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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Agree with this and made a similar point above. I think the leak does the US more help than harm. Getting diplomats to spy on allies is embarrassing, but not outrageous in comparison to the pressure they're apparently getting on Iran. How do you think it will help the US? They've been banging the war drum against Iran for donkeys and getting a lot of stick for it, It does them no harm to have it shown that everyone else wants to get in there privately, even if they won't say so publicly.
  2. Agree with this and made a similar point above. I think the leak does the US more help than harm. Getting diplomats to spy on allies is embarrassing, but not outrageous in comparison to the pressure they're apparently getting on Iran.
  3. Shut up with your facts. Its disgusting, OK !? Just one more, 20 squads ot 25 players is 500...so the average price for representing a top flight player for a season is £134k Does Hughton earn that much?
  4. The total wage bill is £1.3 billion so it's only 5% Quite cheap comparatively.
  5. Yeah, far better to enter into an argument without arming yourself with any facts and basing your entire stance on preconceived notions. Reality does tend to cloud issues. I don't need to spend hours debating about all of this. ...and you don't that is correct. I have better things to do with my time, Off you pop then
  6. Shouldn't you be on the gaming forum looking for x-box hints and cheats?
  7. Yeah, far better to enter into an argument without arming yourself with any facts and basing your entire stance on preconceived notions. Reality does tend to cloud issues. I don't need to spend hours debating about all of this. ...and you don't
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00wk...snight_Special/ In a wide-ranging special interview, Jeremy Paxman talks to Christopher Hitchens about his cancer diagnosis, his life, his politics and his writing.
  9. Daft Punk - Tron Legacy Particularly like the orchestral numbers.
  10. WikiLeaks' next target will be a major US bank. "It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume—For this, there's only one similar example. It's like the Enron emails." http://www.boingboing.net/2010/11/29/julia...ange-inter.html
  11. Yeah, far better to enter into an argument without arming yourself with any facts and basing your entire stance on preconceived notions. Reality does tend to cloud issues.
  12. "despotic"? They've said they're going to expose this despotism apparently; well thanks, I had no idea that Russia was like this. Where? I was paraphrasing your post, I said I was laughing at the way you phrased it. Since you are quite obviously a lugubrious dullard I am not surprised that you do not understand where my mirth comes from, after all you are the man who thinks an influential cultural figure and legendary comedian like Richard Pryor isn't funny, but Dave Gorman is. A "lugubrious dullard"? Last week I was a "lugubrious, tree-humping invertebrate" and before that Fish was a "lugubrious, drink addled popinjay". Don't let us bring you down man, you just keep bringing the funny. Glad you're left to research my thoughts on stand up comedians rather than anything on topic. Clear sign you've lost the debate. You're wrong on that too like. Read my posts and you'll see I've called Dave Gorman a dick, canny shit and fucking wank, while I've referred to Pryor as classic.
  13. Oh wow I thought everyone danced in furs and drank from chocolate fountains in Russia Also find it odd to quote a story that insists Wikileaks should expose Russian corruption, then laugh at the notion that they're planning to do exactly that. corruption is the way of the world squire. The sooner you accept it and get on with your life the better. Because there most definitely is fuck all you can do about it. You've shown yourself to be above worrying about corruption. The way you're happy to leave MPs claiming tens of thousands from your taxes and muslim asylum seekers claiming benefits they aren't entitled to. there's easy solutions if we had the bottle to take them, and didn't worry about what the hand wringing brigade think, but I get the feeling you spend a lot of time worrying about this sort of thing ? You won't find any posts from me claiming I'm happy with MP's fiddling their claims, nor being happy with muslim asylum seekers claiming benefits they aren't entitled too, in fact you will find most comments I make on this particular baby to be the exact opposite if you take the trouble to read properly. Isn't it you who makes out a case for keeping immigrants here, who are "british" You certainly seem to think they can do what they want once they do arrive here because they are "entitled" to. Point well and truly missed. No Leazes, I'm well aware how you feel about immigrants. That was the point. My advice is to sopt worrying about it cos there'll always be immigrants. The sooner you accept it and get on with your life the better
  14. "despotic"? They've said they're going to expose this despotism apparently; well thanks, I had no idea that Russia was like this. Where? If I expose the fat chairman at NUFC it's not to say I'm exposing Ashley's weight. Love it when an debate descends to grammar btw.
