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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. When you look at the money Ashley has spunked on us and compare it to other investors he's had terrible value for money... Abramovich - £700m - titles/champions league Mansour - £700m - champions league Fenway Group - £300m - Title talk, cetainly europe. Ashley - £280m - relegation Kroenke - £200m - Champions league Glazers - £140m - Titles and champions league finals Joe Lewis - £100m - champions league Ellis Short - £100m - Middle PL Lerner - £100m - Middle PL Ridiculous to suggest he's done a good job with his money and we should begrateful.
  2. I see where TP's coming from mind. It's like Fritzl. He gave that girl food, shelter, warmth, clothes, mod cons and everything. Entitled to take the odd nosh and more.
  3. Is it? I hadn't noticed branding as garish and tacky as that at SJP. Did Sports Direct pay NUFC £100m, like Emirates did Arsenal? Does this look as tacky as this
  4. CT was praying all evidence of his past varying opinions was going to be dumped in the switch. I remember the N-O switch last time around. They said "fuck it" and dumped 80% of the threads on the database. All that Leazes & HTT gold, lost to the ages. Never even considered it could have been a ploy to get rid of "The Dossier" and similar embarrassing evidence.
  5. My point is that the willingness to spend money in itself is cause for a little thumbs up, regardless of how wank the players they bring in are. You might buy a bunch of snotters that turn out to be nothing but trouble, but sooner or later you might get it right as opposed to only signing free players and those who for "some" reason are in the bargain bin. Might be a valid point too, if Bruce didn't have a pretty hefty transfer profit.
  6. Jumped in the car with my 4 year old nephew yesterday and asked what he wanted on the stereo. "Bob Dylan" he said. I welled up
  7. Cannit believe we've not seen the obvious... Jonny Cash - The Ring of Fire
  8. In real life, Colin Hendry, Craig Hignett, Chris Holland ....all the legends.
  9. Kadar RB and Perch in the middle? Kadar must be preferred as cover for Simpson.
  10. Aye, Elliot on the bench last night. Amazed he hasn't been on Twitter laying into the new regime yet.
  11. Cheers. .com have him available so thought he wasn't even getting a run out for the reserves.
  12. Already argued about it elsewhere, but nobody has developed a better whisky/tab induced croak about them in order to embrace approaching death.
  13. Can't see why people think Barfa will make the difference. He can't pick up the ball from defense and be effective at unlocking doors on the edge of the opposition box. Cabaye suffered as Barfa will last night. Simpson. Taylor and Taylor will continue to whack it right over his head....and by extension Coloccini who doesn't have a fellow defender that's comfortable playing on the floor with him. Our best hope is Santos. Like Enrique, he and Coloccini will have to work up a partnership that allows us to play it out of defence rather than relying on the long ball that invites more pressure. He's never going do owt for us I agree with the sentiment that Santon will hopfully change things in that he gives Colo someone to pass to and can link up with Jonas on the left. That will help Caybaye and hopefully in turn Ben Arfa. Obviously not the first, but Keegan was always banging on about attack starting with defence. Despite his reputation for having teams that couldn't defend, his priority was that they could get the ball out of defence while retaining posession. It's no mistake he brought in Coloccini and Bassong in his one transfer window. While also getting rid of Carr, Ramage, Rozenhal and Faye. Dispiriting watching us hoof ball after ball back at QPR, even when we weren't under pressure.
  14. We were? werent we? I seem to recall Pardew promising us a more " free-flowing" pas-and-move team? Part of the reason why we got rid of Nolan etc. The quality of football for the last 2 seasons had been better than anything in the 4 years prior. If he did say that he's a mong cos it's blatantly reverted in these early stages.
  15. Can't see why people think Barfa will make the difference. He can't pick up the ball from defense and be effective at unlocking doors on the edge of the opposition box. Cabaye suffered as Barfa will last night. Simpson. Taylor and Taylor will continue to whack it right over his head....and by extension Coloccini who doesn't have a fellow defender that's comfortable playing on the floor with him. Our best hope is Santos. Like Enrique, he and Coloccini will have to work up a partnership that allows us to play it out of defence rather than relying on the long ball that invites more pressure.
  16. Wound up Barton better than anyone else managed.
  17. Loved his Maria Von Trap in the box when he was through on goal. He had gained an ounce of space and time then he just started spinning around like the fucking Tazmanian Devil. I couldn't understand what he was doing.
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