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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. You see that James Bond where the woman shagged people to death? I wouldn't mind being in that victims shoes. eh?
  2. He was at the grand opening playing a round with Lee Westwood and Fat Fred so probably.
  3. I don't. I think he's a twat. IIRC Leazes thinks he'll be acting the twat sooner or later too. I'm sure others are concerned about his mercenary strerak. I've no doubt he will like but that'll be because a bigger club will probably come in for him Hopefully. I've not really understood the Ben Arfa spunkathon so far. He's appeared in 4 games and we lost 3 of them....and he's had a nasty injury. EDIT: I don't mean I hope to sell him ASAP. I mean hopefully he performs well enough to interest other teams.
  4. Not just that incident. He refused to train in Germany to force his move to West Ham. Ben Arfa done that and everyone loves him here? I don't. I think he's a twat. IIRC Leazes thinks he'll be acting the twat sooner or later too. I'm sure others are concerned about his mercenary strerak.
  5. Not just that incident. He refused to train in Germany to force his move to West Ham.
  6. Seems CT forgot about this. I'll lend a hand. Scratch off anyone over £10m for a start...and the freebies/cheap deals that had the pick of European top flight clubs and chose Champions league clubs...and the players we've already declared no interest in....you're left with... Odemwingie £1m Campbell £1.25m Fletcher £3m Elmander £8.2m Jones £8m Rodallega £4.5m Sturridge £6.5m Davies K Free Ebanks-Blake £1.5m Ba £7m I like the look of Elmander but his form seems to have gone out of the window. Ba has been mentioned all over the board as a good signing, seems a bit of a twat to me though. You think anyone else there is a big improvement on Ameobi? Odemwingie looks like the steal of the season on his goal return. We'd do well to unearth another like him.
  7. This isn't any old bollocks. This is Tiote's Nutz utter horseshit with a glossy veneer of twaddle, drizzled with a soupcon of dishonesty reflecting a tinge of deep seated melancholy.
  8. GS Sub Goals Shots (/G) SOG (%Tot) Lovenkrands 17 7 5 42 (8.4) 22 (52%) Ameobi 20 7 6 50 (8.3) 14 (28%) Best 9 1 6 33 (5.5) 9 (27%) Total: 46 15 17 125 (7.4) 45 (36%) Crouch 19 14 4 49 (12.3) 16 (33%) Defoe 15 6 4 64 (16) 22 (34%) Pav 18 10 7. 70 (10) 21(30%) Total: 52 30 15 183 (12.2) 5 9 (32%) So, Lovenkrands is the most accurate of the bunch (52% of his shots are on target), Best is the most deadly (scores every 5.5 shots) but also the least accurate (27%) . In total the Newcastle trio score once every 7.4 shots and has 36% of their shots on target. The Tottenham trio score once every 12.2 shots with 32% of their shots on target. If you consider every game started as 70 minutes played, and every substitute appearance as 20 minutes played then the Tottenham 3 played 4,240 minutes compared to 3,520 minutes for the Newcastle three. Assuming two strikers were on the field at the same time that's one goal scored every 103.5 minutes by the Newcastle trio and one every 141.3 minutes for the Tottenham group. Put it in a dossier and we'll ask Spurs if they're up for a swap deal.
  9. I'll stay and applaud and chant "One Chris Hughton!"
  10. Seen that somewhere before, and we would be releagated (18th)... If every goal that resulted from a deflection was scratched off, Newcastle would have won the world cup.
  11. Aye. It was too early to tell when this thread was started too HF. +2 points for me I reckon. If you say so. If you're getting 2 points for predicting 14th 3 games into the season, I reckon my prediction of 12th (with most of the teams we'd be above spot on) must be worth +10.
  12. They're not strikers. You didn't answer the question above about which of the 24 strikers who've scored more than Shola this season are the sort of signing you're hoping for 2 of this summer. Not sure what you mean? I would much prefer to find Graham Carr has unearthed the striker version of Tiote. Wouldn't you? I mean what you're hoping for is rare. Hence why you can't answer the question.
  13. They're not strikers. You didn't answer the question above about which of the 24 strikers who've scored more than Shola this season are the sort of signing you're hoping for 2 of this summer.
  14. If Messi became available for £20m and no-one else was interested and he was dead keen to come here, Ashley wouldn't pay the fee or the wages. You're concentrating on the wrong thing if you're concerned about how attractive the club is to top quality players. Concentrate on the fees/wages we're demonstrably willing to pay in the last few years.
