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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Ireland didn't really have much of a choice in the matter, the UK is much better equipped to resist such massive cuts (should we choose to). Well no, but the point being all that austerity and self-flagellation might not have done any good whatsoever. Mind I hear the Irish are partial to a bit of self-abuse. The majority in Ireland continue to agree with the measures being taken too and support the government. Public opinion really has no place in dictating the precise art of macro economics tttt. Really? I haven't seen any opinion polls specifically on the subject but the Taoiseach's rating is through the floor. Probably June or July I was reading about it. Can't find the article but thought it might be Krugman. EDIT: Not the one I read, but this story mentions how tough measures increased popularity.... http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/LDE6131GW.htm Back in Feb that one though.
  2. Ireland didn't really have much of a choice in the matter, the UK is much better equipped to resist such massive cuts (should we choose to). Well no, but the point being all that austerity and self-flagellation might not have done any good whatsoever. Mind I hear the Irish are partial to a bit of self-abuse. The majority in Ireland continue to agree with the measures being taken too and support the government. Public opinion really has no place in dictating the precise art of macro economics tttt. I hope you're not taking a swipe at the coalition's 'suggestion box' politics there. More a swipe at CTs suggestion that only a quarter of people realising the Tory's are fucking things up must mean they're doing a good job. ...either swipe does me though.
  3. Ireland didn't really have much of a choice in the matter, the UK is much better equipped to resist such massive cuts (should we choose to). Well no, but the point being all that austerity and self-flagellation might not have done any good whatsoever. Mind I hear the Irish are partial to a bit of self-abuse. The majority in Ireland continue to agree with the measures being taken too and support the government. Public opinion really has no place in dictating the precise art of macro economics tttt.
  4. All the marvel films now include bits at the end where other super heroes show up and talk about a hero team being set up. There's going to be a film coming out that includes all of them. Thought the first hulk was much better personally like.
  5. Considering it is a classic by one of the great director, it's good to know The new footage could have ruined it though See that's where it's a funny one. The original shown in Germany was 157 minutes long but US cinemas refused to show anything longer than 90 minutes, for commercial reasons (which also meant Battleship Potemkin was never going to be a hit), so the original we all know isn't actually the original - for starters the US cut out the titty scene. HF have you seen any of the restored/rediscovered versions? What's fucked up is the first time I saw it, it was the 80 minute Giorgio Moroder version I saw a free copy that came with The Times. Not sure what the running length was. Not sure I'd be arsed to watch it again for the new footage like.
  6. Who'd have thought, the tory voters that got them in support the cuts being implemented that effect them least. Not sure what's undemocratic about the people suffering the worst of the cuts not lying down and taking it up the arse.
  7. Considering it is a classic by one of the great director, it's good to know The new footage could have ruined it though
  8. That might be contributing to his arseholeyness if I'm honest.....we've had some reet radgies in there
  9. If you estimate the legal fees as 3k offer the geezer 2k (an estimated legal bill of 3k will turn out to be 5k). Think of it as business and take emotions out of it. My uncle used to go round and throw people out of windows but that is another story. Good luck! Aye. Makes perfect sense to me. As a cold logical mathematician I can see it's the ideal way to go....whether my family can see it will be another matter
  10. Cheers Parky. Canny stressful aye. Renting isn't an option, but I never for one second considered giving the bell-end money. Can't believe it never occurred to me. It would feel like wearing a Mackem strip but might well be the cheapest option keeping everyone happy.
  11. My bad. doesn't include the game. What the fuck is Reachy about it in that case?
  12. £34 with 14 months of x-box live here.... http://www.zavvi.com/games/games-accessori...tml?affil=BUYAT You can't get the game on it's own that cheap anywhere else.
  13. I mentioned on here me dad's been through 2 bouts of cancer. He got a cyst on his nose almost 3 months ago and he knows to get shit like that looked at asap so he hammered his GP for a referral. Earliest appointment was 6 weeks. The morning of the appointment they rang to say he'd have to rearrange cos the doctor was on leave. So he asked for another appointment. Waited and waited, then on 01/10 a letter arrived on his mat, dated 31/09 it said they'd see him at 2pm on the 31st
  14. No, exchange of contracts depended on a freehold in place. You reckon we can get away with whacking it back on the market leasehold only?
