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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I wondered what people like you (regulars who hadn't read the thread) would think when Stokoe popped up out of nowhere on the banner.
  2. The Cut Copy one is great. 80's synth dance pop in the vein of Hot Chip/LCD soundsystem. For example... I got In Ghost Colours when it came out, bt tat didn't impress me as much. Just downed this after listening to above, and it's excellent so far, might just make a purchase. Champion. I'm not so keen on the Iron & Wine one.
  3. Shite, but I've done it now so...
  4. 93 mate. To be fair it's been like that since you were playing rounders in your Hi Tec Strada's. You're having a pop at my age? Nowt I can do about that really. Sorry I was hoping you'd bite more than that. There's only two years between us. Am sure you hate the Sunday games too then. There's got to be twice as many as there was when I was 18.
  5. 93 mate. To be fair it's been like that since you were playing rounders in your Hi Tec Strada's. You're having a pop at my age? Nowt I can do about that really.
  6. "The game's gone mad" I agree. Not because a woman's doing a better job on the line than most men, but because the twat's at sky have fucked with it so comprehensively that Saturday was only the fifth 3pm Saturday kick off we've had all season and they do shite like schedule a game at Plymouth on a Monday night for us.
  7. I'd love him to convince the mackems to do his testimonial. It's the only way he'd get more of a crowd than Rob Lee did.
  8. What's that Andy Gray? The wingers will make their runs up the wing? Glad you've got a set of draughts to visualise this complex part of the game.
  9. Why would we want to sell Ameobi at the moment?
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/9371642.stm You're hysterical woman, go and have a lie down.
  11. You can't hold that against them though.. Might as well have put the Life Of Brian on.
  12. Fulham v Tottingham in the cup. 30th Jan. eh? Bit of satire there for you.
  13. "While Ashley gambled, he was drinking pints of lager brought to him at the table by bar staff. They were on the house because he's a high-roller." Don't you get free drinks when you're hoying quarters into the slots in vegas?
  14. Happy Face

    Slaley Hall

    Playing golf at Slayley at the end of March. Think I'll need plenty of spare balls.
  15. This squad can survive so I don't expect any transfer activity.....but then last year we were top of the league and would have won it without strengthening so I'll be happy to see otherwise.
  16. Its not the man were taking the piss out of. It the dire statue. Oh I know that but lets face it, it didnt really need to go the peado route (as funny as it has been). And you know a few of the more delicate flowers on here wold be going barmy if roles were reversed. Just saying like. Stokoe played for Newcastle you numpty.
  17. Nah, it's Ted Bates....supposedly. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Bates_(fo...tue_Controversy
  18. A shit statue....shitter than this....
  19. One nil to CT! No mate, I've already said why you're damning Pardew with faint praise to say the players lick his arse for now and the players who were due to discuss contracts have signed. No point repeating that to be ignored again. Hopefully he'll manage something to impress us in the transfer market/from the dugout soon.
  20. Hope you had a bet on that! Hope he didn't. Our group always hoy in £3 quid each for last goal scorer. There's 7 of us so the odds are 6-1 whoever you choose. Fucking daft really when Collo was 25-1 yesterday, and only Carroll was shorter than 6-1
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