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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Me too. Not sure why it got such a critical mauling. Maybe it was the backlash for Jackson after Lord of the Rings, maybe it suffers comparison to the book, but I thought it held my interest well. Like Zodiac for teenagers.
  2. http://audioboo.fm/boos/434660-hulk-hugan-on-uk-riots Gazza will meet him with KFC and fishing rods
  3. http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opini...m=MasterAccount
  4. Lies. Professional tac dealers aye. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/uk-englan...11__CK12_14_15_ So you were lying. Where does it say HALF the people charged were professionals and grads?!?!?!?! Explain why you lied. No its s fact. and no evidence is going to convince me otherwise.
  5. Lies. Professional tac dealers aye. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/uk-englan...11__CK12_14_15_ So one professional and one grad. College students means nowt. Every fucker goes to college now. Whey I only caught it on telly and had to find a written version, but they don't mention any dole scum at all. that's the pc BBC for you though
  6. Lies. Professional tac dealers aye. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/uk-englan...11__CK12_14_15_
  7. BBC say Half the people charged so far are grads and professionals.
  8. Hardly boom time in retail though is it? Do some gardening work. There's plenty of opportunities to work, especially in London. It might be tough at the moment, but there are ways to address such matters without thuggery. Boris Johnson would be proud.
  9. Hardly boom time in retail though is it?
  10. The proportion of people living in poverty (the "poverty rate") varies considerably between ethnic groups. Among London's Indian population, it is no higher than among the White population, but it is twice as high among Black Africans and higher still among Bangladeshis and Pakistanis. The combination of a much higher risk of low income for people from ethnic minorities and the high ethnic minority population in London means that over half of all people in poverty in London are from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds. Work rates among BME groups in London are lower than for White British. About 20% of White British working-age adults in London do not work, compared to 60% of Bangladeshi and 40% of Pakistani adults. The high poverty rates experienced by most BME groups can only partly be accounted for by their generally lower work rates. In particular, just a third of the 'excess' poverty experienced by London's Pakistani and Bangladeshi populations can be accounted for by the much lower work rates among both men and women. Other factors such as low pay are critical. A link would be good, cockface http://www.londonspovertyprofile.org.uk/in...ncome-and-work/ Sorry petal
  11. I thought that's what the Tories had done. How can it motivate people to jobs that aren't there? They supposed to work in the library for free and help the big society?
  12. The proportion of people living in poverty (the "poverty rate") varies considerably between ethnic groups. Among London's Indian population, it is no higher than among the White population, but it is twice as high among Black Africans and higher still among Bangladeshis and Pakistanis. The combination of a much higher risk of low income for people from ethnic minorities and the high ethnic minority population in London means that over half of all people in poverty in London are from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds. Work rates among BME groups in London are lower than for White British. About 20% of White British working-age adults in London do not work, compared to 60% of Bangladeshi and 40% of Pakistani adults. The high poverty rates experienced by most BME groups can only partly be accounted for by their generally lower work rates. In particular, just a third of the 'excess' poverty experienced by London's Pakistani and Bangladeshi populations can be accounted for by the much lower work rates among both men and women. Other factors such as low pay are critical.
  13. White men can't Jump You can put a cat in an oven, that don't make it a biscuit.
  14. Every paedophile I've seen exposed was white We shouldn't be afraid to confront that fact. It's like saying if I burned your house down that we shouldn't be afraid to talk about HIV rates in Blackpool & Fylde. Typically irrelevant annoying pish from you. OK, let's stick to the black topic. Why do you think it's a black problem? You don't answer a question with a question pal. Answer my initial question. Your answer will be shit but I'm interested in hearing it. Sorry, what was the question?
  15. They're uneducated, criminal, jobless, poverty stricken low lives. They're hardly in a position contextualise the political build up to the cuts, that lead to such anger, and a police force ill-equipped to deal with it.
  16. Every paedophile I've seen exposed was white We shouldn't be afraid to confront that fact. It's like saying if I burned your house down that we shouldn't be afraid to talk about HIV rates in Blackpool & Fylde. Typically irrelevant annoying pish from you. OK, let's stick to the black topic. Why do you think it's a black problem?
