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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Dunno if I'm repeating anything here, and I don't know if I'm way behind everyone else, but whoever's got every season onto Wikipedia deserves a medal... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Newca...ed_F.C._seasons Top work
  2. Bede wing? Yeah, crisis team Don't you woprk with mental cases? Obviously the vast majority of those are Mackems. Your average Newcastle fan is made of stronger stuff and woyuln't need their head read.
  3. Not bad. Gave an interesting talk mostly concentrating on before he arrived at Liverpool, and the life of older generations of his family. Took a few questions but wouldn't get into ashley. where was this ? If this happens again, can you let me know mate ? Ramside Hall up in Durham. Was a Durham FC charity bash. I only saw it as I was up there playing golf. Not very well advertised. Not sure it needed to be like, there was about 1500 there and a waiting list of 300. You wouldn't get that with Malcolm Crosby. If one hasn't been started already, I'll start a "Talk-ins" thread the next time i go to one and PM you if it's one of the old timers.
  4. Not heard about a sword like. Was in there a couple of years ago and they were serving cans and bottles out of bags. Nowt off the taps. Told us to go to the offy up the road if we wanted owt they didn't have. That can't be legit can it? The lassy on the bar also had her bairn in a pram behind there First away game I ever went to was with the Cyprus. Sheff Utd, last away game of 93/94. Nathan Blake scored twice, hated the tosser ever since.
  5. Bunch of total wanks in my opinion. Best people in the NE are in the East End of Newcastle, and the Tyne Valley. People from the east end of Newcastle are mostly tramps and scumbags. Weeeee this game is fun. I've never met anyone from the east end I haven't liked, my heritage is there, where as I've met 3 people from South Shields who I've liked. Small time Sunderland loving doilums in my experience. That said, HF on here does seem a canny lad. I'd thank you for the compliment if it's purpose wasn't more as a back-handed diig at Gemmill
  6. I was gonna slag Stevie off for taking the velcro option, then I remembered my tigers are velcro.... I know how it feels to be CT now
  7. Make sure to go to the new Asda. It's geet big. we will go for a Minchella ice cream at some point. Wor lass says seaton delaval ice creams are better. Never been like, but Minchella's is the D's B's
  8. Make sure to go to the new Asda. It's geet big.
  9. Thought you were giving the Stan Smiths a miss.
  10. Not bad. Gave an interesting talk mostly concentrating on before he arrived at Liverpool, and the life of older generations of his family. Took a few questions but wouldn't get into ashley.
  11. Stern stuff like, but one I'd definitely recommend. Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki......
  12. My silver def jams are comfortable as owt.
  13. Happy Face


    Just back from bobby shafto's. Lovely weather start to finish. Would have been perfect but for the other people on the site. Why do caravaning folk think random people want to talk to them? Luckily a combination of ignorance and contempt soon gave interlopers the message.
  14. I thought it was cos you're called Jon and you are gay.
  15. Talking to people at the keegan talk in last night, I was surprised just how many of them hated ashley for filling his pockets from the club. It totally ignores the facts and displays ignorance of why he's an inept tosser. It's like hating Rupert Murdoch for filling his pockets from MySpace. One thing worse than an ashley fan, thats someone who hates him for the wrong reasons
  16. Happier than if its Taylor.
  17. Quite often. Been posting much less in the last 6 months. Why? Too perpetual
  18. Cos I used to be as grotesquely optimistic as CT.
  19. Give it a bit more time ffs. Just going off Pardews comments wasn't he? if the window closed tomorrow or Christmas, perhaps bringing in 1 more body would be a let down.
  20. Well wor lass aint on strike today (teacher, wrong union tho) but quite a few of her colleagues are. Basically they are being asked to pay in more for a lower final ammount. "Had on" I hear you cry, "that sounds terrible". Well it would be if their pension wouldnt STILL be better than the best private sector pensions. No sympathy for em'. As LTB said, get in the real fuckin world peeps!! Every fucka else is having to make cuts and savings so why not your fuckin lot? I This TBH. I got fucked over with my final salary pension about 5 years ago and then again a couple of years back. I pay more in, I'll work longer and I'll get less out of it. When I discussed it at the time with people I know working public sector, the attitude was along the lines of "tough shit, that's what you get for working in the private sector". What goes around, comes around. I've fuck all sympathy and it's time they got fucking real. Never understood the "Your public pension deserves to be as shit as my private pension" attitude. Surely private pensions should be improved, not the other way round. Oh...and we aren't all facing tough times Axman. those in the highest tax bracket aren't being asked to tighten their belts one iota. It's this tax bracket that holds most of the people that got us into the current shitstorm....most of whom have superb private pensions. Wouldn't that be fantastic? Not economically realistic in the least though. And my attitude isn't that at all. I just fail to see why I should have to sympathise with those who effectively pointed and laughed some years previously. When state pension was introduced in this country, life expectancy was considerably lower - around 68/69. People were expected to work until 65 and then have a retirement of 3 to 4 years - more if they were lucky but lets face it many never made it to retirement age. As time has progressed, life expectancy and the population has increased but the pensionable age has remained at 65 - consequently the costs have escalated way beyond inflation and action has had to be taken in order to try to effect some level of sustainability. Many people have a retirement which can last 20-25 years. The question I have yet to see suitably & convincingly answerwed by those organising this industrial action is what is the viable alternative? What do they expect instead. The argument I heard on the news this morning was "well the government have u-turned on other decisions so why not with this?" Cracking argument. See above. Taxation.
