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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I can't get track one out my heed. good stuff.
  2. Not necessarily, if you take out the banks and the property market then the Irish economy isn't completely fucked. It's still not good but the country could have weathered the storm, the problem is that the banks were even more exposed than that of the UK and not even remotely well enough funded to deal with this situation. The single cause of Ireland's woes is property, it became an obsession for both the public and the banks. Given a couple of years the problems should hopefully have been dealt with and the country can get back to some sort of recovery, though with the burden of having to repay a heavy debt. What I mean is it is fiction to say that the type of growth you experienced had owt to do with the education system. It has meant you've retained more talent than you've traditionally lost (a good thing for the economy overall) but to suggest that that was something that distinguished Ireland's growth from Britain in the context of the growth being experienced is a complete nonsense. What caused the country's 'real' growth was low level of corporation tax. Something Parky's lot really don't like. ars tbf you cannit be bailed out to the tune of tens of billions and keep undercutting them folks what helped you out your hole. I think you'll find that they can and they have. Aye.
  3. Not necessarily, if you take out the banks and the property market then the Irish economy isn't completely fucked. It's still not good but the country could have weathered the storm, the problem is that the banks were even more exposed than that of the UK and not even remotely well enough funded to deal with this situation. The single cause of Ireland's woes is property, it became an obsession for both the public and the banks. Given a couple of years the problems should hopefully have been dealt with and the country can get back to some sort of recovery, though with the burden of having to repay a heavy debt. What I mean is it is fiction to say that the type of growth you experienced had owt to do with the education system. It has meant you've retained more talent than you've traditionally lost (a good thing for the economy overall) but to suggest that that was something that distinguished Ireland's growth from Britain in the context of the growth being experienced is a complete nonsense. What caused the country's 'real' growth was low level of corporation tax. Something Parky's lot really don't like. ars tbf you cannit be bailed out to the tune of tens of billions and keep undercutting them folks what helped you out your hole.
  4. The UK will get its money back, there is zero chance of Ireland defaulting. The chance of the sun never rising again isn't even zero. Probably though, aye.
  5. If we didn't laugh we'd cry.
  6. Luckily we've just made £7bn of welfare cuts in the UK to give to Ireland... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-11579979
  7. I'm pretty sure that this is also being taught in Christian schools Christian schools in Islam countries/societies ? Indeed. Iraq is 3% christian. Similar to the UK which is 3% muslim. Should be safe enough for you to walk around carrying banners and chanting death to the infidels then Are you saying you think that sort of thing should be allowed or not? are you saying those tolerant muslim friends of your allow it in their homeland ? I don't know. I think they should though. Do you? No. I don't think any foreigner or otherwise should be allowed to carry out demonstrations urging death to British people on the streets of Britain, and if their allegiance lies elsewhere then they should be put on the next available flight to the place of their allegiance. Do you ? I'm sorry, I thought you were making an ill thought out point on the relative freedoms of the two countries, supporting restriction of free speech to ensure we remain free. But now it looks like you meant "fuck off to Iraq Mohammad". Not sure which is more embarrassing. oh. I thought you were making an ill thought out naive point that Islamic countries are somehow civilised and those who hail from those countries and societies make successful attempts to integrate into other societies who give them a home, without attempting to impose their beliefs and cultures on those said societies. But all the time you were insisting this is totally justified and you support such actions and welcome them. How embarrassing and idealistic. No I was pointing out the christian population of Iraq is about the same as the muslim population of the UK.
  8. I got my refund of the Shushi place eventually. Ordered a couple of rounds of golf at Slayley for £19 last week That'll do me dad for xmas.
  9. I'm pretty sure that this is also being taught in Christian schools Christian schools in Islam countries/societies ? Indeed. Iraq is 3% christian. Similar to the UK which is 3% muslim. Should be safe enough for you to walk around carrying banners and chanting death to the infidels then Are you saying you think that sort of thing should be allowed or not? are you saying those tolerant muslim friends of your allow it in their homeland ? I don't know. I think they should though. Do you? No. I don't think any foreigner or otherwise should be allowed to carry out demonstrations urging death to British people on the streets of Britain, and if their allegiance lies elsewhere then they should be put on the next available flight to the place of their allegiance. Do you ? I'm sorry, I thought you were making an ill thought out point on the relative freedoms of the two countries, supporting restriction of free speech to ensure we remain free. But now it looks like you meant "fuck off to Iraq Mohammad". Not sure which is more embarrassing.
  10. I'm pretty sure that this is also being taught in Christian schools Christian schools in Islam countries/societies ? Indeed. Iraq is 3% christian. Similar to the UK which is 3% muslim. Should be safe enough for you to walk around carrying banners and chanting death to the infidels then Are you saying you think that sort of thing should be allowed or not? are you saying those tolerant muslim friends of your allow it in their homeland ? I don't know. I think they should though. Do you?
  11. I'm pretty sure that this is also being taught in Christian schools Christian schools in Islam countries/societies ? Indeed. Iraq is 3% christian. Similar to the UK which is 3% muslim. Should be safe enough for you to walk around carrying banners and chanting death to the infidels then Are you saying you think that sort of thing should be allowed or not?
  12. Would have preerred cowboys and muslims tbh
  13. I'm pretty sure that this is also being taught in Christian schools Christian schools in Islam countries/societies ? Indeed. Iraq is 3% christian. Similar to the UK which is 3% muslim. wait, but if those facts are true, then the Media aren't telling us the whole truth? And are spreading fear and distrust so that they might sell more papers? say it ain't so Poor naive namby pamby lefty do-gooder.
  14. I'm pretty sure that this is also being taught in Christian schools Christian schools in Islam countries/societies ? Indeed. Iraq is 3% christian. Similar to the UK which is 3% muslim.
  15. We've dropped too many points at home to our near rivals for me to feel comfortable with proceedings. On current form (last 6) we're 6th. Squad's shit like, think it'll get worse (without Barton or Collo) before it gets better. It's time to let loose the mad - pointing - running up the pitch for no reason- shouting at shadows- secret weapon.
  16. We've dropped too many points at home to our near rivals for me to feel comfortable with proceedings. On current form (last 6) we're 6th. Squad's shit like, think it'll get worse (without Barton or Collo) before it gets better.
  17. Feel like death warmed up. Man flu is real
  18. http://danowen.blogspot.com/2010/09/sky-de...alk-empire.html Try btjunkie
  19. Exactly. People are going on like we're just waiting for it to become possible here in the UK. It's entirely possible already, it's just not cost effective, no matter how many people say "well I'd pay for both". Like I said last night (and even people that reckon we'll get all games live some time seem to agree), protecting exclusivity is where the big money is, and drip feeding content to the masses gradually. First to the tens of thousands that can get tickets, then to the millions that want to watch a replay later in the day, then to the millions that are willing to pay to see the biggest games of the weekend involving other clubs live. It's analogous to the latest Harry Potter films. They could have made one film, they could have released both at once, millions upon millions would have paid to see both on day 1....but the money men know that if you want to maximise the profit you drip feed your product to maximise the money coming in.
  20. BBC still get exclusive first show coverage under the model that's evolved. So do Sky and ESPN. They currently give every Premier league club £40m a season for that (not to mention the money that goes to the lower leagues) and you think they'll gladly keep paying that much, despite losing all exclusivity to clubs that sell games directly to punters to bring in a third of the amount? Rupert Murdoch's that daft?
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