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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. South Tyneside Photos first, North Tyneside second.. Town Hall Football Stadium Roman Fort Local Theatre Top Event Shopping Beach
  2. Whitley Bay is far superior imo, better people too. You know that pub where the shooting was The Briardene, that estate there, my mates nana used to live there, and in the summer as kids we'd have a little holiday down there, was like being in a top class resort in them days. Spanish City, the Leisure Pool with the waves, the beach, the golf pitch and put, the Corkscrew, Tim's chippy, it was class, far, far, far better than South Shields. You'll get no argument from me that Whitley was better 20 years ago. They were telling me yesterday how packed out it would be on the front even between the beaches at Whitley and Cullercoats, where the shallow paddling pool was, used to be a slide and people squeezed in up to the railings. Wasteland full of broken glass, dogshit and grafitti now.
  3. Could have tilted your camera a tad to the right And im not doubting the view of bamburgh castle, but again I was talking about the "seafront" package. :icon_lol: The best thing about it is a view of OUR side of the water. Class. So's the ugly as fuck one though
  4. Not saying much tbf Actually thinking about that, it might have to include Barbour, so its not too bad. Its £60m for the regeneration anyway. An economic impact assessment shows that tourism in South Tyneside is worth £207.5 million http://www.southtyneside.info/CHttpHandler...id=2453&p=0 North Tyneside's is higher and supports more employment my google padwan http://www.newcastlegateshead.com/xsdbimgs...tors%202010.pdf http://www.newcastlegateshead.com/xsdbimgs...tors%202010.pdf I was contesting the shout that there was more money being ploughed into this regeneration than the GDP of South Tyneside though. I wouldn't for one second suggest that South Tyneside has more tourism than North Tyneside.
  5. You forgot to mention Squeeze are playing Gypsies Green. £27.50 is an absolute disgrace mind.
  6. Reminds me of someone?????? It will come. Rimmer, Gordon Brittas, etc From the nose down he's got a jasper carrot thing going on and there's definitely bits of John Major in there but theres someone else that is virtually identical...think think think! Pipe down uncle John, just cos I used to be fat.
  7. Not saying much tbf Actually thinking about that, it might have to include Barbour, so its not too bad. Its £60m for the regeneration anyway. An economic impact assessment shows that tourism in South Tyneside is worth £207.5 million http://www.southtyneside.info/CHttpHandler...id=2453&p=0
  8. I'm sure everyone on here fails to understand the appeal but ST council played an absolute blinder when they came up with the "Cookson Country" shit - other places should probably follow that model if they can. Even Cookson was ashamed of South Tyneside most of her stories were about Wallsend and places like that. 15 Street comes to mind. Cookson's renowned for writing about more affluent, well kept areas is she?
  9. Went up to Cragside a few weeks ago....that's good. The house and walks I mean...not the fact that I went. Armstrong was the boy.
  10. Coming up to a year living in Cullercoats and we regularly pop up to Tynemouth because it's a lush walk, and they've invested in the crazy golf, Ice skating, lake & play park for the kids over the last few years, without detracting from the front. This was the first time I've walked up the other way since moving though and it was only because we were geting a deal on Sunday dinner at The Boardwalk - it was minging in there too. Lush sea front venue could be brilliant, it was heaving ...but people were sending stuff back and complaining all over the shop. Similarly, you can walk miles from the band stand in South Shields to Souter Lighthouse without seeing a bit of tat, just natural beauty all the way. I'm not saying the best of South Shields is better than the best of Tynemouth, but the worst of it is a lot better than the worst of Whitley Bay if you ask me. Neither is a patch on Bamburgh though.
  11. Blyth Lighthouse pish by the way. That Ocean Road reminds me of Armstrong Road in Scotchee. I was only 4 miles out man, it's up that way Ocean road is South Shields biggest shithole, and it's still not got any collapsing buildings boarded up and abandoned to the elements like the whole of Whitley bay has been for the last ten year. Ocean Road is just tacky, like Blackpool with more Indians.
  12. Reminds me of someone?????? It will come. Rimmer, Gordon Brittas, etc From the nose down he's got a jasper carrot thing going on and there's definitely bits of John Major in there but theres someone else that is virtually identical...think think think! One of the Doctors at my surgery Doctor George Clooney off of ER?
  13. St Mary's lighthouse you mean. It's a canny walk from Cullercoats to Blyth You're right though, it's pretty run down and in need of investment and a revamp round there. It's pretty depressing. Tynemouth is nice though. Aye. Not lived there long, haven't got a clue
  14. Because it's comprised of the latin terms for single or alone (mono) and a taking together (syllaba).
  15. Mind, I don't agree with Stevie on Whitley Bay either. We walked from Cullercoats to Blyth lighthouse yesterday, and it's minging most of the way. Lovely flower displays but overlooked by decrepid buildings and manky fun pubs. The bars and parks along South Shields are lovely by comparison. Much prefer a boating lake and mini railway to 42nd street and the ruins of Spanish City.
  16. You think that's a better view than Bamburgh Castle CT
  17. I know south of the Sage we're all scum, but that's below the belt. You're actually North of the Sage. South Shields is further North than Newcastle City Centre, you don't think of it like that but it is. Think I told YOU that on here when you were having a pop at me being southern once.
  18. I know south of the Sage we're all scum, but that's below the belt.
  19. Reminds me of someone?????? It will come. Rimmer, Gordon Brittas, etc From the nose down he's got a jasper carrot thing going on and there's definitely bits of John Major in there but theres someone else that is virtually identical...think think think! Funny and intelligent?
  20. Reminds me of someone?????? It will come. (Always thought you were a closet Tory) The simple act of wearing the hat of the upper classes has left me with a barely contained rage I think is visible in the eyes.
  21. Was all set to buy...then it says it has to be used by the end of May. Not so sure now. We went up to Slayley to use a groupon voucher last week and it was the last day. Lush course, but the number of 4 balls they'd crammed on was awful. Should really be given a bit longer to spread it out. I guess the time limit might be tough for some, but its a lovely course if you can make it. Undoobatibly...for a Mackem course [/stevie]
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