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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I think you can...and you can give them a sign to do it to others...
  2. Leazes has it in his head that he's convinced me recently that Ashley's not as good as Shepherd, and that he's been something of a a lone voice in opposition to Ashley/support of Shepherd. He's forgetting that most of us have stated Shepherd was preferable years ago... Team Shepherd Kitman Parky Bawan Holden Alex Dr Ken Jackie's the Lad Big Onion Happy Face Jay Jay Sea Shear Class LeazesMag Fop Team Ashley Asprilla Tom Besty CT Toonpack Snakehips So Leazes, stick to the people on Team Ashley for your WUMmery please. And mods, how come all the thread derailing posts aren't whacked in here anyway?
  3. I'm not aware of any announcement made of his intentions other than those I linked to. Be interested to see if there were.
  4. Some New York Residents and the Mayor hold no power whatsoever over the President doing what he thinks should be done....unless he puts this kind of political approval above his campain promises. Congress has enacted measures that make it more difficult (impossible) to transfer Gitmo detainees to the US with the support of both parties. But that ALL followed Obama's stated position that indefinite detention without charge was what he wanted. It's a lie to say he was thwarted, because he never proposed a plan to close Gitmo in any meaningful way to be thwarted. Moving Gitmo, lock stock, to Illionois is a pointless exercise in political gamesmanship. If he had managed it, whoppee Gitmo is closed, it wouldn't change the fact people are being imprisoned indefinitley without charge. A rose by any other name etc. The preservation of these core principles was advocated by Obama in May, 2009, 5 months after his inauguration when he made a speech on "preventative detention" http://open.salon.com/blog/behind_blue_eye...n_without_trial Then in December 2009 the only plan proposed to close Gitmo, the aforementioned move to Illionois that's nothing more than a rebrand: http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_gr...009/12/15/gitmo I'm sure your response to this will be that he's keeping out of unwinable political fights. Why get dragged down into an argument you can't win. But this is EXACTLLY what he should be doing. Take these decisions to Congress and make senators vote for/against them so he can call them out as the people that went on record in opposition to the constitutionally protected rights of citizens. The option he has chosen instead is to institutionalise the illegal Bush detention program as bipartisan orthodoxy. Of course the people most affected by a crime are most passionate about it and want people punished for it. That's why you end up with people attacking police vans on their way into court on the assumption of guilt. There's a system of law to protect all citizens from those kind of passionate responses to heinous criomes. Innocent until proven guilty. It's a rule that protects anyone the US chooses to detain, not just US citizens. I can also give you a group of family members and responders who want a full trial with all the evidence laid out. Suggesting to readers that they're all at a consensus is woeful journalism. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/14/nyregion/14york.html
  5. No, it means your legal system is based around a more developed moral framework than the ones that predominated during the writing of the US constitution. I think they do curb such speech in the US too don't they? Don't they have libel and defamation/slander laws?
  6. Outlined the argument in the revolutions thread so this one isn't derailed.... http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=890300
  7. Glenn Greenwald has criticised Obama for dictatorially choosing to go to war in Libya without consulting congress.... http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_gr...ower/index.html Cole has been defending Obama as having done what he had to.... http://www.juancole.com/2011/03/obama-on-l...carrot-top.html GG asked Cole a question often posed at LeazesMag... http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_gr...cole/index.html Cole responded... http://www.juancole.com/2011/03/answer-to-...-greenwald.html and then asked a question a of Greenwald... http://www.juancole.com/2011/04/questions-...-greenwald.html GG yet to reply It's all been very congenial with fact based and persuasive arguments on both sides....how the political discourse could be played out if the likes of Michelle Bachman weren't involved.
  8. Greenwald and Cole have fallen out over Libya. Still not sure which parent I want to live with.
  9. It's a better ad than Ashleys tbf. "Paypal £350m to Derek.llambias@nufc.co.uk" was never gonna work was it.
  10. ah, pining for the good old days of McKeag etc are we ? It never happened, it wasn't fact, it was all just a dream, like somebody shot JR, instead nobody shot McKeag and he is back again to haunt us all. LeazesMag 95 NJS 35 Toonpack 30 AshleysSkidMark 26 McFaul 24 For someone who doesn't give a shit whether or not the books are balanced he does talk about it an awful lot.
