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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. The brilliant thing is he is such a poor example for the pro-war anti immigration civil liberty eroders he convinces more people to the lefty view than he does his poorly thought out, ill founded views. the woolly headed ideas of you, Fish etc do wonders for the loonie leftie brigade too, about as much as the muslims themselves when they show anybody with half a brain they don't have the balls to fight like men instead of behaving like the cowardly tosspots that they are. How you and others perceive what I say doesn't really bother me, you should be able to see them for what they are regardless. I've heard that Adele song less than this. Change the record man. I've yet to hear anybody, despite your defence of these lunatics, actually acknowledge what i say is correct. Which it is, of course. Which lunatics? Who defended them? What did you say about them? Please do be specific. All I've heard is vague attacks on "them" for a range of activities lumped in together, from so much as disagreeing with the wars to flying planes into buildings. I'll remind you of my position.... I have woolly headed ideas? I endorse the harshest penalty available for terrorists. I protect muslims who don't have the balls to fight like men instead of behaving like the cowardly tosspots that they are? I don't want to gas people for protesting...there have been millions of British, white christians (and I'm sure thousands of ex pat American Jews and Aussie scientologists) that protested the war on British soil. It's not a feasible law. I do not see them for what they are? I do not assume anyone is anything until there's evidence been presented to me to suggest it. Give me an example of an individual I've misjudged. No point in even responding to him mate. We all know where you stand (well, apart from Leazes). I have faith in Leazes. One day he'll be able to present a view supported with a reason.
  2. Happy Face


    I was cursed by a gypsy woman once cos i didn't buy some tat. I often wonder which of my numerous faults she's responsible for.
  3. The brilliant thing is he is such a poor example for the pro-war anti immigration civil liberty eroders he convinces more people to the lefty view than he does his poorly thought out, ill founded views. the woolly headed ideas of you, Fish etc do wonders for the loonie leftie brigade too, about as much as the muslims themselves when they show anybody with half a brain they don't have the balls to fight like men instead of behaving like the cowardly tosspots that they are. How you and others perceive what I say doesn't really bother me, you should be able to see them for what they are regardless. I've heard that Adele song less than this. Change the record man. I've yet to hear anybody, despite your defence of these lunatics, actually acknowledge what i say is correct. Which it is, of course. Which lunatics? Who defended them? What did you say about them? Please do be specific. All I've heard is vague attacks on "them" for a range of activities lumped in together, from so much as disagreeing with the wars to flying planes into buildings. I'll remind you of my position.... I have woolly headed ideas? I endorse the harshest penalty available for terrorists. I protect muslims who don't have the balls to fight like men instead of behaving like the cowardly tosspots that they are? I don't want to gas people for protesting...there have been millions of British, white christians (and I'm sure thousands of ex pat American Jews and Aussie scientologists) that protested the war on British soil. It's not a feasible law. I do not see them for what they are? I do not assume anyone is anything until there's evidence been presented to me to suggest it. Give me an example of an individual I've misjudged.
  4. You can add HF/TF/Ren and a variety of others though, on this particular subject. It's like watching On The Buses in the 80s man. TBF I've posted in this thread less than you Butler. Who posted in: Religion headed toward extinction Poster Posts LeazesMag 140 The Fish 35 McFaul 34 Renton 33 NJS 32 Monkeys Fist 27 Holden McGroin 26 Happy Face 25 Gemmill 22 Park Life 18 Gejon 11 alex 10 ewerk 8 snakehips 7 Rob W 7 trophyshy 7 J69 6 Meenzer 6 Kevin S. Assilleekunt 6 JawD 5 Aye you're right The usual suspects. My posts have been of a UN peace keeping nature rather than provocative though. So Leazes has posted four times as much as the second most poster, and it's the same story for every thread concerning muslims. If it was about Shepherd, the ratio would be closer to ten times as much as the second most prolific poster. And you make youself out to be a peace maker! I only posted because I was bored, but how you can't identify Leazes as being a particularly broken record is beyond me. That's fair enough, but I hate using the word irony on here, as it's often over-used and misused, but it's ironic talking about broken records you saying that when you know for a fact, you can't change or influence his opinion. There's a line from Terminator 2 "He can't be reasoned with, he can't be bargained with, he can't feel shame, or remorse, guilt or emotion", and it applies to 50% of the posters in this thread on this topic. I'm all for debate and what not but on this subject, all angles have been covered 1,000 times, and all you end up with is the same thing being said in a different manner, which is why I keep away. We should have ignored Leazes when he concentrated the discussion on Islam on page 1. But it was well worth all of this for the image of him BBQing bacon on the roof of his Mohammad shed clutching his teddy.
