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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Aye, comey preferred to cover his arse though. FBI Director James Comey concluded, however, that informing Congress was better than waiting until after the election and hoping in the meantime that the fact of the discovery wouldn't leak.
  2. Aye. Zapatista is lush. They've got a chain going now haven't they?
  3. Aye, was going to say, he does well to whitewash that problem while still mentioning it.
  4. Someone named a bar after the catchphrase of a cunt?
  5. Very positive review. Nice to see after contributing to the crowd funding.
  6. Total Poster 15 ewerk 13 Happy Face 13 Kevin Carr's Gloves 12 Dougle 11 Anorthernsoul 11 Ant 10 OTF 10 Rayvin 10 scoobos 10 Tom 9 Howay 9 StoneColdStephenIreland 9 strawb 9 wykikitoon 8 acrossthepond 8 barnabox 8 David Kelly 8 MiddleAgeCool 8 The Fish 7 @yourservice 7 Renton 7 rogerbarton 7 tooner 7 zico martin 6 Andrew 6 Jintsay 6 McFaul 6 ohhh_yeah 6 TheGingerQuiff 5 ChezGiven 5 Christmas Tree 5 gpirlo68 5 Holden McGroin 5 jonasjuice 5 Kitman 5 ToonMarshy 5 trophyshy 4 Monkeys Fist 3 247 3 Ausman 3 Dr Gloom 3 sammynb 2 SpartaFC 2 vimalraja 1 AJack 1 angrysteve 1 arc89 1 Bryn5 1 Geordie1973 1 holycrosser 1 JonGoodwyn 1 Monroe Transfer 1 PaddockLad 1 The Mighty Hog
  7. NUFC to Score 0 - TheGingerQuiff 1 - Kevin Carr's Gloves, wykikitoon, StoneColdStephenIreland, Dickie, Renton, @yourservice, LooneyToony, SpartaFC 2 - Happy Face, Rayvin, David Kelly, The Fish, ewerk, Anorthernsoul, tooner, ToonMarshy, ohhh_yeah, barnabox, Kitman, acrossthepond, ChezGiven 3 - Andrew, Tom, Monkeys Fist, MiddleAgeCool, Dr Gloom, McFaul , strawb, Ant, scoobos, Dougle 4+ - Howay NUFC to Concede 0 - Happy Face, Rayvin, The Fish, Kevin Carr's Gloves, wykikitoon, ewerk, Tom, Howay, Anorthernsoul, tooner, Dr Gloom, Renton, strawb, Kitman, acrossthepond, LooneyToony, scoobos, Dougle, SpartaFC 1 - Andrew, David Kelly, StoneColdStephenIreland, Monkeys Fist, Dickie, MiddleAgeCool, McFaul , Ant 2 - ToonMarshy, ohhh_yeah, barnabox, @yourservice, ChezGiven 3 - 4+ - TheGingerQuiff
  8. NUFC to Score 0 - TheGingerQuiff 1 - Kevin Carr's Gloves, wykikitoon, StoneColdStephenIreland, Dickie, Renton, @yourservice, LooneyToony, SpartaFC 2 - Happy Face, Rayvin, David Kelly, The Fish, ewerk, Anorthernsoul, tooner, ToonMarshy, ohhh_yeah, barnabox, Kitman, acrossthepond, ChezGiven 3 - Andrew, Tom, Monkeys Fist, MiddleAgeCool, Dr Gloom, McFaul , strawb, Ant, scoobos, Dougle 4+ - Howay NUFC to Concede 0 - Happy Face, Rayvin, The Fish, Kevin Carr's Gloves, wykikitoon, ewerk, Tom, Howay, Anorthernsoul, tooner, Dr Gloom, Renton, strawb, Kitman, acrossthepond, LooneyToony, scoobos, Dougle, SpartaFC 1 - Andrew, David Kelly, StoneColdStephenIreland, Monkeys Fist, Dickie, MiddleAgeCool, McFaul , Ant 2 - ToonMarshy, ohhh_yeah, barnabox, @yourservice, ChezGiven 3 - 4+ - TheGingerQuiff
  9. We know the US routinely works against democracy around the world, so let's suppress any evidence of it.
  10. "wiki lovers" Chez starting to sound like Leazes slamming the Guardianistas. What's newsworthy is rarely outrageous to our expectations. No one is surprised/outraged that Trump is a sex pest. The evidence that he brags about it is clearly significant though.
  11. I'm just taking them from the names thread. I don't have this kind of originality.
  12. The dogs in robotic exoskeletons taking over the world are mint
  13. Does anyone on here live in a swing state? Would assume everyone's voting Green anyway
  14. Maybe they'll turn over all the emails now though, like they publicly claimed they would but privately said they wouldn't
  15. Opinion seems to be that he was in a shit position. If the investigation was revealed AFTER the election and he said nowt then he'd be in the shit. As Obama's appointment I don't think he can be accused of a partisan witch hunt on behalf of the Republicans.
  16. I never liked Blair Witch at the time. But it was well hyped before I saw it. Did wonder if it could be effective once I had bairns to tell it was a documentary so they could see it without the hype and i could see whether it worked on them.
  17. 100 podesta email revelations summarised http://www.mostdamagingwikileaks.com
  18. Just spend £60m on Griezmann or someone. That'll do.
  19. NUFC to Score 0 - TheGingerQuiff 1 - Kevin Carr's Gloves, wykikitoon, StoneColdStephenIreland, Dickie, Renton, @yourservice, LooneyToony, SpartaFC 2 - Happy Face, Rayvin, David Kelly, The Fish, ewerk, Anorthernsoul, tooner, ToonMarshy, ohhh_yeah, barnabox, Kitman, acrossthepond, ChezGiven 3 - Andrew, Tom, Monkeys Fist, MiddleAgeCool, Dr Gloom, McFaul , strawb, Ant, scoobos, Dougle 4+ - Howay NUFC to Concede 0 - Happy Face, Rayvin, The Fish, Kevin Carr's Gloves, wykikitoon, ewerk, Tom, Howay, Anorthernsoul, tooner, Dr Gloom, Renton, strawb, Kitman, acrossthepond, LooneyToony, scoobos, Dougle, SpartaFC 1 - Andrew, David Kelly, StoneColdStephenIreland, Monkeys Fist, Dickie, MiddleAgeCool, McFaul , Ant 2 - ToonMarshy, ohhh_yeah, barnabox, @yourservice, ChezGiven 3 - 4+ - TheGingerQuiff
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