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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I saw this last night but didn't respond because I thought it best to let it slide down the screen and not embarrass you for too long. Like a pump you'd done in the office. Everyone else clearly thought the same, but you're shameless enough to use war porn as a justification of your desire to kill foreigners....and bump it when everyone ignores it. You've only descended to this stomach turning tactic because all other justifications you've offered have been comprehensively disproved.....and now we'll disprove this one. The Time story was massively criticised when it first came out. The headline "What Happens If We Leave Afghanistan" (not even a question) is repugnant propaganda. A more accurate headline would be "What has continued to happen despite our presence in Afghanistan". Is it your belief that the number of wives mutilated in the middle east reached the tipping point in the early 2000's and we were forced to intervene? As I wrote on N-O at the time....
  2. The go to guy Cheers for the youtube link btw, I'll have a look at some point.
  3. Is all that's left on Google. Wonder if they thought it was a protest.
  4. Liverpool's American owners suffered a further setback after a High Court judge ruled their injunction to block the sale of the club was ineffective. The ruling paves the way for the club to be sold to New England Sports Ventures (NESV), owners of the Boston Red Sox baseball team, for £300m. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ool/9091246.stm
  5. Don't know enough about it. The miners that were down there are going to do very well out of it.
  6. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/oc...ill-be-scrapped
  7. http://www.juancole.com/2010/10/top-ten-qu...gers-fault.html Before you say anything Leazes, i know you believe asking the questions means he's anti-American/anti-west.
  8. Congratulations KD. I've got those shorts.
  9. Which have grown in number and nutterness much more over the last 9 years.
  10. ".... it fell far short of anything that resembled significant cooperation in the eyes of the counterterrorism community" Who I think are the best placed people to quantify the potential deadly force. It is implied in the source you cited that these meetings would lead to significant cooperation. If you believe that Saddam's continued meetings with Jihadists and senior members of Al Quaeda did not have the potential to lead anywhere dangerous - given his support for other terrorist groups - then you have a long way to go before you're naiive. I don't think it is.... The point being Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Cheyney, Feith et al insisted the scant evidence that existed would lead to more, while the intelligence community were saying exactly the opposite but being ignored. Feith in particular has been called out by a report from the inspector general because his "briefing to the White House in 2002 "undercuts the Intelligence Community" and "did draw conclusions that were not fully supported by the available intelligence." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...7020802387.html Bob Woodward's books on Bush at War are generally understanding of the position the administration were in and sympathetic....but on this score he's damning. Tommy Franks told him of Douglas Feith "I have to deal with the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth almost every day." http://www.slate.com/id/2099277/
  11. ".... it fell far short of anything that resembled significant cooperation in the eyes of the counterterrorism community" Who I think are the best placed people to quantify the potential deadly force.
  12. "Gentlemen, this canary died of natural causes."
  13. No-one can know ALL the facts. I base my views on the facts i know, as we all do. I've asked for details of how the efforts in the middle east are having or have had a positive effect and got nothing back. You've confused so many issues, so many posters, so many views, so many events and so much propaganda it's hardly worth repeating things, but.... 1. I thought the abuse the black man received was shocking. 2. We'd already stopped Saddam gassing his own people and building up a nuclear arsenal. The threat was exagerrated. And he was not flouting any terms. Inspections had eliminated the nuclear and chemical weapons programs, and evidence of their reconstitution would “have been eminently detectable by intelligence services”. Hussein welcomed back inspectors and promised complete cooperation with their demands. Experienced IAEA inspection teams were already back in Iraq but got withdrawn prior to the invasion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_invasion...faulty_evidence 3. I've never said it was "about oil and nothing else"
  14. You don't get rid of a tyrant and a threat to peace by letting him get on with it either But you take over the killing and increase it twofold?
  15. Interesting posts kunt. There may well be a lot of Kurds happy at his removal. However, in 20 years of power Saddam was responsible for almost 2 million deaths....100,000 a year. http://www.moreorless.au.com/killers/hussein.html In 7 years since his removal it's been reported the Iraq situation has created 1.36 million excess deaths....almost 200,000 a year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_War You don't get an omlette without breaking a few eggs....but that's probably what Saddam would have said too.
  16. I agree with Leazes. No-one has any idea what he knows on these matters, he's never given any indication whatsoever. You're quite right, I haven't. And that's how it's going to stay. Must be a bore to write so much, while saying nothing whatsoever though. how much time do you spend on here ? I'm happy with people knowing what I know or how I know it though. I learn a lot on here, either directly from others or by reading up to reply to them. I find it a valuable learning tool. You don't want to reveal any knowledge of any subject or how you've derived it, or take on board any other views. You just berate people. You don't learn anything on here actually, only the views of others. Which may or may not be accurate. Just views and facts.
  17. I agree with Leazes. No-one has any idea what he knows on these matters, he's never given any indication whatsoever. You're quite right, I haven't. And that's how it's going to stay. Must be a bore to write so much, while saying nothing whatsoever though. how much time do you spend on here ? I'm happy with people knowing what I know or how I know it though. I learn a lot on here, either directly from others or by reading up to reply to them. I find it a valuable learning tool. You don't want to reveal any knowledge of any subject or how you've derived it, or take on board any other views. You just berate people.
  18. No one knows who the new owners are yet. But who ever buys will pay back the debt to RBS. So unlike Man Utd we don't have to pay intrest and we wont be losing shit loads of cash. So in nutshell we will have more cash to spend on players. Also whoever buys will have to spend big in Jan and build a new ground. Unlike Newcastle Liverpool is a worldwide supported club so it wont be hard to sell. Just like NUFC then Woo hoo \o/ Don't count your chickens pal.
  19. I agree with Leazes. No-one has any idea what he knows on these matters, he's never given any indication whatsoever. You're quite right, I haven't. And that's how it's going to stay. Must be a bore to write so much, while saying nothing whatsoever though.
  20. Alex was spot on. Can't exercise your superiority complex with Man U or any of the other Champions League team supporters any more but still want to get mouthy with someone. Well done on not having an owner as shit as ours....yet.
  21. And we get slated for the bedsheet brigade? Get a wash you hippy.
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