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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. The BBC don't report on fat loners that live with their mum who get a thrill by acting superior on the internet. In fairness to Nicholas Witchell. ..though I am forgetting coverage of Prince Andrew
  2. I spoke to soon. It IS true http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13...lash-grows.html 'The reality of Bin Laden was very different - a man who encouraged others to make the ultimate sacrifice while he himself hid in the comfort of a large, expensive villa in Pakistan, experiencing none of the hardship he expected his supporters to endure.'
  3. Seems to be a twitter myth though unfortunately...not a quote outside of twitter and forums... http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q...sa=N&tab=wn
  4. I've always thought that Bose produce overpriced tat that middle class Sunday times readers with more money than sense buy on a whim when they see ad's on the back of the magazine without comparing to other models that are available at half the price.
  5. Happy Face


    Golf GPS http://www.amazon.co.uk/Garmin-Approach-Go...4783&sr=1-3
  6. I wouldn't have a clue if Bin Laden lived next door to me. I couldn't pick anyone in my street out of a lineup. Apparently no-one in Afghanistan has heard of him or 9/11 either.
  7. Happy Face


    Too busy thinking about pies. You just concentrate on the poll Lone Ranger, 30% now want him back. Yes we know its not a democracy, its craigs world but hey, forgiveness and goodwill to all... Eh? Not been following this soap opera, but how do you get that 70% getting there way is not a democracy? Are you confusing percentages as you apparently do tenses?
  8. About a dozen CDs I've been trying before buying for much too long. Liquid swords, the first 3 daft punks, the LCD soundsystem collection, the hot chip collection.
  9. http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/comme...ng-2278028.html
  10. http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/comme...ng-2278028.html
  11. 10 Myths of OBL http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/0...ths-cia-arsenal
  12. Happy Face


    With great power comes great responsibilty [/spiderman's uncle]
  13. There's going to be an Osama tape from beyond the grave apparently
  14. Aye. Would be nice if the the natural position of the government wasn't to lie first, and bluster if the truth gets out. Of course they had to shoot him and they had to make sure the people that went in knew to shoot him, either explicitly or not. There was no alternative. Gitmo is headache enough. It's as good as official policy now not to capture but to kill. That's why the drones are deployed much more frequently by Obama than they were by Bush. What would they do if they captured him? He wouldn't be tried in the US, the victim of his most heinous crime (no terrorists can be apparently), or his home of Saudi Arabia, and no other country was going to take on the responsibility, or would be allowed to share the US intelligence available.
  15. By all accounts Pakistan are the ones who provided the courier's number plate. Obama probably feels it's money well spent...and it doesn't come from his campaign funds.
  16. Truth starting to emerge... http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/...uman_shield.php So they went in and shot him and the women who were all unarmed. Of course what everyone read yesterday is what will stick. Propaganda at it's best.
  17. Just saying at work its the fact they built this fuck off "fort" in the middle of the town and nobody said owt that's funny. It is a dilemma - Pakistan looks like a lost cause but cutting them off might just make it worse. Isn't all the land around the house owned by the army too? There's no way that in 2005 some fucker pitched up and built a massive compound which was designed specifically for housing someone of huge importance without the Pakistani army and/or government being aware of what it was being used for. Perhaps they were told it was built for someone else? So where we are is, the US are able to kill OBL 8 years ago without anyone hearing about it (including al qaeda) then fake his death without anyone (including al qaeda) denying it, and all this while more and more secret documents are leaked every month. But on the other hand, our foe is incapable of watching repeats of Scrapheap Challenge and Top Gear on Dave in the house house and just not going out. Yet trillions must be spent to defeat the the evil genius.
  18. Where's that from? I know they got info from someone they captured. Not read he was tortured anywhere. I heard it on the radio earlier, looks like it may not have been Guantanamo. On further investigation it hasn't been officially confirmed, though King is chair of the House Homeland Security Committee. Brilliant. More properly classified? No other nation thinks so....including the US when it comes to any other country doing it.
  19. Where's that from? I know they got info from someone they captured. Not read he was tortured anywhere. Think it was divulged over tea and biscuits? We don't torture...but when we do torture we get results.
  20. Where's that from? I know they got info from someone they captured. Not read he was tortured anywhere.
  21. Maybe they were referring to Hague
  22. But then, William Hague agrees we're in more danger now... Should he be shot in the head after Loose women too? Was a text I got, "some cleric reckons they are going to bomb London again like 7/7 within days!". So that cant be it. It probably is like, The Express put a bit of spin on it... "HATE CLERIC THREATENS NEW 7/7 AS WORLD FEARS BRUTAL BACKLASH" Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/244398...h#ixzz1LIBLr9hG Which isn't what he did at all really. Worse than football headline writers. I mean, if you did plan to bomb anywher in the UK in the next few days, the Daily Express would be the last people you tell wouldn't they? Given their extensive readership. You'd probably keep quiet and hope to pull it off before anyone finds out. I get the impression this fella's a dole bludging mug that likes to be in the paper to fill his time.
  23. Aal sorts. I found it myself... But then, William Hague agrees we're in more danger now... Should he be shot in the head after Loose women too?
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