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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Just started using it cos the family all got touchpads. Think it's really good but the novelty of video will wear off. A bit like 3d films. Think it's only any good long term for long distance chat with your kids when you work away...and job interviews when the applicant might have a massive goitre or something.
  2. The first half of todays Guardian piece is poetry. Just saying Cameron's a cunt. But the imagery is marvellous. For example... http://www.guardian....rooker-bbc-cuts
  3. I didn't bother. I listened to a few smodcasts instead. The Mrs enjoyed it like. But she liked adventures of a shopaholic.
  4. Kermode liked Thor. Hoped to see it last week but the Bastards on the plane put Water for Elephants on instead.
  5. There's a gorgeous lass at work, must be 25, she just had her first bairn to a 40+ bloke she married a year or so ago, he was the first lad she met off a dating site. I thought it was all desparate old harpee's but apparently not.
  6. The funny thing is, both parties occupy exactly the same centre right middle ground. The Nazi/communist talk is all about the illusion of different policies. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
  7. Exit through the gift shop and persepolis. Both bloody good. Exit best of the 2.
  8. the man who would be king on bbc2 in 20 minutes. mint
  9. lot of people call Given worse than muck for complaining and manufacturing a move. Maybe Haper is being professional.
  10. Why do the republicans remind you of Nazi's any more than the democrats?
  11. a lot of music seems to be by people younger than me these days. Find it a struggle to enjoy. LMFAO - Party rock anthem
  12. da Vinci worked alone didn't he? more like Edison was jobs surely. Taking all the credit for the hard work of a team of designers and engineers. Bloody important bloke like.
  13. fish and chips from Marshalls eaten above the black middens. Lovely stuff.
  14. Had a reet bastard of a morning at work. Finally got some bait and 10 minutes to myself. I hate this thread for taking up 15% of my break.
  15. Don't be silly it's a beautiful film. I enjoyed it like but it's a bit all over the place too imo. That's the problem exactly. It suffers from the same as Babel or Crash or Love Actually. A multitude of characters with tenuous links (or none whatsoever) each labouring the same, obvious point.... The wages man - these gangs are dangerous...i want out. The Tailor - these gangs are dangerous...i want out. The second in command to the waste disposal dude - these gangs are dangerous...i want out. The kid who takes a bullet as initiation - these gangs are dangerous...Maybe I've been hasty getting in. The two scarface loving dudes - these gangs are dangerous... The only one I hadn't seen before was the tailor. A film about him would have been good rather than the 15 minutes he got. This was the film I'd been looking forward to most from last year, so I felt a tad let down. Perhaps I'd built it up too much. Reading the book at the moment. Suffers the same problem as the film. Dan the daggerman from Dagenham.
  16. You don't? Suppose I better change it then. Here man say something quote-worthy.
  17. 9 seasons since we've been riding this high in the league at any point after game 1. A topic like this should really transend the shit in between cos EVERYONE's let us down in that time.
  18. Look into them too closely and you end up with shit on your face. ...or is it egg... whatever. 50 cent.
  19. I agree. We should have an amnesty on mentioning the board for a week for any reason. There's literally not one thing we can say about the board that hasn't been said. I've not mentioned him in almost a fortnight already. Still get accused of having an agenda
  20. wtf are you on about now?! TWAT!! Come back CT, there been mean.
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