought for a millisecond I should maybe change my avatar. Didn't think it would be debunked so quickly though. Of course it'll become the de facto label for Assange in the US to discredit him....he can't be trusted because he was accused of rape.
  11. I wonder which single Sony BMG will re-issue this christmas in order to prolong the interest in what was a dying brand, ironically by motivating the people who proclaim to despise it. Perhaps a Metallica ditty.
  12. Every chart musician uses autotune. Not saying they're real musicians, but given what these people will end up singing I wouldn't complain. The lass that did Mercy was class though. Never thought X-factor would embrace someone like Yoko Ono.
  13. "The beauty of the X10s is that they manage to get the most out of your digital music collection whether it’s uncompressed or squashed down to around 256kbps." http://whathifi.com/Review/Klipsch-Image-X10/ Not my words Lynn, the words of What Hi-Fi magazne.
  14. I use my earphones every day. With my ipod I probably use it more than anything else I own. 2 year guarantee. Works out at 20p a day. Well worth it for the comfort and quality. Some people spend £1000s on their tv and sky package for the best quality they can get, and barely watch it a couple of hours a day. That's a bigger rip off afaic. There's not many people who sit with an old black and white portable in their living room to avoid spending too much on better quality.
  15. Actually these are under £120 here.... http://www.power-on.co.uk/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=7046 Probably not in stock though. £150 at amazon... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Klipsch-Image-Perf...0558&sr=8-1
  16. Best in-ear up to £50: Sennheiser CX 300-II Price: £30 - £18 at play Best in-ear £50-£100: Beyerdynamic DTX 80 Price: £80 - £72 at Hi-Fi Headphones Best in-ear headphones £100+: Klipsch Image Price: £230 - £190 at Hi-Fi Headphones http://awards.whathifi.com/winners/headphones/2009
  17. Tbf to FFS at least he had some balls compared to the current encumbent. Easier when it's not your money like.
  18. We would be if it hadn't been for Ashley's austerity measures. £55+ million recouped in the last 2 years.
  19. I think they know people will be more than willing to pay for membership for the Mackems visit (£20 ticket and £20 membership = £40 to see the derby - cheap at half the price)....and then it's paid for and tickets are as cheap as ever, so crowds won't really affected. Nice little earner for Big Mike though.
  20. Agents taking 40 percent of the fee. Return on investment as a percentage.... Blackpool 125 Pompey 118 West Ham 99 Leeds 97 Blackburn 94 Wigan 93 Arse 86 Burnley 81 Bolton 76 Everton 74 Man U 68 Newcastle 64 Boro 62 WBA 59 Liverpool 53 Spurs 52 Villa 52 Mackems 47 Hull 47 Wolves 46 Birmingham 42 Fulham 41 Stoke 40 Chelsea 34 Man City 21 How have you measure return? Just based on what they were able to recoup in fees on the chart. Clearly Chelsea's title is a better return than Wigan's balanced spreadsheet.
  21. Agents taking 40 percent of the fee. Return on investment as a percentage.... Blackpool 125 Pompey 118 West Ham 99 Leeds 97 Blackburn 94 Wigan 93 Arse 86 Burnley 81 Bolton 76 Everton 74 Man U 68 Newcastle 64 Boro 62 WBA 59 Liverpool 53 Spurs 52 Villa 52 Mackems 47 Hull 47 Wolves 46 Birmingham 42 Fulham 41 Stoke 40 Chelsea 34 Man City 21
  22. Indicative of how badly they've spent really. Possibly the worst return on investment of any club at just 40% (other than the clubs with new money). Leeds did better.
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