  21. People asking how you fund it are ignoring the massive transfer of wealth to the richest people in the country. Taxation as a proportion of GDP is low. In Denmark and France it's over 50%, in the euro area it's 49% in the UK it's just over 40%. Corporation tax started at 40% in the 60s, it went up to 45% then 52% by the 70's. It was down to just 30% in 2001, was then 28% and dropped to 26% in April, half the previous level. Half of the UK population now own just 1% of the country's cash, while the wealthiest 20% own 84% of Britain's wealth. And the highest earning 10% of households have a total wealth of nearly 100 times the bottom 10%. That's the trend that should stop. It won't though, worsening public pensions will lead to worsening private pensions. Eventually there'll be no private employers making ANY contributions whatsoever, after all, why should they pay for someone not to work after retirement. It's a disgrace.
  22. Well wor lass aint on strike today (teacher, wrong union tho) but quite a few of her colleagues are. Basically they are being asked to pay in more for a lower final ammount. "Had on" I hear you cry, "that sounds terrible". Well it would be if their pension wouldnt STILL be better than the best private sector pensions. No sympathy for em'. As LTB said, get in the real fuckin world peeps!! Every fucka else is having to make cuts and savings so why not your fuckin lot? This TBH. I got fucked over with my final salary pension about 5 years ago and then again a couple of years back. I pay more in, I'll work longer and I'll get less out of it. When I discussed it at the time with people I know working public sector, the attitude was along the lines of "tough shit, that's what you get for working in the private sector". What goes around, comes around. I've fuck all sympathy and it's time they got fucking real. Never understood the "Your public pension deserves to be as shit as my private pension" attitude. Surely private pensions should be improved, not the other way round. I hereby call a strike where public- and private-sector workers unite to demand the moon on a stick. Nae fucker wants to be a teacher though. The same people that complain society is going to pot and kids are running wild also want to hammer one of the few perks left to people doing the job of bringing up our young uns. Teachers, nurses, soldiers, firemen and that get the shitty end of the stick for doing the most important jobs there are and no-one does owt but complain about how shite they are and how they should get less. As if their moderate income is why we are in the shit. The banks bailout could have paid for all the education in this country for 10 years.
  23. Apart from being taxed at 50%? There is that. Good old Labour!
  24. Well wor lass aint on strike today (teacher, wrong union tho) but quite a few of her colleagues are. Basically they are being asked to pay in more for a lower final ammount. "Had on" I hear you cry, "that sounds terrible". Well it would be if their pension wouldnt STILL be better than the best private sector pensions. No sympathy for em'. As LTB said, get in the real fuckin world peeps!! Every fucka else is having to make cuts and savings so why not your fuckin lot? This TBH. I got fucked over with my final salary pension about 5 years ago and then again a couple of years back. I pay more in, I'll work longer and I'll get less out of it. When I discussed it at the time with people I know working public sector, the attitude was along the lines of "tough shit, that's what you get for working in the private sector". What goes around, comes around. I've fuck all sympathy and it's time they got fucking real. Never understood the "Your public pension deserves to be as shit as my private pension" attitude. Surely private pensions should be improved, not the other way round. Oh...and we aren't all facing tough times Axman. those in the highest tax bracket aren't being asked to tighten their belts one iota. It's this tax bracket that holds most of the people that got us into the current shitstorm....most of whom have superb private pensions.
  25. Reckon this could lead to a strike.. 200 Hewlett Packard jobs at Cobalt Business Park face export to India Wonder if we'll get more sympathy, given it'll be EVERY citizen's data getting off-shored to India and not just a matter of civil servant pensions dropping.
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