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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Not sure if I agree. You can spend as much chasing welfare fraud as you save catching individuals. It's paltry sums. Corporate tax evasion is a much more costly crime, and a far more lucrative target.....but the tories have pledged a more conciliatory approach to it, relaxing regulations gladly allowing billions in tax revenue to funnel out. Look at the vodafone case, £1.25bn from a single payer....but it should have been more...they'd set aside £2.2bn. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/2bc71748-9686-11...144feab49a.html
  2. Replied before reading your post. Spot on.
  3. Guthrie has to take some blame for Perch's horror show. He gave no support to Perch whatsoever....and drifted inside so much Perch was the only one to put a cross in from the right (shit crosses). If Guthrie plays it has to be in the middle.
  4. Avey Tare - Down There Lad out of Animal Collective has a new solo album. Out Oct 26th. Listen to it all at NPR.... http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...oryId=130512028
  5. Alternative means of energy will be put in place when significant amounts of money can be made from them. I read somewhere that the wind farms only have 12 year life cycles before the turbines have to be replaced. That's a quarter of a million a pop. Agreed, but investment will bring efficiency before the money's rolling in. 30 years ago PC processors were the size of a kitchen and could generate 2 colours. The demand for smaller more powerful processing has meant huge investment and now you can get massive processing power on a nats chuff. Google and other investors wouldn't be spending $5 billion on wind power technology if wise heads didn't think it wast going to be an earner... http://www.reuters.com/article/idUS253507592420101012
  6. Point taken, talking in absolute's is something I need to stop. Replace "nothing" with "little". http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010...anistan_s_women And Leazes' Time article says this woman's plight proves our presence in Afghanistan is required to ensure it won't happen....although 9 years down the line it has, and does, and will.
  7. Get in there lad. Has she gone back to her carer's now?
  8. Prince of Persia Only marginally shit. I tend to like any box-offi smash that makes political points...and there are pointed references to Iraq in this, shame it suggests the only solution is to use a dagger that can control time to go back in time and kill the baddy that started the war.
  9. Not only under Taliban rule...under Karzai rule too. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/mar/3...afghanistan-law Which only serves to prove the point our presence in Afghanistan has done nothing to stop this sort of thing happening. Of course this is abhorrent, but our presence isn't doing anything about it and was never intended to. Not sure how many times I have to agree a case could be made for going in 9 years ago. But you've also agreed it's all turned to shit over there.
  10. All I know about him is my uncle loved him. He was a Man City fan. When my folks got married in the late 60's he was best man but nicked off up to Newcastle cos City were in town and were the dogs bollocks.
  11. I saw this last night but didn't respond because I thought it best to let it slide down the screen and not embarrass you for too long. Like a pump you'd done in the office. Everyone else clearly thought the same, but you're shameless enough to use war porn as a justification of your desire to kill foreigners....and bump it when everyone ignores it. You've only descended to this stomach turning tactic because all other justifications you've offered have been comprehensively disproved.....and now we'll disprove this one. The Time story was massively criticised when it first came out. The headline "What Happens If We Leave Afghanistan" (not even a question) is repugnant propaganda. A more accurate headline would be "What has continued to happen despite our presence in Afghanistan". Is it your belief that the number of wives mutilated in the middle east reached the tipping point in the early 2000's and we were forced to intervene? As I wrote on N-O at the time.... No takers? no. Because you are still deluded. Why not sit down and have a cup of tea with these cavemen and explain to them how beastly they are being. Thought so. The people in Britain disfiguiring others are obviously a more refined kind of caveperson, more intelligent....fully aware of how beastly they are. Gentlemen monsters
  12. I saw this last night but didn't respond because I thought it best to let it slide down the screen and not embarrass you for too long. Like a pump you'd done in the office. Everyone else clearly thought the same, but you're shameless enough to use war porn as a justification of your desire to kill foreigners....and bump it when everyone ignores it. You've only descended to this stomach turning tactic because all other justifications you've offered have been comprehensively disproved.....and now we'll disprove this one. The Time story was massively criticised when it first came out. The headline "What Happens If We Leave Afghanistan" (not even a question) is repugnant propaganda. A more accurate headline would be "What has continued to happen despite our presence in Afghanistan". Is it your belief that the number of wives mutilated in the middle east reached the tipping point in the early 2000's and we were forced to intervene? As I wrote on N-O at the time.... No takers?
  13. I went out of the office to a deserted corridor to talk on the phone yesterday and let out some awful trumps. Sods law it quickly turned into the M25 in rush hour.
  14. They have a good manager, pathetic to say otherwise, and very much jumping on a kick him when he's down bandwagon. Plus he's a toon fan. I like Woy. He's clearly struggling to settle though. Anyone would struggle to manage Liverpool. They've got two good players, one of who hasn't had a good game for over 6 months, and that's it the rest are shite, and we know only too well what happens when a club goes in to meltdown off the pitch, awful circumstances to work in, added to the fact their fans are totally shite and probably the least patient and most undeserving in world football, he's in a very hard situation. Basically what I was saying
  15. I'm sure potential advertisers are looking at those signs thinking they're the dogs bollocks and scrambling to have their names up in tarp next season.
  16. They have a good manager, pathetic to say otherwise, and very much jumping on a kick him when he's down bandwagon. Plus he's a toon fan. I like Woy. He's clearly struggling to settle though.
  17. Ah well. Doesn't make their team/manager any better though does it.
  18. Series One The winner was Tim Campbell. After his victory he went on to become Project Director of Amstrad's new Health and Beauty division, but subsequently left the company to pursue other interests. Series Two Michelle Dewberry briefly took up a post under Sugar but left in September 2006 after a series of personal problems. Series Three The series was won by Simon Ambrose, who went on to work at Sugar's property company Amsprop. He left in 2010. Series Four The series was won by Lee McQueen, who initially worked for Sugar's company AMSHOLD where he famously phoned in sick on his first day. He then went on to work for AMSCREEN as development director, reporting to Sir Alan's son, Simon Sugar. He left Sugar's employ in 2010. Series Five Sugar hired Yasmina Siadatan over the runner up Kate Walsh. As of August 2010 Siadatan was still working for Sugar
  19. Yeah, I like car crash TV like You've Been Framed or X-factor where you can tune in and out when it happens to be on and laugh at their misfortune. I think you need to get to know the characters on the Apprentice though. It's starting to seem like a lot of effeort to invest myself in another 12 weeks of these arseholes. When are we going to see the Apprenti? Where "Lord" Sugar sacks all but one of the previous winners?
  20. How close does it get to the balcony? Tarpaulin burns doesn't it?
  21. I think I'm getting Apprentice fatigue.....like i did after 4 or 5 seasons of 24. Always the same challenges....always the same mistakes....always a ridiculous sacking to keep the arseholes in. Sugar and Brady give them shit for going on like a load of fishmarket hags, saying it was the worst thing they'd ever witnessed in a board room.....and then sack the one who refused to sink to that level and kept a dignified silence? Might be time for me to call it a day.
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