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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Lua Lua seemed 10 seconds behind the game from what I saw...which wasn't much.
  2. How does that team represent the solid foundation we've built in the last two seasons? There's only 2 players we've bought in the last 2 years that can get into your team.
  3. A few oldies being mixed in it seems. I love Seven Swans Sufjan Stevens @ Les Nuits Botanique 11/05 Seven Swans Too Much Age Of Adz Heirloom I Walked The Owl And The Tanager Vesuvius Get Real Get Right Enchanting Ghost I Want To Be Well Futile Devices Impossible Soul Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois Casimir Pulaski Day Chicago.
  4. Aye, he's good. http://www.metacritic.com/music/heavy-ghost The sage is the best music venue in the country. )
  5. Sage tomorrow for me. Supported by dm stith too.
  6. http://m.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011...mp;type=article
  7. Moldova get my vote.
  8. The Red Shoes Been meaning to watch it for years. Bit of a let down, no matter how much I agree with the premise that women who pursue a career deserve to die.
  9. Didn't realise a new series started a fortnight ago. First 2 episodes are on iplayer.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0111...es_2_Episode_1/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0113...es_2_Episode_2/
  10. Didn't realise a new series started a fortnight ago. First 2 episodes are on iplayer.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01129hk His last series was mostly material from his old DVD's but I'd not seen any of the material on these shows before. A Paddy Mcguiness poster made a horse slit it's throat on barbed wire
  11. You got British Gas homecare or owt? It's canny pricey, but the peace of mind from knowing that there'll be someone out to fix it the next day is worth it imo. Having no hot water/heating is shite! Nah. Too pricey for me. At the mother in laws now. Just round the corner so its not a great inconvenience to use her shower for a few days. Her dad's a heating engineer too so it wont cost owt to sort.
  12. So we finished in the top 10 four times in 6 years under Freddy, and once in 4 years under Ashley? Come back FFS.
  13. My boiler's broke this morning. I'm reeking
  14. Appeared at the Freddie Mercury tribute concert = not metal
  15. Define "heavy metal from the 80s onwards" please Chez? Music falling into the category 'heavy metal' from the around 1980 onwards The timing bit is not specific, just a vague reference to the decade and bands that were formed during or after. 70s heavy rock bands are therefore excluded from the generalisation. There might be an odd exception you could point me towards but certainly nothing well known/popular that i heard ever did anything for me other than desperate boredom. I think you'd love Sunn O)))
  16. Nope, they were never Married.
  17. Quofest has been announced at the Arena. Supported by Roy Wood and Kim Wilde. £40 I quite like Quo too.
  18. But you haven't put them in order That's the most important part
  19. To be fair she was 21 when they started the relationship and 26 when they married.. How old was he? About 40 odd? It's still not on. Perhaps my view is biased because the majority of people that age I've known have been very immature, including myself. I'm not judgmental about most things, but when I hear about, say, Seinfeld dating 19 year olds and shit like this, it does seem weird tbh. She was his adopted daughter - now that's just fucking wrong No she wasn't.
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