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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. You are now though you sad cunt. Nothing left to prove Happy. Nothing at all. I've seen no proof you were out EVERY night of your 17th year even when barcelona were on the box. Pathetic shot to take. pretty bad to look a bell end compared to kev at twice his age.
  2. You are now though you sad cunt.
  3. Really enjoyed that game. Said arsenal would pull it back as soon as barca started with the back heels and harlem globetrotters shit like.
  4. I've been amongst his biggest critics so it's only fair to give him credit for these 3 points. Excellent performance. Hopefully it'll spur him on to try more crosses. Much prefer him to try 10 and have 2 come off than what he seems to do at the moment which is try 2 which fail and use the other 8 opportunities to play tip tap with Enrique or fall over. Seems to me the howls of derision that greet his first attempt tend to put him off trying any more. As last nights first cross was perfect...he grew 2 inches and came into his own.
  5. "That's English for stop a horse!"
  6. really? i don't think they meant to hit the pharma-factory....doesn't play well on the news (although i doubt the fact it wasn't a "weapons" factory ever made it to the news in any significant way), i think it can attributed to the general lack of good intel coming out of africa, similar to the shit intel which corroborated the move into Iraq, it also originated in africa iirc my point was just that clinton wasn't trying to deflect public opinion, he was just acting in a cavalier/cowboy manner to put a little payback to those that bombed the embassies in Tunisa and Kenya I don't think they give a fuck about the news. i disagree, why else would they have a whitehouse press secretary, it's all about spin. They have a press secretary to tell the press what to write. Not sure how that goes against what parky is saying. The fact the us media act as nothing more than stenographers only promotes a cavalier approach to the presidency.
  7. Did you lift that from the Viz's 'Top Tips' section? No I didn't! Try to remember that a few hundred forum members posting 500 or even 1000 pages of "not wanting to sell our top players", is still only representative of a piffling few hundred fans, as opposed to 45,000 season ticket holders who will have their wishes ignored if they don't put in writing what they expect. In my experience most people just pay lip service to e-mails, and even less to chat forums, but 45,000 well composed letters sitting on the desk of the ticket office actually makes quite a tangible and forceful statement of what fans expectations are! Are we all writing 2 each like? And is someone else doing Deadman's 2 for him?
  8. I was interested to hear that the CIA tried to convince Martin Luther King to kill himself by blackmailing him with recordings of his extra-marital activity. I had no idea. And people think it's crazy to imagine Assange getting stitched up for challenging the status quo?
  9. My options were... 1 year season ticket = £558 up front or via monthly direct debit 3 year season ticket = £1350 up front. No Direct Debit option. 10 year season ticket = £504 up front or via monthly direct debit or via yearly direct debit. Cheers Note that the £1350 deal is only offered if you paid in advance on the last 3 year deal. Other lads (like Stevie) who took the DD option that time haven't been given that choice. Dunno which bracket you fall into. I never paid in advance last time, was direct debit, yet online I have the option of the £1350 Maybe Stevie was only paying year by year. My bad.
  10. My options were... 1 year season ticket = £558 up front or via monthly direct debit 3 year season ticket = £1350 up front. No Direct Debit option. 10 year season ticket = £504 up front or via monthly direct debit or via yearly direct debit. Cheers Note that the £1350 deal is only offered if you paid in advance on the last 3 year deal. Other lads (like Stevie) who took the DD option that time haven't been given that choice. Dunno which bracket you fall into.
  11. Because I value blank paper more than that.
  12. My options were... 1 year season ticket = £558 up front or via monthly direct debit 3 year season ticket = £1350 up front. No Direct Debit option. 10 year season ticket = £504 up front or via monthly direct debit or via yearly direct debit.
  13. Arrested Development is worth watching for Jeffrey Tambor alone. Will Arnett and David Cross take it into classic status.
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12083491 Which world leader/political figure has been the best at getting his end away? Does Berlusconi eclipse Kennedy. Martin Luther King was reet dirty rotter wasn't he? Amazing Clinton got all that shit just for poking that one willing bint with a cigar case.
  15. I take it back. Llambias is a twat again. We've only got a fortnight to get our renewals back in. The Bolton game is 2 days before they have to be in so if you want to discuss it with your mates you haven't really got much of an opportunity to do so at the game. Why in christ would renewals need to be in by 28/02?
  16. How????? It doesn't say that on mine. Might only be for those who paid 3 years in advance. 3 year season ticket offered for £1350...advertised as a 20% discount, it's actually a 30% increase, but not as bad as I'd feared.
  17. Take it all back. Turns out I can move anywhere in the Leazes/Gallowgate for £450 a seaon. Apologies to Derek Llambias. I'd be pissed off If I was one of the poor sods who's been paying £500+ to sit there for the last few years and gets me sat next to them next year.
  18. No Newcastle tickets? What a bell-end!
  19. Never doubted Shola Kev. Good lad
  20. In years to come The Kings Speech beating Inception, Toy Story 3, Social Network and True Grit to all these awards will look like Forrest Gump beating Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption...or Driving Miss Daisy beating Do The Right Thing...an absolute aberration. Speaking of which, I didn't realise Sally Menke (Pulp Fiction editor) had died this year. RIP. Forgive me for being pedantic, but Shawshank didn't even get nominated. I agree with the point about Forrest Gump though. I'll never know how that won. I was talking about awards in general. Shawshank was nominated for an Oscar. No idea about it's Bafta nominations. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111161/awards Do The Right Thing wasn't, but I'm not really making a point about nominated films being robbed, just any films that were patently better in the same year. I liked The Kings Speech, but it's very run of the mill.
  21. My point was not that most wouldn't think Joe Harvey deserved it, but that they won't know about him. Most of their parents probably weren't alive at the time . I know the average TT poster reads paul Joannou religiously, but i don't think that's standard. Maybe I underestimate the youth of today. I'll do a straw poll in the stadium next week. It would be interestiung to chat to Mike Ashley about his club. Ask him who he thinks is more deserving...Joe Harvey....Hughie Gallacher....Jackie Milburn...Stan Seymour. I imagine he'd be pretty blank faced. Personally, I think Joe Harvey did more for NUFC as a player and manager than anybody, with Kevin Keegan a close second, by miles. It's a shame Joe Harvey had to do the job with one hand tied behind his back [ring any bells] because he would certainly have built on the Fairs Cup team and gone forward from that point - how far we will never know, he may have not been a tactical manager, but his players all say his man-management was spot on and loved playing for him. He left the coaching etc to others, just like Keegan. Nowt wrong with that. Keegan thought Seymour deserved the Academy to be given his name...but resigned before it could happen. Can't see Ashley naming owt after Keegan like....mebeez the bogs.
  22. In years to come The Kings Speech beating Inception, Toy Story 3, Social Network and True Grit to all these awards will look like Forrest Gump beating Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption...or Driving Miss Daisy beating Do The Right Thing...an absolute aberration. Speaking of which, I didn't realise Sally Menke (Pulp Fiction editor) had died this year. RIP.
  23. My point was not that most wouldn't think Joe Harvey deserved it, but that they won't know about him. Most of their parents probably weren't alive at the time . I know the average TT poster reads paul Joannou religiously, but i don't think that's standard. Maybe I underestimate the youth of today. I'll do a straw poll in the stadium next week. It would be interestiung to chat to Mike Ashley about his club. Ask him who he thinks is more deserving...Joe Harvey....Hughie Gallacher....Jackie Milburn...Stan Seymour. I imagine he'd be pretty blank faced.
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