  17. Every paedophile I've seen exposed was white We shouldn't be afraid to confront that fact.
  18. we've all seen for ourselves that the white folk have been involved too. Can't blame kay Burley for pulling him up on it. And he's far too little to be called big jim anyway It's the thought process I'm criticising. It's not about race in the orthodox sense but that a man can't report a factual event without being called a racist. People are thinking with very closed minds and it's a trend that you see constantly these days. People literally won't allow themselves to think without labelling something ''racist'' or ''offensive to'' etc etc. Absolutely spot on. Five facts about these riots The vast majority of the riots and ALL of the main areas involved are predominantly black FACT There is no aim apart from people looting and taking advantage of the situation by robbing and acting like cunts FACT 80% of the people involved are black FACT They will achieve nothing FACT They will blame lack of opportunities, while being in one of the world's great cities for opportunities, they'll blame lack of education and the government FACT There is no reason they should be doing this FACT ...lastly it is wrong in the constraints of political correctness in 2011 to mention the utter majority of these vile scum are not white FACT Someone answer me this question WHY can't we debate my last point, I'm not on about on here, but WHY can't it even be mentioned someone give me an intelligent reasoned answer as to why questions can not be asked. Love the way you pulled actual figures out of the air and called them facts. 95% of people involved are male. FACT. Why aren't you chomping at the bit to point out that FACT? Well done for avoiding my question. I think it's a point made and debated across the mainstream media. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/art...n-to-the-mob.do http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-20...ams-alight.html Does it concern you football hooliganism isn't flagged as a white problem?
  19. we've all seen for ourselves that the white folk have been involved too. Can't blame kay Burley for pulling him up on it. And he's far too little to be called big jim anyway It's the thought process I'm criticising. It's not about race in the orthodox sense but that a man can't report a factual event without being called a racist. People are thinking with very closed minds and it's a trend that you see constantly these days. People literally won't allow themselves to think without labelling something ''racist'' or ''offensive to'' etc etc. Absolutely spot on. Five facts about these riots The vast majority of the riots and ALL of the main areas involved are predominantly black FACT There is no aim apart from people looting and taking advantage of the situation by robbing and acting like cunts FACT 80% of the people involved are black FACT They will achieve nothing FACT They will blame lack of opportunities, while being in one of the world's great cities for opportunities, they'll blame lack of education and the government FACT There is no reason they should be doing this FACT ...lastly it is wrong in the constraints of political correctness in 2011 to mention the utter majority of these vile scum are not white FACT Someone answer me this question WHY can't we debate my last point, I'm not on about on here, but WHY can't it even be mentioned someone give me an intelligent reasoned answer as to why questions can not be asked. Love the way you pulled actual figures out of the air and called them facts. 95% of people involved are male. FACT. Why aren't you chomping at the bit to point out that FACT?
  20. Ober-tan Ober-tan Ober-tan Ober Like a monkey with a miniature cymbal
  21. A few weeks ago they were saying all over the news that Al Qaeda had attacked Norway. They'll repeat any old gubbins to fill the hour out. What do you think is guiding all these louts around the police to vunerable locations? 'The power of the people mannnnn' You need a rubber bullet firing up your arse; hippies are of no use during a crisis. What's remotely hippy about wanting to clarify the truth of a claim? I don't know why you'd doubt that technology allows these people to communicate and concentrate attacks better than if they didn't have it. It seems a pretty axiomatic conclusion. But no, "Hey mannnn, I aint buyin' your crap mr. polititian mannn, power to the peoplee." Blackberry messenger isn't really "social media" though is it?
  22. A few weeks ago they were saying all over the news that Al Qaeda had attacked Norway. They'll repeat any old gubbins to fill the hour out. What do you think is guiding all these louts around the police to vunerable locations? 'The power of the people mannnnn' You need a rubber bullet firing up your arse; hippies are of no use during a crisis. What's remotely hippy about wanting to clarify the truth of a claim?
  23. I'd love to follow the tweets of the people co-ordinating like....if you can link me to it. I got the impression this is what some politician imagines is driving the violence rather than anything based in fact. They're doing it via closed networks ie BB Guardian have got one set up to receive messages; it is reported to be widespread. FACT. Have they not seen The Wire? Lester Freamon would be all over that shit.
  24. A few weeks ago they were saying all over the news that Al Qaeda had attacked Norway. They'll repeat any old gubbins to fill the hour out.
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