  5. You can add HF/TF/Ren and a variety of others though, on this particular subject. It's like watching On The Buses in the 80s man. TBF I've posted in this thread less than you Butler.
  6. The brilliant thing is he is such a poor example for the pro-war anti immigration civil liberty eroders he convinces more people to the lefty view than he does his poorly thought out, ill founded views. the woolly headed ideas of you, Fish etc do wonders for the loonie leftie brigade too, about as much as the muslims themselves when they show anybody with half a brain they don't have the balls to fight like men instead of behaving like the cowardly tosspots that they are. How you and others perceive what I say doesn't really bother me, you should be able to see them for what they are regardless. I've heard that Adele song less than this. Change the record man.
  7. Happy Face


    Her family are supposed to pay.
  8. The brilliant thing is he is such a poor example for the pro-war anti immigration civil liberty eroders he convinces more people to the lefty view than he does his poorly thought out, ill founded views.
  9. Me too. Love your ava though. I recognise it. Who is it by? Tommy Devito's ma. One dog goes one way, the other dog goes the other way, and this guy's sayin', "Whadda ya want from me?"
  10. same here. Get some bacon on the barby mate, let's have a few cans.
  11. What if they put a poppy on their bbq? Live and let live in free speech utopia? In an Islamic state, they can do what the fuck they like, fortunately this is not an Islamic state. Well that's not an answer to the question is it? We're talking about British citizens in the UK. This is the problem Leazes, you have a VERY childish view of the issues and the solution. You see it as very cut and dry but your solution could NOT be implemented in any democratic society, and I've not heard an actual policy change you suggest we implement in the UK in all seriousness. We completely agree that anyone bombing trains or hijacking planes should be jailed. So let's leave that one alone. It's resolved. Killers...banged up!! You might think they should be killed (if they didn't manage to kill themselves) but as that's not legal in the UK...we'll leave the debate on capital punishment alone and just agree that they should receive the harshest punishment our system allows for...whatever it may be. Completely separate to that, you have another crime which you like to lump in with the murder and terrorism whenever it comes up and that's the public disorder offences...the offensive protests like burning 2 foot poppies in front of war memorials. This is where we might not be in total harmony and I'm interested in hearing your solution. I agree that these arseholes are scumbags and would like to see some sort of punishment....but, not being a violent crime you can't really go much further than a fine can you? Now don't say "they should go home and fight against us in a uniform" because that's what an 8 year old would say. These are British citizens, they cannot be deported to a random country that has no responsibility for them. And they're obviously not going to choose to go anywhere or do anything that you want them to. So constructively speaking, what exactly do you propose? Lastly you have freedom of speech issues, where peaceful protest allows people to say things that you don't like. So you CAN name a teddy Mohammad if you want, and others CAN complain about it. Someone CAN protest the war and you CAN complain about that. What exactly would you change here? You seem to suggest that you do not have the right to complain any more, but you do it regularly on here. My view is straightforward and effective. If they aren't "british" or call themselves "British", then they don't belong here, if their heart is somewhere else ie what they call "home" either fuck off home or shut the fuck up. If they want to wish death on our soldiers, then put their "courage" where their mouth is. If they want to cause unruly demonstrations protesting at British Soldiers or others exercising free speech because it "offends" their potty religion, then turn the tear gas on them. Hijacking planes and bombing shopping centres ? Jail ? I would rather execute them or better still fly them over the North Sea, as its nice and rough and choppy, in a helicopter and throw them out. You have the right to disagree that we should not be at war, but this is not the same thing as protesting at being at war with "your" country. Get the difference ? It's YOU who is cluelessly childish. They are abusing their freedom man, and taking the piss out of us, or you, for being so meek, which they see as a sign of weakness and exploit it more each time for their own benefit. Still not quite clear what you're proposing here. Are you just complaining about the situation while realising it's the best it can be or can you explain what new law you're going to introduce. it seems to be that any British Muslim protesting the war must voluntarily leave the country or face the gas chamber? Seriously. if they don't like it and their heart is "home", fight like men for their "homeland" instead of hiding behind the very freedom that they are protesting about like cowards, and hypocrites. Its pretty simple really, I don't see what is so difficult about it that you can't grasp it. It's vague, unworkable and what you advocate invading Libya to prevent...the murder of protesters.
