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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Actually, Patreus made no such assumption. He assumed he would be a target and he shared access to an unencrypted mail account with his mistress where they would save draft mails that the other would read and delete. FBI got all those.
  2. NYT reporting this tooling has been extended beyond it's claimed initial use which was to scan mails not for fighting terrorism, but using the terrorism related foreign surveillance act to allow scanning domestically for child pornography. Who could argue with that implementation? No way of having any checks on scope creep though. Why do we all know the full email history of David Patreus and his mistress? Yet another example of someone who should have known better but probably assumed these powers wouldn't bite him on the arse, only the bad guys.
  3. Snowden has been tweeting about what exactly they can pull from mails. Reads to me like searches for company logos on attachments are done https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/783774835725959169 Always handy when looking for corporate insider info. Easy to say companies would be daft not to secure it, but even Clinton was sending top secret shit to herself at home, and that bitch knows ALL this shit. No accounting for how stupid people can be at the top of governments and corporations.
  4. Oswald couldn't shoot such an ancient gun straight in 1963, we couldn't land on the moon in 1969, but we had had the technology for Googlemaps in the 30s. The life of a conspiracy theorist (or contrarian)
  5. Spending half a billion on it while cutting social services is somewhat newsworthy... some might say grotesque.
  6. Can't see any reason not to stick with oneplus if/when i need a new phone. Would like expandable memory, but happy enough to access all my music, pics, videos, files in the cloud and let it cut out for 90 seconds in the Tyne Tunnel. Remarkable how much the iphone loses out on, just to be one tenth of a millimetre thinner than competitors.
  7. Have I been whooshed? Are people laughing at RT for propaganda...in a story reported in the Times and the Mail among others and corroborated by US defence officials about how the US used propaganda in Iraq? Seems ironic to allege RT propaganda to dismiss actual evidence of US/UK propaganda A US defence official told The Sunday Times that the work carried out by Bell Pottinger in Iraq included information operations - or psychological operations - in order to protect coalition forces and Iraqi people from terrorist attacks, while helping to support the security services.
  8. https://www.rt.com/usa/361385-pentagon-pr-firm-terrorist-videos/ The burgeoning UK economy. Nowt about this on the BBC as yet.
  9. It's not just principle. Anyone could be thrust into the limelight for any reason at any time. The authorities can then leak personally embarrassing information about you or someone close to you, even stuff you're unaware they were up to, that might damage you. All well and good saying you wouldn't be daft enough to buy anything embarrassing online. or email anything that could taint you, but you don't know that's the case with every one of your contacts and every one of their contacts. Associations get made.
  10. That's the problem isn't it. If anyone had any thoughts of overthrowing the government for overreach, they'd be sniffed out and extinguished. Build a Stazi surveillence state to keep everyone in check while promoting the notion of freedom and privacy.
  11. I think that is the the massive consensus view as well. Yahoo's stock price hasn't been impacted at all so there seems to be no fear that this will negatively impact their customer satisfaction. I'd prefer all of my search, browsing, messaging, mailing etc to be completely private, but even with TOR and DuckDuckgo and that, the convenience of google syncing everything is too attractive to forego entirely. Looked at Qubes OS as well, then thought "Nah, fuck that, much too much of a carry on". I'm trying to separate out personal & financial stuff into Protonmail and keep the the crap you get from Amazon, MoneySavingExpert and that in Gmail. but even that is a borderline pain to keep up.
  12. Every Yahoo customers emails scanned for content by US government, not just metadata. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-yahoo-nsa-exclusive-idUSKCN1241YT Does you still use Yahoo, Gmail, hotmail etc? Do revelations like this tempt you to switch to Protonmail, signal or other secure encrypted email/message services?
  13. One of the slides from the Google Pixel launch
  14. It'll be nice to have an extra 1500 bodies on the picket line against Hunt.
  15. Think he's hit peak Trump with that one. Top stuff.
  16. The wife's sick of me saying "I'm a black man in a white world" It's my new catchphrase.
  17. Got Kraftwerk tickets for the Sage. Middle front row balcony. Nice.
  18. http://xkcd.com/1732/ Great illustration of the extent of warming. "The earth's temperature has always changed" made to look like the foolishness it is.
  19. That's a barrier of law rather than technology though. Just needs the slow moving bureaucracy to get out of their way so they can scale up the operation.
  20. The setting should be to punish the people who step out late and cause the conundrum. Speed up into them. I like the idea of cars having a split second to make a rational decision and humans programming morality that exponentially increases the decision making time into an existential crisis for the car. Google vehicles smacked up in alley ways wondering about what kind of God gave themm this power over life and death.
  21. Always good to be in complete opposition to CT. Think you underestimate their takeover CT. They're driving around California now.
  22. You'll soon be disavowed of that notion.
  23. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07yc9ms This is superb
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