  15. Not sure we made the mistake like. The auctioneer provides a checklist of legal documents they need before the property can go to auction. This is to ensure the unconditional sale can go through within 28 days. Your average homeseller isn't really going to be versed enough in property law to start telling the professionals what they've missed off a list like that are they? The buyers have no contract with us, just with the auctioneer. Exchange of contracts with us cannot be completed until the freehold is in place. All the fees are paid. They're payable up front and then taken from the deposit...which has been paid. We're not going to stop paying anything and no-one's going bankrupt. There's tons of equity in the place but it's not in a state to be rented out at the minute and we can't be arsed to do the work on it. Just trying to come up with the most cost effective way of getting out of there. Don't want to be tied in to an auction and legal battle that will mean the sale takes us into a loss.
  16. Ah! Balls! I just bought that DVD yesterday and was gonna watch it the neet! There's a good bit where he kicks someone into a tree. You'll enjoy that.
  17. Your credit rating must be the dogs bollocks I thought this place was full of proper legal eagles. The old "I gave the money to your lass, if she says I never it's your problem" trick. Can't see the bank having that like. My family own two of the 3 properties. The freehold and other contractual obligations were held by a management company which had to be paid for.....after 6 years of the refusnik making no contributions we (perhaps stupidly) stopped paying towards it and just let it be dissolved. He's insisting we pay for that company to be recreated and a new contract drawn up before he'll sign anything. That's why I asked about selling the place just as a leasehold which he has no say over. The solicitors said that would be fine....but the buyers in this case are refusing as it was advertised as a freehold property. Next step might to be to tell them our hands are tied and all the money they've spent on a deposit and the work they've done is going to go down the pan unless they just accept the leasehold. We've made the threat and he hasn't blinked. Don't think we'd lose in court, we can show he contributed nothing to the original management company so his insistence that we fund it's resurrection is absurd.....but I know for a fact, even if the decision goes our way and even if they reward us costs.....we'll never get it out of him. If we're going to be out of pocket anyway I'd rather not go through the hassle. That's where I think the crux is. The auctioneers had it down as a freehold, but when we had to supply 5 or 6 documents to them before they'd go ahead, the freehold wasn't one of them. We went for the unconditional sale thinking that any shite like this (which we obviously feared) would fall to the buyers who knew what they were getting into when the bought the place for a knock-down price. The conditional type auction was cheaper but wasn't necessarily final. Unfortunately witholding their cash isn't an option as the auctioneers take their money out of the 10% deposit so it's not like we can refuse to pay them....in fact they're holding some cash they owe to us leftover after their fee until the deal is done.
  18. Reet, I've got a property (not really, but someone close has) I had on the market for ages which I decided to sell in an auction. It's a maisonette with 3 flats sharing an entrance. So we all own our leases but the freehold is shared between all 3. Following the auction the buyer paid the 10% deposit but their lender refused to release the funds for the rest after 28 days because one of the other 2 that share the freehold hadn't agreed to give consent to the new person replacing me on the freehold (and still refuses to do so). I've been paying the mortgage on this place for 6 months plus since the auction while the new buyers have been in doing work on it in anticipation of it getting sorted. The barrister finally sent out terms for taking the arsehole to court to get consent....but it's going to cost upwards of £3k...of which the best we could hope of getting back in costs would be 80%...possibly none. Given the outstanding mortgage on the place and the auctioneers fees and the potential court costs, if it does get sorted it will be at a loss for me. What would you advise? Can I just walk away from the auction sale and put it back on the market as lease only? Do property's sell as lease only? Who would the buyer chase for their money back? Me or the auctioneer (who didn't hold the freehold they included in the auction and never asked for any signed evidence before the auction)? What are banks like for chasing you for money if you want to walk away? Does it depend on the equity left in the property or will they always chase they mortgage holder for the money rather than take ownership of the property?
  19. I'm not saying x is no good with the ladies, but Wayne Rooney's paid for less sex. I'm here all week.
  20. What is? his favoured position was second striker. fucking shit at that though. His transformation to defensive midfielder stinks of "I wasn't even trying to score goals!" once he realised he's lost it.
  21. I was quite drunk and haven't seen any of the highlights....but I thought Coloccini was better than that like. Worse than Nolan you thought?
  22. I thought of Stevie when the bloke included South Shields in his tribute to Newcastle. If he was watching, his telly won't be working now there's a remote through it.
  23. Maybe Smith and Nolan are running rings around Ben Arfa and Tiote in training.
  24. Are you askling why Americans don't burn the American flag?
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