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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Just watched it. You've got it the wrong way round. http://tv2sport.dk/node/67237 1 minute 45 in Colo put out a soft leg for the initial challenge, then Williamson was soft as shite shoulder to shoulder.
  2. My guess is that it's just a case of being cheaper to bring in Pardew on a performance related contract than give Hughton the contract and the backroom staff he wanted and deserves too btw.
  3. That would be right, cos he is a deluded mother fucker. He'd be the only one that thinks that way..... Well apart from the last decision (which only time will tell) I agree with all of the others. Shearer didn't get the job cos it was cheaper Hughton got the job cos it was cheaper The only players he actually paid anything for were Tiote and Perch. We spent less than almost all other clubs on strengthening the squad....because it was cheaper....and suffered badly the last few games when we missed Barton, Tiote and Nolan. This will be a problem as the season goes on too. Renewing contracts is common sense, it wasn't even a decision. They've continued to make stupid statements. Despite saying there'd be no more.
  4. That would be right, cos he is a deluded mother fucker. He'd be the only one that thinks that way..... http://www.skysports.com/tv_show/story/0,2...6569423,00.html
  5. Biggest crowd of the weekend despite the shite week. Champion.
  6. To be fair, there was a question mark at the end of that headline shush tha bellends
  7. Never liked the lad, but would like to keep him. Don't think he's worth what he thinks he is though...or as good.
  8. I've always known the football365 writers are cocks, but their headline today..... "All Forgiven As Pardew Reign Starts With Cracking Win"
  9. Don't let the bastards grind you down. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  10. Course he cares about his investment. He doesn't do things just to antagonise the fans, he's not Dr evil....he's just a fucking idiot.
  11. I was at a sportsman's dinner with Frank "It's the way I tell them" Carson a few years back and had a similar experience. Couldn't fathom what people were laughing at.
  12. Let's not give CT too much credit. Hughton's record this season is still worse than Allardyce or Souness when they were here after all.
  13. Season ticket holder and I'll renew regardless Said it in the other thread. Still love going to the match. Much fun is derived from having a comedy chairman to sing shocking things about. People love WWE cos of Vince Mcmahon
  14. No-one's forgotten that. What's your point though ? Was Hughton a bad manager to encourage it? Senior players forming a tight and determined bond together? Would you have preferred a Souness type iron fist where any contribution from players gets crushed quick smart? Quote please.
  15. Spot on. Apart from thinking Newcastle fans won't take it out on Pardew.....We shouldn't....but we blatantly are and will.
  16. Is the plan to ring the ground with the protestors or all gather at the main entrance? Gathering at the Box Office Doing that will simply get the "rent a mong" crowd and give an image for Sky what it wont do is encourage others to join, theres no way that the area there is big enough to hold anything like the 500 you expect and impossible for the 10% we'd like to see. On top of that it will merely cause a blockage to fans who want to go into the game and end up causing arguments/ frustration and bad feeling between fans. It also has the prospect of being viewed as an angry mob by the police and broken up turning therefore into a public order issue. if they were to have a single file cordon around the ground it would alleviate those problems and have a better chance of being successful. three quarters of the ground dont even go past the box office and would therefore miss it and not join in. If you can organise enough through the internet to ring the place then nobody can get past without being aware of it and more guaranteed will join in. The biggest circle pit i ever saw was at a Less than Jake (or was it NOFX?) show at the Leeds festival. All the way round the mixing desk it went. This could beat that.
  17. I'm sick of our fans coming across as dancing monkeys. I'm not saying do nothing...but do something effective. Not something that will later be referred back to as a sign the fans were unhappy, but not anymore. I can see it now, Craig David outside St James on the last day of the season "Alan Pardew has kept Newcastle up and those December protests are a distant memory....how fickle they are". Most of us expected this to happen as it was. In my opinion, if there's to be a protest, it would have been just as valid at any previous home game. I'll be doing what I've always done personally, because I've hated Ashley for a long time and I'll hate him forever more whether it works with Pardew or not. So I'll be singing about what a twat he is in the stadiumm and I'll not be buying any of his tat from any of his shops. I'd encourage others who stop going, or don't buy a pint at half time, but I'm too selfish and enjoy the match too much for that...it's the one thing I won't let Ashley take from me no matter what. Ashley is but a fleeting moment in NUFC history, the fans are forever.
  18. Aye, quite a few 14 year olds turned up with their white lightning for the KK March The very notion that Ashley gives a fuck what the fans think, that it's a democracy whereby people power will make a difference, is evidently cloud cuckoo land. Do protesters believe he's unaware that we despise him and want him out? We've been singing about it for years. Nothing to be achieved by making tits of ourselves with more bedsheets on national TV. If anything, it just makes it look like we've come round when there's no organised protests at the games after this one. As has been the case when any of the past furore's have died down. Rather than what Llambias can call the "unreasonable minority" having a one off protest, why don't the entire stadium let them know what we think...at EVERY game.
  19. An hour and a half drinking and watching a few rippers, or freezing my cobs off so the SSN cameras can amuse the rest of the country? I'm going with option A. Good luck to all the 14 year olds that can't get served in pubs though.
  20. "Alan Par-doo" As he shall be known henceforth.
  21. Didn't hear it, sounds like he was asked about backroom team and dodged the question?
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