  15. We could have got rid of Alan Smith?
  16. Sesame Street Sunny Day Sweepin' the clouds away On my way to where the air is sweet Can you tell me how to get, How to get to Sesame Street Now sing-along.. Newcastle Squad Soderbergh Mitchell, Tavernier Sol, Aidjei, Tiote, Airey, Page Collo, Shefqi, Leon Best, Perch, Dummett, Tozer-Remi Streete
  17. Bolton, Stoke, Sunderland and Blackburn have ALL invested much more in their current strikeforces than we have. Spurs have champions league money in their pocket. We won't be beating any of them to sign anyone.
  18. But maybe it's just me... http://www.theartsdesk.com/index.php?optio...w&Itemid=27 I thought the first half of Seven Swans (the opener) was incredible like. Hairs up on my neck stuff when the chorus blared and the backing all came in. I was really looking forward to the rerst of the show at that point...but by the end of the song I was already having doubts, it degenerated into a mess.
  19. The half arsed dancing, the witless banter, the amateur video, the tron outfits, the jarring shifts from folk to bad pop. The contempt for the 'rules' which he forgets for the big, Singalong, horn blaring parts,the autotune... Dm stith was good. Aye, the dancing was shite Didn't mind the little bits of chat in between, thought they had a quaint little vibe about them. I was disappointed that there wasn't more from Illinoise or Michigan but I like the latest album, overblown nature of it and all. Got hit in the head with a giant balloon though and the drummer on the left looked like a right miserable bastard but I really enjoyed it. Different strokes, I suppose. I was on my phone when i answered last night, but I can give you more than pithy one line reasons this morning. During one of his chats with the audience he lamented the constraints of a common language, of grammar and the rules that restrict us. He was envious of babies that don't have that constraint and equated the music on his new album with his desire to break the rules, start with found sounds and put them together. I took that as him wanting to crawl around in his own shit. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the approach whatsoever, I do think it's strange that a lyricist of his quality can't see the beauty and unending possibilities of the English language, and doesn't embrace that it's the constraints that make a well written lyric so pleasing, as opposed to a guttural shriek. That's not to say a shriek doesn't have value, there's plenty of experimental music I can enjoy if there's ideas being explored that are interesting and if it's done with conviction. Stuff like Sunn o))) I mentioned in another thread, or OOIOO. They go out of their way to break the rules too. Unfortunately SS has no conviction about it whatsoever on this album/performance. He has a go at it for a bit, most songs start out 'difficult', but then he doesn't take the initial idea to any conclusion, he bottles it and brings in the horns and the melody that follow all the most basic time honoured traditions of music that is instantly pleasing to the ear and uplifting. He knows this and is constantly apologising for it. He kept saying stuff like "Thanks for sticking with me". He knows there's little of value there, but he's couching it in terms to suggest what he means is "aren't I daring and difficult, and aren't you clever for understanding and aren't we great?" And it wasn't just the music that showed it. As we agree the dancing was woeful. He makes reference to the dancing classes they took and how awesome his backing singers' moves are. Has he never seen the James Brown revue? That's "awesome". Those people worked incredibly hard at getting their routine as tight as they could. What was on the stage last night was like my dad after a few pints at a wedding mixed with a challenge on the Generation Game. If he's taking the piss, that's very funny...but he's taking the piss out of excellent performers or he's taking the piss out of his own audience. The story of the "outsider artist" sign painter summed it up for me (which he intended I suppose). He sucked the plums of this "outsider artist". A bloke who can paint the perfect road sign, technically spot on, but in his spare time he does the terrible sci-fi art he loves (which was so bad the audience and SS were laughing at it). SS wants to tell us that the terrible art is the real deal, it's the pure good stuff, worth much more than the highly proficient signs. He used this art as his backdrop much of the time, but it looks like a 5 year old did it. Not in the kandinsky, or Pollock sense, but in the sense that he draws Godzilla poorly and goes over the lines with his crayon. His half arsed attempts at music, dance and artwork all tied up, it was all equally poor. I couldn't believe the standing ovation he got from the floor. Up in the balcony people had been walking out.
  20. I wish I had seen an earlier tour, because I thought the latest album was hit and miss too and I probably wouldn't have bothered if I'd seen him before. I hoped the live performance would lift the new material, but it didn't. It dragged the old stuff down with it.
  21. The half arsed dancing, the witless banter, the amateur video, the tron outfits, the jarring shifts from folk to bad pop. The contempt for the 'rules' which he forgets for the big, Singalong, horn blaring parts,the autotune... Dm stith was good.
  22. I thought he was utter wank. Rarely been that disappointed.
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