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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. At least the big wheel survived at Chernobyl....
  2. His healthcare bill dropped tens of millions of new paying customers into the lap of the health insurance industry....they lobbied in favour of his changes.....omitting a public option. Very much a corporate stooge on that score. His rhetoric was of a public option, which he dropped once in power. He didn't affect the change he promised. No-one in washington is double dealing....they're all pulling in the same direction. Corporate ownership of state.
  3. I can't see how any of the examples above are the start of even the biggest turning circle. How are they anything but full steam ahead.
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/07/world/mi...st/07yemen.html
  5. I see. Bush was a corporate crony so Obama HAD to make every appointment of his own a corporate lapdog. Bush was torturing foreigners abroad so Obama HAD to start authorising the assassination of US citizens without charge. Bush had given tax cuts to the wealthy....so Obama HAD to extend them when they ended.
  6. Happy Face


    Might be too late for some, but now's the time to switch homies.... http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/utilities...gas-electricity
  7. What would have been different if Bush was still in? All Americans wouldn't be supplied/obliged to buy healthcare. Gays would have to be quiet about serving in the military. Which is great....but were those anything to do with the main criticisms of Bush?
  8. Last night I was rocking Philip Glass, Ludovicio Einaudi, Chris O'Reilly, Leonard Bernstein and Eluvium. Pucka Piano. pretty much the oasis', u2s and kols of modern classical then Exactly why I don't condone stevie's position. Whatever happened to patrokles btw?
  9. Strange question to ask me when your first post in the thread referenced her pro-gun position too. I don't feel she is responsible at all.
  10. Too soon? http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=831518
  11. I assumed a point black bullet to the head had done for her. Hopefully totally wrong.
  12. Not sure why you would rest Harper after 2 games in 3 months. Wigan/West Ham is the first time we've had 2 clean sheets in a row all season. He was immense on Wednesday night.
  13. it would be hilarious if we managed another
  14. Took a four nil tonking in the cup before the last derby and I'll take this tonking if the derby that follows goes a similar way.
  15. Airey on Nice debut for the lad to look back on.
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12143774 Not saying it's the reason, but..."Giffords is pro-choice and has a 100% rating from NARAL" "Giffords has discussed her gun ownership and support for gun rights opposing the DC gun ban "
  17. This is fucking bollocks as well. I've never read a single music paper in my life. Where's the Zappa quote on rock journalism? "Rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read." If you have a genuine interest and curiosity in music, with the internet there's nothing to stop you from indulging it now. Replace the word "press" with "media" in my post and you wouldn't be disagreeing then....which is how I assumed it would be interpreted. I don't read any of the music press myself either, I exclusively use the internet to find new music. Unlike you and Frank Zappa, I'm not conceited enough to think that makes me any better than someone that uses Jazztimes or Bass Frontiers.
  18. Well done. I'm sure this will be the end of the matter.
  19. Never given them any attention tttt. I was 2 when that came out. Just came on the mix i've got on and I thought of you
  20. Rap whey that's it then. Fuckin rap. It's all the fuckin same "he is the main nigger and he pulls the fuckin trigger" PISH. You should drop that joint fo shizzle.
  21. Think US rap has the edge over the UK like....just.
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