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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Total Poster 14 ewerk 13 Kevin Carr's Gloves 12 Dougle 12 Happy Face 10 Anorthernsoul 10 Ant 10 OTF 10 scoobos 10 Tom 9 Howay 9 Rayvin 9 strawb 9 wykikitoon 8 StoneColdStephenIreland 7 @yourservice 7 acrossthepond 7 barnabox 7 MiddleAgeCool 7 Renton 7 rogerbarton 7 The Fish 7 zico martin 6 David Kelly 6 Jintsay 6 TheGingerQuiff 6 tooner 5 Andrew 5 Christmas Tree 5 gpirlo68 5 Holden McGroin 5 jonasjuice 5 McFaul 5 ohhh_yeah 5 trophyshy 4 ChezGiven 4 Kitman 4 ToonMarshy 3 247 3 Ausman 3 Dr Gloom 3 Monkeys Fist 3 sammynb 2 SpartaFC 2 vimalraja 1 AJack 1 angrysteve 1 arc89 1 Bryn5 1 Geordie1973 1 holycrosser 1 JonGoodwyn 1 Monroe Transfer 1 PaddockLad 1 The Mighty Hog
  2. NUFC to Score 0 - TheGingerQuiff 1 - MiddleAgeCool, Kevin Carr's Gloves, OTF, LooneyToony, @yourservice 2 - The Fish, Rayvin, StoneColdStephenIreland, wykikitoon, Dougle, barnabox, rogerbarton, Anorthernsoul, Renton, ToonMarshy 3 - Andrew, Dr Gloom, Happy Face, Howay, tooner, scoobos, zico martin, David Kelly, Monkeys Fist, Tom, sammynb, acrossthepond, Kitman 4+ - ewerk, strawb NUFC to Concede 0 - Dr Gloom, Happy Face, Howay, tooner, ewerk, Rayvin, scoobos, MiddleAgeCool, zico martin, wykikitoon, Kevin Carr's Gloves, Tom, strawb, Dougle, sammynb, acrossthepond, Kitman, rogerbarton, Anorthernsoul, LooneyToony 1 - Andrew, The Fish, StoneColdStephenIreland, David Kelly, Monkeys Fist, barnabox, Renton 2 - @yourservice, ToonMarshy 3 - 4+ - TheGingerQuiff, OTF
  3. I agree. As it stands trade agreements are made entirely in secret and we have to rely on wikileaks for the details so we can put up any opposition. The likes of the WTO always put industry ahead of environment when pushing then through in private. Needs governments that will meaningfully oppose such things and only sign up to agreements that reverse emissions, not add to them.
  4. They can cycle to work and trade their daily commute petrol tokens for flying tokens with people who want to drive and not fly in the new green economy.
  5. Spot on. Move all the aids and cancer research money into green investment.
  6. Think you're thinking of the 50s though, if the family photos from the 70s are anything to go by.
  7. And in the 90s I could smoke in a pub and now I can't.
  8. I never said anything about making foreign holidays unattainable. I said they should be as attainable as they were in the 70s.
  9. I'm struggling to follow your line of thought to me being a hypocrite. I want the government to provide a police force that enforces laws for the common good. I don't go vigilante and start making citizens arrests in some ill-founded notion that I have to practice what I preach and have to contribute if I'm going to advocate.
  10. Look, no one is being snooped on who doesn't deserve it, only terrorists get tortured and an extra runway is only being built to give the other 2 a rest. Now stop questioning things and just listen to your government will you.
  11. Of course I'm abdicating personal responsibility. It's not my responsibility. How can i save the planet by holidaying in the UK and cycling to work when you're building an extra runway to accommodate the number of flights you want to take? Governments can do whatever they want at a time of crisis. Ration food and petrol, blackout the evenings, increase dependency on local agriculture, reduce imports and exports.. Just because people are selfish idiots unable to make the sacrifices previous generations would, it doesn't alter the facts of what's needed. Obviously we won't dismantle the entire growth based economy as we should, but we shouldn't ignore the many examples of the economy being prioritised over the environment by industry and government, at our long term cost.
  12. EuroSport 2 Denmark BeIN Sports 1 Australia (delay) BeIN Sports Connect (USA) BeIN Sports MENA 13 HD Who's going to find them on kodi and share the fruits of their labour?
  13. Ta, but unfurnished. Some interesting stuff on that site. Me and the wife get a £10k a year capital gain allowance each. I think that any time we can get that much equity out of it we need to remortgage and move the cash into an ISA. Then when we retire, the sale of the property should pay off the mortgage and we should keep what is in the ISA. I've just been paying off as much as I can and thinking I would deal with the profit when it comes to that time, but it looks like I'll have to be much more proactive in siphoning off the equity I create when paying the mortgage.
  14. I provide social housing at a personal loss because the government won't
  15. Champion, and reading up on Capital gains it sounds like even paying it in full, it would only be on the price increase, not on the full sale price, So it won't be too bad. Another question though. How come I'm making a loss on my property (Mortgage > rental income) but I'm paying tax on almost all of my rental income as only the interest on the mortgage is deductable? sounds like I'll be taxed twice on the same house purchase. Is that the scam they run? Or am I doing it wrong?
  16. If my "pot" is tied up in property for now and I want to sell it when I retire.... as things stand, would I be bitten on the arse by any chunk of that going on tax or fees? Combined value isn't currently above £200k.
  17. Or working in medicine. Evil bastards.
  18. That massive drop off at the late 60s gives me chills. Government setting retirement age at the point mortality takes a nose dive isn't surprising, but I'd better be done with work by 55, i want at least 10 years golfing.
  19. Nah. There'll be as many births in 2040 as there are now Kids age 0-20 will survive more. Biggest growth in people aged 70+ Old people's homes are a massive growth industry.
  20. Whey the earth will be consumed by the sun expanding sooner or later, so we might as well work on colonising distant planets as soon as possible. we need to reach another solar system before that happens if we're going to make it long term. Otherwise we're all toast, whether we take holidays or not.
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