  11. You know whats funny about that picture, Taylor ran across the pitch to the East Stand like it was him that had scored, and I followed him presuming he was Jonas, he celebrated with someone, then I look 80 yards to the right and the rest of the players were with Jonas by the dug out. It would come as no surprise to me or many others, to learn that Taylor wanks while staring at himself in the mirror. I was pissing myself. He obviously saw the acclaim Collo got for his involvement in the earlier goal and expected the same response, forgetting his involvement wasn't half as good and he's not half as popular. If it was any other player you'd think they were just celebrating the goal and got lost in the moment. Taylor however... That's because Taylor's about as popular as a muslim in Leazes' shed.
  12. I've searched for that (as well as "couldn't be worse"*) and nobody's said it in the history of this forum in relation to Ashley. Would love you to quote some people. *Jimbo said Xisco couldn't be worse than Carroll in January 2009 No-one disagreed tbf. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...39%3Bt+be+worse
  13. You know whats funny about that picture, Taylor ran across the pitch to the East Stand like it was him that had scored, and I followed him presuming he was Jonas, he celebrated with someone, then I look 80 yards to the right and the rest of the players were with Jonas by the dug out. It would come as no surprise to me or many others, to learn that Taylor wanks while staring at himself in the mirror. I was pissing myself. He obviously saw the acclaim Collo got for his involvement in the earlier goal and expected the same response, forgetting his involvement wasn't half as good and he's not half as popular.
  14. Can't believe you're suggesting J69's hat-trick in the straight edge abstinence community league cup quarter final was any less of a rush than Rooney's Premier league title pendulum swinging hat-trick mind.
  15. Should have put a sports direct logo on it you mean.
  16. Pretty sure you don't see this sort of thing happening in rugby. Either code, at any level. Fair enough if it's heat of the moment stuff but if the rugby players can do without it... That's another load of shite. I was watching the rugby in the pub on Friday and there was a ten man brawl kicking off with them all spouting off at each other. Not at the ref, and not at the camera.
  17. Really? I read in the paper this morning that it was included on the Saturday night version but removed for the Sunday morning repeat. Aye, both taped...but I went for the early morning version because it was 5 minutes longer. I've not seen it live or on the late MOTD, but on the early one you saw the "FUCK...." and it cut away. Then Lineker said "you may have seen some foul language etc."
  18. Handled? Do you mean allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants? Exactly how has he been handled by Fergie? Off the ball elbowing? Shagging prossies? Smoking? Constantly abusing referees? Berating his own fans? Handing in a transfer request? By handling, do you mean tolerating the fact that the guy is an arsehole? Aye, and thus getting the best out of him. Like Hughton with Barton.
  19. Pretty sure you don't see this sort of thing happening in rugby. Either code, at any level. Fair enough if it's heat of the moment stuff but if the rugby players can do without it... That's another load of shite. I was watching the rugby in the pub on Friday and there was a ten man brawl kicking off with them all spouting off at each other.
  20. Bollocks He swore. It's not against the rules. I swear at work all the time. The fact he had a camera shoved in his face is what's made it a situation. It was a live game so it might have been unavoidable to be shown once......I taped the sunday morning MOTD (the one for kids) and they didn't edit it out of the highlights though. Absolute wankers. They give Rooney stick for polluting the minds of the youth....when they're the ones putting it out to millions at 9.30am. I hope his next manager is as good as Fergie, because he needs to be handled very carefully through crap like this. The way the media knock our best players is bloody annoying and it's what ends up with booing the lad at the world cup. He'd done fuck all in that game on Saturday. He'd have been getting hammered by England fans. But there's no-one harsher on Rooney than himself and when he's been that quiet it's when he's dangerous if you keep backing him.
  21. Won't anyone consider the bees? http://www.shieldsgazette.com/news/local-n...ntentId=7.65883
  22. Listened to that yesterday. I love More or Less but they have have been hammering all the parties for not being serious enough about tackling the deficit, and i think they're giving the wrong impression. It's a show about stats and all they care about is the magnitude of the defecit\debt and comparatively what the cuts amount to. Or in this case, the cuts compared to TOTAL GOVERNMENT SPENDING. It's no surprise that's a tiny amount....but ignores the fact that a lot of government spending is of course offset by income. These numbers are interesting and impressive...but they don't EVER look at the possibility of growth, the need to stimulate the economy, the ethical question of where the cuts are or aren't made. Very simplistic...and annoyed me going back to before the election (which was fought on the economy) when they insisted all 3 parties were about the same on that score.
  23. I think that's very generous. It was his biggest spending window...but the outlay was only £6.6m http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...9&hl=ashley Nutz is confident Ashley will double his previous high net spend....despite the statement from the club saying we won't spend big. Think positive and it will happen Gloom, Ashley won't be able to resist.
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