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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I hear that Shefki Kuqi is available... We did it with Lovenkrands tbf
  2. It's amazing half the staff at the club manage to get to work clothed in the morning.
  3. "There's fuck all we can do collectively...send us £10 a year though!"
  4. It won't hoover itself y'knaa, gotta factor in the cleaners wages....and her hoover....and the electricity to run it.
  5. Aye, Nolan got a taste for it in the Championship that bled into last season. But Cabaye's only managed more than 5 in a season twice in his career...and that's in France. Not saying he should score more, or that he needs to in order to be deemed a success. Just that I'd be amazed if he did match Nolan's goals.
  6. How do we know this yet? I hope he does turn out to be good, but at the moment he still has everything to prove. As much as I'm firmly in Team Moan Like a Cunt Because Your Sick of The Club Being Raped By a Fat Cockney Twat, Cabaye isn't a player I'm worried about. I think he'll be class. He might or he might not. He wouldn't be the first decent player failing to adapt to a new league, team, area etc. He has the potential to be a good/very good/superb player. But it's far too early to say he is an improvement to the former captain and one of the main goal scorers. And for the record, I was never a fan of Nolan He'll never match Nolan's goals. Nolan's scored as many in 2 seasons as Cabaye managed in 5. Watching him on Sunday he seemed to be doing the Tiote role more than the Nolan role....but he wasn't commanding enough of the ball to do it really well (perhaps he was scared of Barton ). When he did get a touch he seemed composed enough, set up a goal with a corner.
  7. Who we been linked with better than Carroll, Barton, Nolan and Enrique....or Routledge? They ALL need replaced and we were 2 or 3 short, at least, when the window opened. Unless something incredible is pulled out of the bag I can't see them turning this around to a position of overall squad improvement. Carroll replaced with Ba (Better goal per game rate last season) Nolan replaced with Cabaye (Improvement) Barton and Nolan still here so no replacement arrived as yet Routledge replaced with Marveaux Convinced? If I were....what about the striker and right back (and possibly centre back) we already needed?
  8. Who we been linked with better than Carroll, Barton, Nolan and Enrique....or Routledge? They ALL need replaced and we were 2 or 3 short, at least, when the window opened. Unless something incredible is pulled out of the bag I can't see them turning this around to a position of overall squad improvement.
  9. Hope they aren't using this system to allocate mackem tickets.
  10. According to .co.uk I got 6 loyalty points from it. Never been to Luxemburg in my life though. A bit concerned that it seems to have lost my actual loyalty point history and is only reporting the measly total against this strange game....don't think we've EVER played them have we? Time for another phone call to the brewery where the piss-ups never start. Anyone else got similar problems?
  11. 11 across? Ashley too short...Llambias too long.
  12. By the weekend it's looking like... Summer 2011 Out Jose Enrique £10,000,000 Kevin Nolan £4,000,000 Wayne Routledge £2,000,000 In Yohan Cabaye £4,300,000 Total = £11.7 Million net inflow Zang!
  13. A special shout goes out to the legendary hip hop scholar and all around solid cat, Dave “Davey D” Cook, for bringing this incredible flip on the recent collaboration by Kanye West and Jay-Z called ‘Otis’ to our attention. In their version, ‘Ye and Jigga flow effortlessly over an agitated classic soul Otis Redding “Try a Little Tenderness” sample. They definitely go in with super excess and chronic brand drops (e.g. Rolex, Mercedes, G450, etc) and current day ‘swag’ appeal. Yes, we know guys, you’re super rich, ballin, kickin it with models and yes “Jay is chillin’ and ‘Ye is chilling”, but what more could you say?….. A LOT MORE…. Public Enemy leader, Chuck D on the other hand uses the ‘Otis‘ backdrop (see above) to bring light to current reality based condition impacting the country like high unemployment, education, health care, etc. Bravo Chuck! Bravo! This makes me remember the days when conscious hip-hop ruled and we looked forward to complementing our book knowledge with some street knowledge. We love and support most of what these two titans have been able to accomplish, but we would welcome a broad-based return to some of the positive themes that hip-hop used to embrace. While we all know what sells and gets played currently, we also know that these brothers wield significant power and influence and if we all share in the motive to improve our collective condition, then change can (and we hope will) come. The irony to me is that the sample, ‘Try a Little Tenderness‘, is actually what a lot of modern rappers need to do at this time. People out here are hurting and now is not the time to be throwing your wealth up in the collective country’s faces at a time of high unemployment and near economic collapse. Many of the kids who listen to this display of excess go back to small apartments in the projects or the streets, wish of better days, and may even go to bed hungry. How about something to inspire them guys? How about you trying some tenderness?! Again, thanks Davey D and Chuck! Compare for yourself. Here is the Kanye West/Jay-Z song ‘Otis’: http://soulhead.wordpress.com/2011/08/02/p...otis-editorial/
  14. I think Pardoo's known from day one that he'll be required to work with what he is provided and get on with it. He'll just trot out the line that he's like a continental coach, he manages the players the controller of the purse strings gives him and he's happy to do so. Disappointed to lose quality like that...but quality has been brought in too. Stay positive etc.
  15. I can't imagine Boner could NOT deliver the votes for what is 100% of what the republicans wanted. Mind, they want to be able to blame Obama entirely for the shit-storm in a years time, so it might be closer than I thought. That wifey who got shot in the head voted in favour though, so it MUST be good. I didn't follow it, Obama gave in then? Oh dear. After all that talk. I'll have to catch up on this sometime. Hey, easy on Giffords, getting shot in the head is some serious shit. Not sure he gave up so much as got exactly what he and his financial backers wanted all along. Cuts for the poor, no tax revenue on the wealty. Hurrah! Much like the healthcare 'debate' it's all setup to give the illusion of opposing views. A political game to give the impression there's a party looking out for your interests (democratic for the poor and liberal, Republican for the non-poor and conservative). In fact the democratic and republican plans agreed from the very start on every major point. They differed on $5billion...which is about 0.6% of the cuts. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archiv...-points/242667/ Always a plan for the wealthy elites who don't give a toss who's in power because they've got them all in their back pocket.
  16. I can't imagine Boner could NOT deliver the votes for what is 100% of what the republicans wanted. Mind, they want to be able to blame Obama entirely for the shit-storm in a years time, so it might be closer than I thought. That wifey who got shot in the head voted in favour though, so it MUST be good.
  17. I can't imagine Boner could NOT deliver the votes for what is 100% of what the republicans wanted. Mind, they want to be able to blame Obama entirely for the shit-storm in a years time, so it might be closer than I thought.
  18. As much as I use Twitter to follow famous folk, some of the shite people direct at famous folk is inspired...whether or not the famous folk see it is irrelevant.
  19. I try to maintain a list if you want to it rather than following each individual.... Up to 36 posters now.... http://twitter.com/#!/MikeAshleyLies/toontastics/members
  20. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs...a-dive-20110801
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