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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I loved U2 from when I was a bairn loved their sound, there was a time when nearly everything they released was mint. Whether the generic male jumps on that, that's fine. The difference is U2 rose to the top because they were amazing and unique. People are missing my key point here as well, and this is that Kings of Leon are pathetically dire and shite as pointed out by many others, yet are loved by generic can't think for themselves people when there are 10000 better bands than them. Everyone thinks they're mint so they must be. To me liking KOL over Oasis and U2 is as twisted as preferring paedophila to sex with a porn star. But you haven't listened to the (early) music that got KOL to the top so how can you know that? Most people in this thread agrees it's canny and they went to shit later.....like U2. With or Without You just came on the mashup I'm listening to Do they fuck. You, Gemmill, some cunt else and MJS. Everyone that's heard it then.
  2. Last night I was rocking Philip Glass, Ludovicio Einaudi, Chris O'Reilly, Leonard Bernstein and Eluvium. Pucka Piano.
  3. I loved U2 from when I was a bairn loved their sound, there was a time when nearly everything they released was mint. Whether the generic male jumps on that, that's fine. The difference is U2 rose to the top because they were amazing and unique. People are missing my key point here as well, and this is that Kings of Leon are pathetically dire and shite as pointed out by many others, yet are loved by generic can't think for themselves people when there are 10000 better bands than them. Everyone thinks they're mint so they must be. To me liking KOL over Oasis and U2 is as twisted as preferring paedophila to sex with a porn star. But you haven't listened to the (early) music that got KOL to the top so how can you know that? Most people in this thread agrees it's canny and they went to shit later.....like U2. With or Without You just came on the mashup I'm listening to
  4. I think the post in general is bollocks, but the bit in bold is true they were mass marketed but also absolutely class, they got to the top through their unique music and personality, not because they're scruffy yank mugs who appeal to divvy's. There's nothing even to debate in my post tbf. It's fact. It's the most debatable point you've ever made. People who have U2 and Oasis in their ipod's are the general thing a bloke without any interest in music would have in their IPOD? Nothing to do with the fact they're fucking mint then? A bloke without any interest in music wouldn't have an IPOD, and your older bloke like Rob W, who doesn't really care would have Neil Diamond in there and Status Quo. Gemmill is spot on. My brother owns 3 cd's altogether. Oasis The Lighthouse Family The Spin Doctors To be fair, the likes of U2 and Oasis (and KOL) are probably the best music that gets into ther charts, so it's all that blokes that don't read the music press have to go on. Patronising pish, in keeping with most of your posts. U2's peak was when I was little more than a bairn, you were still playing in the sand pit, and they had genuine competition then. You read NME, do you want a medal? Why's it patronising to say some people show a keener interest in music than others? I bought the NME once in 1996 for the Leeds Festival poster.
  5. I think the post in general is bollocks, but the bit in bold is true they were mass marketed but also absolutely class, they got to the top through their unique music and personality, not because they're scruffy yank mugs who appeal to divvy's. There's nothing even to debate in my post tbf. It's fact. It's the most debatable point you've ever made. People who have U2 and Oasis in their ipod's are the general thing a bloke without any interest in music would have in their IPOD? Nothing to do with the fact they're fucking mint then? A bloke without any interest in music wouldn't have an IPOD, and your older bloke like Rob W, who doesn't really care would have Neil Diamond in there and Status Quo. Gemmill is spot on. My brother owns 3 cd's altogether. Oasis The Lighthouse Family The Spin Doctors To be fair, the likes of U2 and Oasis (and KOL) are probably the best music that gets into ther charts, so it's all that blokes that don't read the music press have to go on.
  6. Happy Face

    Mad Men

    Half way through season 2. Don just crashed his car on the way to shag the comedian's wife at the beach and his wife spewed her ring all over his new upholstery when she got an inkling. It's nowhere near as good as the best (Sopranos, West Wing, Wire). It's just another relationship drama in another setting. Who's sleeping with who bullshit...but it caters much more to blokes than Grey's Anatomy, Ally McBeal and all that bollocks. the men are men, they drink and smoke and shag, and it's actually funny.
  7. You should try it Stevie, if you like a bit of Creedence Clearwater Revival, Allman Brothers type stuff.
  8. The albums haven't changed since they were released though, and I like those.
  9. Idiot Kings of Leon fans can't think for themselves.....should think exactly like Stevie or they're brain dead morons Leazesesque
  10. Really good. Played Northumbria uni, the second stage, which is a tiny room. Absolutley heaving. Reminded me of Radiohead, all the nob tweaking and building to a crescendo. Drummer is incredible. Takes centre stage with his cymbal 6ft in the air. Puts on a hell of a show. Sounds great. One for the list! Supposed to be finishing an album and touring this year...though Tyondai Braxton (vocals, guitar, keyboards) has left, so I'm not sure what they'll sound like now.
  11. Adidas should build an advertising campaign around "Never Dive" and some of those clips....finish the ad with Drogba going down like a subservient lesbian as he does, so the yoof can see the difference.