  15. Oh wow I thought everyone danced in furs and drank from chocolate fountains in Russia Also find it odd to quote a story that insists Wikileaks should expose Russian corruption, then laugh at the notion that they're planning to do exactly that. corruption is the way of the world squire. The sooner you accept it and get on with your life the better. Because there most definitely is fuck all you can do about it. You've shown yourself to be above worrying about corruption. The way you're happy to leave MPs claiming tens of thousands from your taxes and muslim asylum seekers claiming benefits they aren't entitled to.
  16. I don't think he'll sell anytime soon, not until he makes a profit somehow. I think he's hoping a rich Yank/Arab/Indian/Chinese/Russian wants their own train set to play with and makes a bumper offer. I also think it's pointless worrying about who he sells to, we won't have a choice about that and he won't give a toss who he sells to anyway (like Sir John). In fact if there was a choice of buyers, I reckon he'd go for the most offensive one just so he can part his arse at us at the back window of his car as he heads towards Washington Services. We'll see. Some of us know a "man in the pub" you know. The bloke who was told he'd be sacked if he wore a poppy?
  17. Oh wow I thought everyone danced in furs and drank from chocolate fountains in Russia Also find it odd to quote a story that insists Wikileaks should expose Russian corruption, then laugh at the notion that they're planning to do exactly that.
  18. Oh wow I thought everyone danced in furs and drank from chocolate fountains in Russia Most stories are confirmation of what we all presumed though. Like Panorama tonight. Did anyone think FIFA were as honest as they day is long until tonight? Evidence is a pretty important part of exposing wrong-doing.
  19. I said I've already posted it. you can keep saying they were not unknown....bnut it's a list of things that WERE unconfirmed at the very least.
  20. I have commented on several of the leaks from the site, and don't call me Iirc. I was merely linking to the articles from Slate - much in the same way you like to post the dribblings of your beau JC - I offered no opinion on them. And I was merely explaining why those articles were wrong. I think he's explained how he aims to maximise coverage of the most explosive leaks. I've never seen anything from Wikileaks to suggest they're concentrating exclusively on the US or their actions in the middle east though. There's been no narrowing of focus. In august they leaked the Loveparade 2010 Duisburg planning documents following the stampede, they're making noises about the albanian oil blowout. They've got BP documents and they've said they're going to expose the "despotic" regime of the Russian government. I refer you to the previously posted list.
  21. ...and perhaps the most important story from this release is not at all embarrassing for the US in my opinion. As stated on Balloon Juice... http://www.balloon-juice.com/2010/11/28/wikileaks-reaction/
  22. http://www.slate.com/blogs/blogs/weigel/ar...ge-deliver.aspx http://www.slate.com/id/2276169/ It's a lie to say the Iraq logs told us nothing new. I've posted the revelations earlier in the thread, many are listed here.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_War_docu...s_leak#Contents It's also a lie to say Wikileaks only concentrate on the US or have revealed nothing of regimes where there is no free speech. The very first leak they were responsible for was a Somali assassination order. They've leaked details on the corruption of Kenyan leader Daniel arap Moi. The BNP membership list, the climate research e-mails, the lists of forbidden or illegal web addresses for several countries, 86 telephone intercept recordings of Peruvian politicians and businessmen involved in the "Petrogate" oil scandal, toxic dumping in Africa, a report disclosing a "serious nuclear accident" at the Iranian Natanz nuclear facility in 2009. You've commented on several of those leaks yourself iirc. Assange reports what is leaked to him. He doesn't concoct leaks to hit a specific story to order.
  23. why do I get the impression that some people on here would rather see UK or US servicemen killed than muslim terrorists or sympathisers ? because by creating that impression you have some thing to aim your anger towards, despite it being so far from the truth it's unbearable to continue arguing with you about it. is that so ? How are you getting on with your sisters these days ? Simple fact is, what I say is true. Muslim terrorist sympathisers need to shake their heads and wake up. Why exactly are these sympathisers so angry with the west ? My issue isnt with the terrorists dying, its with the hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children that have been killed as collateral damage then covered up. But I suppose thats Ok by you as its all need to only Casualties are inevitable in any war. If those muslims had the balls to put on uniforms and fight in the open like men, then we would suffer the same, but they don't. It helps when you know your target. Cowardly cunts heckle our troops when they know they can't fight back, burn banners when they know nothing will happen to them, fight us without showing identification, hide behind others, refuse to show their real allegiance and hide behind British passports, and all the time leftie loonies defend their actions, all on British soil. The irony of calling the terrorists cowards for not fighting in the open in order to defend covert ops, secret discussions, cover ups, civilian murder and torture in black sites is clearly lost on Leazes.
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