  12. What if they put a poppy on their bbq? Live and let live in free speech utopia? In an Islamic state, they can do what the fuck they like, fortunately this is not an Islamic state. Well that's not an answer to the question is it? We're talking about British citizens in the UK. This is the problem Leazes, you have a VERY childish view of the issues and the solution. You see it as very cut and dry but your solution could NOT be implemented in any democratic society, and I've not heard an actual policy change you suggest we implement in the UK in all seriousness. We completely agree that anyone bombing trains or hijacking planes should be jailed. So let's leave that one alone. It's resolved. Killers...banged up!! You might think they should be killed (if they didn't manage to kill themselves) but as that's not legal in the UK...we'll leave the debate on capital punishment alone and just agree that they should receive the harshest punishment our system allows for...whatever it may be. Completely separate to that, you have another crime which you like to lump in with the murder and terrorism whenever it comes up and that's the public disorder offences...the offensive protests like burning 2 foot poppies in front of war memorials. This is where we might not be in total harmony and I'm interested in hearing your solution. I agree that these arseholes are scumbags and would like to see some sort of punishment....but, not being a violent crime you can't really go much further than a fine can you? Now don't say "they should go home and fight against us in a uniform" because that's what an 8 year old would say. These are British citizens, they cannot be deported to a random country that has no responsibility for them. And they're obviously not going to choose to go anywhere or do anything that you want them to. So constructively speaking, what exactly do you propose? Lastly you have freedom of speech issues, where peaceful protest allows people to say things that you don't like. So you CAN name a teddy Mohammad if you want, and others CAN complain about it. Someone CAN protest the war and you CAN complain about that. What exactly would you change here? You seem to suggest that you do not have the right to complain any more, but you do it regularly on here. My view is straightforward and effective. If they aren't "british" or call themselves "British", then they don't belong here, if their heart is somewhere else ie what they call "home" either fuck off home or shut the fuck up. If they want to wish death on our soldiers, then put their "courage" where their mouth is. If they want to cause unruly demonstrations protesting at British Soldiers or others exercising free speech because it "offends" their potty religion, then turn the tear gas on them. Hijacking planes and bombing shopping centres ? Jail ? I would rather execute them or better still fly them over the North Sea, as its nice and rough and choppy, in a helicopter and throw them out. You have the right to disagree that we should not be at war, but this is not the same thing as protesting at being at war with "your" country. Get the difference ? It's YOU who is cluelessly childish. They are abusing their freedom man, and taking the piss out of us, or you, for being so meek, which they see as a sign of weakness and exploit it more each time for their own benefit. Still not quite clear what you're proposing here. Are you just complaining about the situation while realising it's the best it can be or can you explain what new law you're going to introduce. it seems to be that any British Muslim protesting the war must voluntarily leave the country or face the gas chamber? Seriously.
  13. What if they put a poppy on their bbq? Live and let live in free speech utopia? In an Islamic state, they can do what the fuck they like, fortunately this is not an Islamic state. Well that's not an answer to the question is it? We're talking about British citizens in the UK. This is the problem Leazes, you have a VERY childish view of the issues and the solution. You see it as very cut and dry but your solution could NOT be implemented in any democratic society, and I've not heard an actual policy change you suggest we implement in the UK in all seriousness. We completely agree that anyone bombing trains or hijacking planes should be jailed. So let's leave that one alone. It's resolved. Killers...banged up!! You might think they should be killed (if they didn't manage to kill themselves) but as that's not legal in the UK...we'll leave the debate on capital punishment alone and just agree that they should receive the harshest punishment our system allows for...whatever it may be. Completely separate to that, you have another crime which you like to lump in with the murder and terrorism whenever it comes up and that's the public disorder offences...the offensive protests like burning 2 foot poppies in front of war memorials. This is where we might not be in total harmony and I'm interested in hearing your solution. I agree that these arseholes are scumbags and would like to see some sort of punishment....but, not being a violent crime you can't really go much further than a fine can you? Now don't say "they should go home and fight against us in a uniform" because that's what an 8 year old would say. These are British citizens, they cannot be deported to a random country that has no responsibility for them. And they're obviously not going to choose to go anywhere or do anything that you want them to. So constructively speaking, what exactly do you propose? Lastly you have freedom of speech issues, where peaceful protest allows people to say things that you don't like. So you CAN name a teddy Mohammad if you want, and others CAN complain about it. Someone CAN protest the war and you CAN complain about that. What exactly would you change here? You seem to suggest that you do not have the right to complain any more, but you do it regularly on here.