  12. Really good. Played Northumbria uni, the second stage, which is a tiny room. Absolutley heaving. Reminded me of Radiohead, all the nob tweaking and building to a crescendo. Drummer is incredible. Takes centre stage with his cymbal 6ft in the air. Puts on a hell of a show.
  13. Cary Coleman.....dead? Watchu talkin 'bout Willis?
  14. I bought a ticket to see Sunn O))) on my own at the Sage because no-one else fancied it ....but I didn't use it....it is a bit weird to stand on your todd. Probably a bit sadder to miss a band I really want to see like. I'll always regret that.
  15. Good work. De La Soul and Jurrassic 5 have both been in Newcastle recently and I regret not bothering with either.
  16. You Win I'm drooling over some of those! Would love to see Joe Satriani and Steve Vai. Also Radiohead and Mercury Rev! There's lots missing. Just remembered I went to see Paloma Faith last month Not seen Satriani or Vai in a few years, but I went to every tour for about ten years from the age of 16....seeing Satch at The Albert Hall was quality....which reminds me I missed off Alanis Morrisette and Eric Clapton who were on in Hyde park the same weekend(with Bob Dylan). Radiohead still probably top the list as the best live show I've been to.
  17. I don't particularly like them (I said earlier how shite their recent albums are), or Oasis or U2....but all 3 have done stuff I like. Wouldn't lump any of those 3 in with utter wank like Snow patrol or The Killers though, who have no redeeming tunes whatsoever. At least The Killers have done one good song. Agree re Snow Patrol almost as wank as Kings Of Leon, another band brain dead morons like because they're well marketed and are brain dead. I was agreeing with your earlier post in the thread on the Killers and Snow Patrol. I was under 25 when KOL where any good if that's any consolation to you
  18. I don't particularly like them (I said earlier how shite their recent albums are), or Oasis or U2....but all 3 have done stuff I like. Wouldn't lump any of those 3 in with utter wank like Snow patrol or The Killers though, who have no redeeming tunes whatsoever.
  19. From my ipod, I've seen.... Aerosmith Arcade Fire Aspects Battles Beastie Boys The Bees The Black Crows Black Grape Blink-182 Bob Dylan The Boy Least Likely To Brian May The Coral The Darkness Deftones DJ Yoda The Dodos Eels Eminem Extreme Foo Fighters Goldie Lookin Chain Green Day Guns N' Roses Hot Chip James Brown Joanna Newsom Joe Satriani Josh Ritter Kings of leon Lenny Kravitz Limp Bizkit Manic Street Preachers Marilyn Manson Matthew Dear Mercury Rev Metallica Michael Buble Modest Mouse Muse Neko Case Oasis Primal Scream The Prodigy Public Enemy Queens of the Stoneage Radiohead Rage against the machine Red Hot Chili Peppers Rihanna Roots manuva Run DMC Slipknot Stereophonics Steve Vai The Strokes System Of A Down Talib Kweli Travis Wilco X-zibit Some once, some ten times.
  20. I tell you what you've probably got 100 posts which are up there with the most astonishingly pathetic ever seen on a message board, but am tellin ye noo, that goes in at number 1 pmsl hehehehehe ye can't believe sane people hold these views. Three bands whose career trajectories have been pretty much identical. It's all just personal taste though Stevie....you're the one who started ripping the piss out of other peoples....that's pathetic pal. Trajectories? Kevin Scott had the same trajectory as Gazza. Newcastle to Tottenham in their 20's they were as good as each other eh? Comparing U2 and Oasis to KOL is like comparing Robert de Niro and Al Pacino to John Savident. The Lightning Seeds shit on all 3 like....they must be Marlon Brando. The Lightening Seeds are class got 3 albums I love them, but they're not Oasis or U2 for that matter. I do think if Ian Brodie, wasn't scouse, 5ft5 and ugly as fuck, the band would've been twice as big. Don't even mention KOL, Russ Abbott's - What an Atmosphere was as good as any of their shite. Bet you've not even heard red Morning light, Wasted Time or Spiral Staircase. There's far worse bands you could have a pop at. They've been about for 7 years. Is this rant only coming now because you've heard they're playing the Stadium of light? Stinks of your patented postcode prejudice.
  21. I tell you what you've probably got 100 posts which are up there with the most astonishingly pathetic ever seen on a message board, but am tellin ye noo, that goes in at number 1 pmsl hehehehehe ye can't believe sane people hold these views. Three bands whose career trajectories have been pretty much identical. It's all just personal taste though Stevie....you're the one who started ripping the piss out of other peoples....that's pathetic pal. Trajectories? Kevin Scott had the same trajectory as Gazza. Newcastle to Tottenham in their 20's they were as good as each other eh? Comparing U2 and Oasis to KOL is like comparing Robert de Niro and Al Pacino to John Savident. The Lightning Seeds shit on all 3 like....they must be Marlon Brando.
  22. I tell you what you've probably got 100 posts which are up there with the most astonishingly pathetic ever seen on a message board, but am tellin ye noo, that goes in at number 1 pmsl hehehehehe ye can't believe sane people hold these views. Three bands whose career trajectories have been pretty much identical. It's all just personal taste though Stevie....you're the one who started ripping the piss out of other peoples....that's pathetic pal.
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