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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. you're a genius man. Thread of the year arrived early.
  2. Like he's licking cheese-ey chips off his fingers.
  3. Should have got one of these bad boys... http://www.dabs.com/products/logitech-harm...ntrol-5FCM.html
  4. Up In The Air - Not sure why it got all the awards nominations....probably because ending. Canny enough, but nowt special. 127 Hours - I'm going to stop reading about films before I've seen them. 2 of the best films I've seen in the last few months were Kick Ass and this...and I knew from start to finish what was going to happen and specific scene's that were most well regarded. Would have enjoyed them so much more if I came to them fresh. Not saying this is as good as Kick Ass mind. It's all just preamble for when he goes in for the cut....but people were squirming all over.
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-12217368 Just a busy body neighbour then. I was always playing with my gat in the garden when I was a nipper.
  6. 5/2 on Skybet though...about as safe as papa dinosaur.
  7. Don't think the bookies even need much money on something to close the betting....if there's a sniff of a rumour they shut up shop and let it die down.
  8. Jonny Decka knows more about economics than you.
  9. Thats why me Engrish is a but dodgy tbh. Its ar the Chinese I'm rearning. FYP
  10. Anyway, why are the US using most of their "gross domestic income" to pay off china.....who only hold 20% of foreign US debts? http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/da...cuments/mfh.txt
  11. Were did you get them figures from. Your way out mate. You on about three quarters of a trillion worth of gold or something? The US department of treasury.... http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/da...ts/shl2009r.pdf See Page 9
  12. You think the US give China over $7 trillion every year? They only owe them three quarters of a trillion...total.
  13. Upped sticks. This sort of thing would never happen in that idyllic utopia mind.
  14. Found it... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/t...ted/9262221.stm
  15. Anyone got the link to the radio Newcastle interview he did where he called Ashley a fat malingering twat?
  16. Mackem at work "aw fuck! Owen's at the academy apparently!" Even if it's just a rumour, it's funny as fuck.
  17. Phew! They'd closed the infant school and told parents not to come for their kids.
  18. I was surprised at him taking the huff. He seems like a decent bloke so to get all precious like that was a bit disappointing. What was strangest was that he complained about the tone....and then announced the best actress nominees in terms of how much he'd like to fuck each and every one of them. Classy.
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