  14. Great little pub on the river bank past the roman ruins where the boat trips set off from. Used to sit outside, watch the sun go down and they serve nice basket food and beautiful tortillas etc. The river cruise was Nowt special. We had a coffee in there as it was a bit nippy walking up the riverside. All the boat races were on too so we watched some of that from the bridge.
  15. What more do you want? Some lush pubs they are too.
  16. Having a lovely few days in chester. Never been before. Staying at the coach house which is nice. But the reason for the post is last nights steak. Upstairs at the grill is a small place, only 10 tables or so, I only had an 8oz sirloin but it was better than gaucho grill imo. Recommend.
  17. So someone makes a post with good points about how there are nutters of all kinds and the thing you pick up on is the bit where he say's you won't know something. Simple question - Had you heard of the LRA? If the answer is no then Fish was right. If the answer is yes then can you explain why you won't accept the argument that Muslims don't have a monopoly on extremism? I don't think you'll find anywhere where Leazes has said that they do have a monopoly on extremism. Rightly or wrongly when the subject is muslim extremism, then he may not feel it's relevant? HF mentioned christian nutters and was told he was deluded/blind/loony/hippy. And that was in response to the question why is it exclusively Muslims that do these things, not (as LM likes to pretend) as justification for any of them.
  18. What would YOU do if a muslim family moved in next door to you ? Introduce myself and make them welcome. You? probably not, but I don't make that a priority with anybody. Why ? Why don't you ask the others this question, I'm sure Amnesty International ie Rob, would welcome any old gangster or street mugger next door to him so long as they have "served their time and did nothing yet etc etc" Because you have openly branded them as a threat. I thought it was a completely relevant question and I was hoping to get some insight into what you'd do/feel about it. well, I've gave you a truthful answer. I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime. See the comment I made about living next door to gangsters or drug runners who have "done their time and haven't done anything yet", well that is a relevant question too and not just to Rob ? What if they put a poppy on their bbq? Live and let live in free speech utopia?
  19. unlikely they would move next door to me Renton, they generally stick together with their own, which of course isn't racist .... You're potty. I just think you should be honest about your own prejudices and stop trying to deflect questions you feel difficult to answer all the time. Nowt potty about that. Your point about muslim people having a tendency to form 'ghettoes' is a good one btw. I don't think it's racist but it is a concern imo. It IS racist. I'm not prejudiced. I just react to how I see people behave. don't get sidetracked by minor language technicalities like HF does. Brilliant, when you look at the post above.
