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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11691197 Don't read that
  2. could have done worse - Iraq had the best education system in the Arab world and a very high proportion of women in professional jobs so you're saying we should have just let them get on with rule by Saddam then ? The ironic thing is, if a plane blows up you will be the first to complain about security services not doing their jobs properly. I'm starting to think you don't even click the links I provide to the facts
  3. I've seen better posts from Songbird than that article.
  4. Aye, we wondered who was providing network coverage when we saw it last week. Plainly an insane person talking into a shoe horn.
  5. A chairman's only as good as his last signing..... Shepherd - Viduka, Geremi, Smith or Cacapa? Ashley - Tiote
  6. His Wigan match report on the 17th said "With every home disappointment, his position as manager is weakened." http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Newca...icle602887.html Content free as the mail article was, perhaps they did base it on such a throw-away line from Bird.
  7. Mark Douglas had the Kinnear "story" in the Sunday Sun on 10/10.... http://www.sundaysun.co.uk/sport/newcastle...79310-27439092/ Dunno when Simon Bird tweeted it but The Daily Mail was the first place I read hughton's job was on the line....that was the Monday after the Wigan game (18th) cos they said Collo saved him his job.
  8. She'll like the BNP's non-interventionist foreign policy...but not their "send the bugger's back" policy. Tough one.
  9. He's like Neo in the Matrix, pulling off ninja moves without breaking a sweat.
  10. Muslim suicide bombers allowed to vote? This country!
  11. I'll not get into an argument with you because this is the football thread and because you refuse to offer any evidence to back up your claims. I'll just point you towards this.... http://www.wnrf.org/cms/next200.shtml Of the 3 scenarios for the next 200 years, one is indeed a muslim revival... Even if there is a muslim revival, christianity looks like remaining dominant for hundreds of years.
  12. All the same people getting as excited as they did after the Villa result. Have they forgotten we took a grand total of 2 points point from Blackpool, Wolves, Stoke and Wigan between those 2 games? Just enjoy the result, don't look any further into it.
  13. Your problem wasn't the same as his though, unfortunately.
  14. Cheers, Happy. That sounds like the problem. If I plugged phono - phono cable in, would that bypass the problem? Or again, would it require a separate Amp? Afraid not. The phono connection is just so you can plug it into an amplifier if you have one I think. Still, good excuse to go shopping..... http://awards.whathifi.com/winners/home-ci...amplifiers/2009
  15. Do your speakers come directly out of your dvd player or is there an amplifier in there too? If it's just the dvd player and it's not a recordable dvd player I can't imagine you'll get the x-box or sky+ to come out of those speakers. You need a surround amp with 3 HDMI in connections.
  16. you've got the tv going to HDMI "in" on the dvd player?
  17. We weren't allowed out the front door of the vaults because some bother was going on in the Bigg Market about 6ish (time became a hazy mystery a couple of hours earlier). If there was only 37 arrests all day I can't imagine it was that much though.
  18. The bar was shut and the doors were locked. Probably just stood in the corner and had a wank wearing only a jumper.
  19. How? WWFBSWWFB! So there. End of the week, not the world. We want Freddie Back, sing We want Freddie Back? Can't say I'd be on the champagne like I was when Keegan came back.
  20. Shola's the Hulk, seeing Mackems get's him angry.
  21. Really makes work a much more pleasurable endeavour when every half hour you remember yesterdays result and break into a smile. Mackems.....know your place!
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