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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. http://www.juancole.com/2010/10/the-rumors...nst-merkel.html
  2. I think we've reached the point where I can hold entire conversations with you by quoting my previous posts....seems you're cutting and pasting the same things over and over anyway.... http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=790643 http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=792924 http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=795328 http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...mp;#entry794543
  3. Did I? I don't see how it could be described as anything but war propaganda given it's using an horrific emotional personal story to justify ongoing military occupation. sorry, just re-read the thread and i guess you didn't. i'm sure someone said that but can't see it so either it was deleted or i'm reading thing that aren't there... I think NJS said something about scottish gangsters and knee-capping. I don't think anything comparable to this happens in the UK on an institutional level. Taliban rule is vile......like Saudi Arabian rule and any other number of countries where personal freedom is non-existent.
  4. sounds like a well reasoned and sensible idea to me. We should probably attack the US while we're at it. After all they just executed a woman with a mental age of 13. Utterly barbaric tbh Serious question HF. What exactly do you have against the west ? Your serious questions could do with some work. If you think holding political leaders accountable for their actions makes me anti-west you've completely misunderstood the ideals of western democracy. How about you? What would you say the west has done wrong fighting the whole war on terror? Anything?
  5. Did I? I don't see how it could be described as anything but war propaganda given it's using an horrific emotional personal story to justify ongoing military occupation.
  6. sounds like a well reasoned and sensible idea to me. We should probably attack the US while we're at it. After all they just executed a woman with a mental age of 13. Utterly barbaric tbh
  7. Monkeys fist wants to get up on the roof and do some Fawlty Towers style rearranging.... Sports Direct Predicts Rots
  8. Happy Face


    Good of him to step in and take him under his wing like. Hope it has the desired effect because Carroll's in danger of ruining his career at this rate. I'm guessing it's got something to do with him being club captain? Condition of bail as well I'm guessing - i.e. he either stays with Nolan or stays in the clink. I heard it was Nolan getting into some bird in the bogs that started bother with the bouncers in the first place. He's not known to be a tea totaller or owt is he?
  9. Happy Face


    He was granted bail on condition he live with Newcastle captain Kevin Nolan until a further appearance in January. The court heard Mr Carroll, who gave his address as Newcastle's Jesmond Dene Hotel, will claim self-defence. Magistrates agreed Mr Carroll does not have to stay overnight at Mr Nolan's home when Newcastle are playing. The player was also told he must not contact any prosecution witnesses. The case was adjourned until 10 January. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-11563332
  10. Happy Face


    The BBC say it is. BBC3 are in talks to film it for a Friday night sitcom. The second sentence is not true.
  11. Happy Face


    When was the first one? With Steven Taylor's jaw being kept in house it's 3 times in less than a year year he's fucked up innit? Gypsy looking prick.
  12. Happy Face


    He's having a hoose built isn't he?
  13. What we need to do is bomb them all into the modern age.
  14. Happy Face


  15. Screw that, we're with the People's Front of Judea. Unlike HF, I lived in hope that there was some possibility that the NUSC/NUST ..... Funny you should say that....just gabbing on about it and getting nowhere isn't the only similarity with the PFJ, I think the major work of their first year wast to settle on NUST
  16. I went to a meeting and liked what I heard and joined. Especially at the time it seemed more important, but fan representation is always a good thing whoever runs the boardroom. I've only given a cursory glance to most of the mails I've received from them in the past 12 months though. I think I'd be like most of the membership in that I'm not going to spend much time or effort on it myself and being brutally honest I'm not really fussed on the charity side of things or the community efforts but I'm happy to join and give (small) financial support to the endeavour as long as it progresses towards the ultimate goal of some sort of representation. I thought the idea of buying the club was bogus and believe they can only exist as a pressure group and endeavour to work with who is in charge (even odious fucker). Reading the newsletter though it seems the goal is still a buyout...which is mental if you ask me. Might renew if I see a change in approach on that score*, as it is I can't see anything in the newsletter or on the site about engaging the club whatsoever. This, for example.... http://www.nust.org.uk/newcastle-v-sunderl...rities-1-fans-0 Fans have approached the NUST about this issue, so the NUST have put it on their website for other disgruntled fans to read. At what point do the club hear about the problem? Why would I pay towards a website where fans can gripe amongst themselves? I get that for free here. All a bit like the Judean Peoples Front at the moment isn't it? *EDIT - if that's me misunderstanding democracy, fair enough. Seems to me 100% of the members want representation....maybe 50% think they can buy the club....but the minority desire is being catered to.
  17. Happy Face


    Scottwilsonecho 4 hours ago: As suspected, sounds like there's no substance. #NUFC
  18. ;) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. You hear that Parky/Meenzer? You bums!
  20. Just received 2 texts that were sent during the match
  21. Course they do. My mate's a copper and he reckons Carroll reported his phone stolen when it was in his pocket.
  22. Not sure if I agree. You can spend as much chasing welfare fraud as you save catching individuals. It's paltry sums. I wouldnt say paltry, theres plenty out there who earn a normal wage while still claiming numerous benefits theyre not allowed to. The cost to catch them may run at say 20 man days work for the fraud team. Thats saved in say 3 months once they're off the benefit, in addition to the repayment of all the fiddled benefits and the fine. Add to that the fear factor of his mates, some of those will sign off once they see whats happened to Joe. I agree however that corporation fiddles are even better targets but both should be hit. I might agree if both were being hit, but it's the opposite. They're going to cut £20bn a year from the budget as it is. Fraud and mistakes only account for 3% of the current total benefits.....you can't cut out mistakes so you're left with a tiny percentage, of which there's only a proportion of which you can prosecute. The banks got us into this shit. It was criminal. But there's not been any accountability whatsoever....they got handed billions to protect their interests...and now the poorest in society have to pay the price. To do this while further loosening the leash on big business and making it easier for them to funnel away more money is disgusting.
  23. maybe not. For one thing, whoever the manager is, asking someone to operate in the 1m quid transfer market is only going one way. Indeedy.
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