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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. How much input does Ashley actually have? If ANYTHING happened at the club that Ashley didn't like, it would be dealt with. Allardyce, Keegan, Hughton, Carroll, Kinnear, Shearer, Nolan, Barton, Enrique..... All his decisions.
  2. While not doubting the truth of what Nolan says about Llambias bread and Ashley, he didn't do his argument any legs by also stating what a misunderstood lad Carroll is, glassing people in the face aside.
  3. They stopped serving booze 20 minutes before kick off and refused to at half time...I think because of the radgies getting a bit excited pre-kick-off. Not certain like.
  4. Barton having a pop. Oh dear.
  5. I have a mate like that who managed to accompany me only to defeats and draws last season. His half time happiness against West Brom and celebrations that he'd finally seen us win started to crumble shortly after the 60 minute mark. He's so far refusing to attend this season "for the teams sake". You only went to 2 games didn't you? I don't remember many more dear diary posts covering breakfast to supper and all in between. Do you only do those excitable 8 year old style posts for certain games?
  6. If Dave Gorman had this it would have been piss easy to write his first book. Got a good circle of dozens of people with the same name as me already. Got them all told like, I'm the number 1.
  7. I just "ran" one mile in over 9 minutes and I'm a trembling wreck seriously considering hari kari in preference to the lying on the couch in this much agony. Maybe I won't have that tab on Sunday.
  8. Are there not more books published and albums released than at any other time?
  9. Are they any good? They suck!
  10. They should ban foreign language films tbh. If you can't make a film in english, don't try and sell it to us. We don't need it. That Serge Gainsbourg was taking the piss singing in frog too.
  11. 5 stars awarded to Bust-out brigade. Like a happy Rocky song. Top sterff. Just happened across this on my 5-star 2011 playlist after forgetting about it. Think it's track of the year so far.
  12. Oh good, a happy ending and we won't have to hear any more about her or her family.
  13. Hate to think I couldn't marry a Japanese gal and live over there. Love asian babes me like. What's their rule? I say follow their lead.
  14. Printing Press - "we can't mass produce sheet music, the artist that created the piece will lose money if everyone can play it anywhere" Gramaphone - "we can't mass produce records, the artists that play the piece will lose money if everyone can hear it anywhere" Tape deck - "we can't mass produce blank tapes, record companies will lose money if everyone can get music for free" etc. Pretty alarming if we're the first generation to value outdated copyright law above human technological advancement.
  15. I can go without easily. My rule is only smoke on a match day. Sunday will be my first game of the season...and my first tab in months.... I'm looking forward to the smoke more than the game.
  16. Oh stop being so bloody nice man!
  17. I thought he was one of Kraftwerk.
  18. MF Doom on his way to England. Nowt north of Leeds. Would have been no doubt that I'd go in the past. Getting too old for this on a school night though Tickets on sale Friday for those that are still 'with it'
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