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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. 3 games in and our left back (who's not actually a left back) has scored 100% of our goals.
  2. Scunthorpe haven't won in their first 4 League one games, right? Wonder if Barton had thoughts that his absence from this shambles might swing an offer.
  3. Should have stopped in the pub and watched the yids.
  4. Was giving him the benefit of the doubt as he deserves it infinitley more than Ashley, But he's trying my patience now. Either tell them to fuck off, or do one. Stop with the attention whoring.
  5. This is the main problem with Barton leaving. Forget the debate over his ability, attitude and influence. If the board are calling the shots on contracted players it underminds the manager. Pardoo tried to play it like it was his decision, dropping him from training, weighing up the pros and cons of whether or not to play him and then deciding he should play for the first team.....now he just looks like a dick all over again because he has no control over any of it whatsoever. He'd have been better off leaving barton out altogether, at least it would give the appearance of him having some control.
  6. Sounds like he desperately doesn't want to sign for them. I've been watching football since 1985, and I can't recall anyone ever having a medical just IN case a deal happens. Milner to Villa first time around?
  7. Just heard Samsung have been banned in Europe along with HTC for breaching patent protection. Sounds pretty rosey for Apple.
  8. They've announced th Palm Pre 3 will be selling for £49.99, over £250 less than thought before. Shite for apps and that goingforward, given it'll lose support, but for anyone still using an old school non-smartphone, it's a very cheap leg up for just whacking your existing SIM card in.... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/mobi...-price-cut.html they're cutting lose alright ! seen the frenzy the touchpad giveaway has caused man !? http://www.hotukdeals.com/misc/palm-pre3-h...000474?page=400 HP sent us all mails this morning offering the 16gb for £69 and the 32gb for £109. Sold out in 3 minutes flat. I snagged 3 16gb ones....though we'll see if there's the stock left to honour it. The T&Cs did say if stocks run out they won't be able to fulfil the order. Ill have one if you are flogging them on I'm not, but already promised a few people I'll order more if I get the opportunity. I'll add you to the queue. Got confirmation of the order. Items on Back order, due 07/09
  9. Not sure how you make the leap, I've managed to not be sacked for 15 years and i'm a fucking prick.
  10. Amazes me people still laugh at Keegan getting angry in one interview when Fergie's been on the rag publicly for over a decade.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/14664803.stm The tosser
  12. Best natural finisher the club has had since Micky Quinn. Aye. Just not in their natures to leave any of their tea.
  13. We were stronger at the start of the season, so I'll leave it as it is.
  14. If you like Rodrigo y Gabriela, you oughta give 'em a try sometime. Not guite as tight or talented, but pleasant.
  15. They've announced th Palm Pre 3 will be selling for £49.99, over £250 less than thought before. Shite for apps and that goingforward, given it'll lose support, but for anyone still using an old school non-smartphone, it's a very cheap leg up for just whacking your existing SIM card in.... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/mobi...-price-cut.html they're cutting lose alright ! seen the frenzy the touchpad giveaway has caused man !? http://www.hotukdeals.com/misc/palm-pre3-h...000474?page=400 HP sent us all mails this morning offering the 16gb for £69 and the 32gb for £109. Sold out in 3 minutes flat. I snagged 3 16gb ones....though we'll see if there's the stock left to honour it. The T&Cs did say if stocks run out they won't be able to fulfil the order.
  16. If the result goes against them on Sunday it's a hat-trick. 3 birds will have defetaed the Black Cats in a row. The Magpies, The Seagulls and The Swans. The Echo can have that one.
  17. Think we concentrated more on the LB and striker we were going to bring in (100%) last week.
  18. If you just watchd it you might find this interesting (though it might just be me ) Tightass and cocksucker - Sexual politics in Thunderbolt and Lightfoot
  19. Good work. Had to laugh as I checked your working and saw that Ipwich are the worst off having conceded 3 already. I saw last neet they lost 7-1 at Peterborough wtf? He's spent a canny bit of money as well Jewell. Conceded 5 at home in the game before that too. Oh dear!
  20. That would've been 10 and 5 where you were brought up? 5.96 miles PR Sunderland AFC SR5 1SU 0871 911 1973 8.18 miles PR Newcastle United Football Club NE1 4ST 0844 372 1892 I'd imagine it leavs a sick taste in your mouth just conversing with someone that chose to defy the 2.22 mile difference. The test for me would be hearing you say Reuben Agboola. http://kiwi6.com/file/54y46q7sv4 Upload not found though. Just pressed the play buton a couple of times and works fine for me. Ah well, I tried.
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