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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Good price. It was £240 at dabs, but the offer seems to have ended. http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/logitech-h...e-contro/840766
  2. Don't remember that. Perhaps you're not as striking as we all imagine
  3. Ayatollah Hermione = A vague sense of unease that it's pronounced 'Her-My-Oh-knee' and not 'her-me-own'. Stupidest name since Siobhan....which leads to the image of a new lass at work i called "see-oh-ban' to her face.
  4. Christmas Tree = Me da Leazes = An American with the associated lack of self awareness or comprehension of the metaphysical concept of shame.
  5. Agree with Parky = David Lynch Chez = David Byrne 2J = A cross between Danny the drug dealer (Withnail and I) and an adidas shoe Renton = Renton
  6. I'd post this.... But then you might kick shit out of me.
  7. Have to say, Happy Facette uses the Jamie Oliver App on her touch for the shopping list like. I just done a massive poo. It was like a rounders bat. Incredible!
  8. The Cut Copy one is great. 80's synth dance pop in the vein of Hot Chip/LCD soundsystem. For example... I got In Ghost Colours when it came out, bt tat didn't impress me as much.
  9. Would like reviewing films/music for a living, if I could write betterer. There's a dwindling market for it unfortunately, thanks to sites like this.
  10. You metrosexual looking poser fuck! Gary Busey meets Spud from Trainspotting. Nature = Spud Nurture = Busey
  11. Class. Think he's kicking with the wrong leg though....that's the point of the crane kick Daniel-san.
  12. Got the new Cut Copy and Iron & Wine albums for tomorrow.
  13. Extremists are the least religious. Killing people and that isn't devout.
  14. Is this the one Happy? Exactly that.
  15. Never been in a fight really. Worked in a pub where there were fights every night so I spent more time jumping between arseholes that wanted to be split up anyway. There was the time I was jumped by 2 blokes who didn't give me a second glance until they were walking past me. One of them sucker punched me. I hardly felt a thing but went down more from the surprise than anything. They both tried to put the boot in but I'm a lanky fucker and I remembered my break dancing moves and gave it the Air Flare. Spun round on my back kicking them in the shins, stomach and balls. I was pleased to come away unscathed.
  16. One point and Smith crocked. Almost as good as the 5-1.
  17. The nominations are.... Hors la Loi (Outside the Law) - Algeria Incendies - Canada In a Better World - Denmark Dogtooth - Greece Confessions - Japan Biutiful - Mexico Life, Above All - South Africa Tambien la Lluvia (Even the Rain) - Spain Simple Simon - Sweden Get watching
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-12235237 The actions of some muslims should not tar all muslims....but those few can't be labelled extremists. She wants the moon on a stick.
  19. Mentioned it in another thread, but every power company is whacking up fuel prices 5 to 10 percent. Coming out of winter if you're on a DD monthly payments are bound to go up a whack. Money Saving Expert have a good guide to changing and say now is the time to do it...don't just "go compare" because some comparison sites give you cash back (like £30 for a dual fuel change).
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