  20. Oh fuck off you fuckin nob. You're a racist, deluded, staggeringly ignorant, attention-seeking cunt, all of which combine to make someone who is definitely a hopeless case. I wouldn't waste one minute trying to "clear anything up" with you, because you are fundamentally and at a base level just too thick to understand it. But there actually isn't any point to going back over this. I might get through to essentially good people like trophyshy and Renton who hold some inaccurate views, but this thread will just go the same way any thread touching on Islam does, which is to turn into a giant Leazes troll-fest. Leazes will post some nonsensical conspiracy theories with racist undertones (or overtones, tbh) about Muslims taking over/the inherent danger that Islam poses to English society/etc, NJS/HF/Fish et al. will duly pull him up on his racism, Toonpack or that dopey cunt from Leeds may back Leazes up, they'll go back and forth with people like Monkey's Fist, Parky and alex nibbling around the edges, eventually ASM will happen along and start trolling Leazes on something else entirely, and the entire point of the thread (if there was one) is lost. At least it's entertaining sometimes. Best thing to do is what a load of crap. You're looking for racism when it doesn't exist like others do. Don't you think those cunts who heckle our soldiers on the streets of Britain knowing they can't do anything back aren't racist ? Do you think those stupid cunts who complained about a teddy bear being called Mohammed aren't racist ? Do you think tosspots who wave banners pronouncing how muslim will conquer the world and death to infidels aren't racist ? Do you not think they are hypocritical cunts for doing these things in western societies that they hate ? And last of all, do you not think they are cowardly cunts for hiding behind women and children, and blowing up innocent civilians while wearing civilian clothes and not having the balls to put on a uniform and fight like men ? Do you ever see anybody, me or otherwise, talking about Jews, Chinese, South Americans, Poles etc....no. Because they get on with their lives and show respect to others and the country they live in. These are FACTS. So don't say I'm a racist for saying facts. So you're glad religion will be extinct? I've edited the post. Try making a constructive reply. I'm on topic pal. I've got nowt to say about your view of what constitutes racism here. I barely ever pull you up on it either tbh. I generally give you the benefit of the doubt and respond to your specific arguments...until they become repetitive, laboured and dismissive of facts. it wasn't meant as a slur on you, that is why I mentioned you. I would rather somebody could explain why all of the actions I've mentioned aren't racist and therefore should be accepted in western societies without reply or reaction, which is what appears to be what is advocated. Racism is the belief that the genetic factors which constitute race, ethnicity, or nationality are a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that ethnic differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race Racism is not protesting a multicultural army. Racism is not worrying about the name of a teddy bear. Racism is not even bombing a group of innocent citizens...that's murder. If I need to explain to you the difference between murder and racism, then we're coming at the argument from such differing levels it's pointless to go on. You just don't get it. Why is it that only muslims do all these things, on western soil, and what exactly do you think should be done about it ? Why do other groups not behave like this ? Why are these actions exclusive to followers of Islam ? These are questions, you seem to think you have the answers ? Why exactly are you and others like you afraid to address these problems, and prefer to label those with differing views to you that think they are unacceptable ? If these cunts aren't racists, or cowards, or both, what exactly are they in your view ? This is a question I would like you to answer. You won't change my view though, because I think they are racist and we should not have to accept such behaviour, and they are most definitely scumbags and cowards for hiding behind women and kids and not having the balls to fight for what they believe out in the open. And they are also most definitely hypocrites for their belief in one sided free speech, on western soil, that they hate. None of it is exclusive to muslims Leazes...just that when muslims do it, it's on your radar a lot more... Westerners angry about teddy bears... http://www.stigmanet.net/VERMONT%20TEDDY%2...CONTROVERSY.htm Western christians disgracefully protesting with "thank god for dead soldiers" signs http://edition.cnn.com/2011/US/03/02/scotu....church/?hpt=C2 There are white terrorists http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing and last year a Westerner flew a plane into a building http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Austin_plane_crash These are all idiots and murderers dealt with by law enforcement as necessary. I don't believe we have to accept the behaviour of any of them if they're a danger. sigh. Why do you try to justify the actions of racists attempting to disrupt the cultures of western society with the actions of our own bad 'uns ? You just don't get the difference. I've not justified ANYTHING. I'm just answering your questions. They're ALL bad uns. Whatever their religion/nationality. The Fact YOU think there's a difference is unsurprising. the fact that you don't get the difference is also unsurprising. No, you thinking there's a difference is Shall we go on? not particularly. So you think that its OK and will continue to defend scumbags that heckle our troops knowing they can't fight back, blow people up in shopping centres, hide behind women and kids, enforce one-way freedom of speech on YOU as shown by them proclaiming death to YOU because you don't share their views - on the streets of Britain which they hate, and not having the balls to fight like men ? I think that says all we need to know. They see people like you, not in the "intelligent" way you think they do, but as weak and timid man, they are laughing at the stupidity of it and only seek to take advantage of your gullibility. There is no point in going on really, and the above is only scratching the surface. Read the posts you've quoted man... These are all idiots and murderers I don't believe we have to accept the behaviour of any of them They're ALL bad uns
  21. Don't think it was me that asked that, for the record.
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