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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Never posted in this thread. Not sure of the point when the whole board is just a place for people to moan and vent Anyway I hate mouth ulcers. They're geet sore.
  2. Millions of lazy bone-idle no-marks who'd rather watch Jeremy Kyle on their free 50inch screen while eating cocains and drinking binge they bought with their kiddies benefits. Filthy scroungers need to learn what life's all about, get a bit of national service down their necks. ...best people to decide on the applicability of the death penalty though. Decent working class folk who know right from wrong and no mistake.
  3. Up to 74% want to bring back hanging. http://ukpollingrepo...g/archives/3802 Fortunately the tyranny of majority is not our way. the Death penalty is quite justified for certain offences In backward countries.
  4. Funny what you pick up like. I was surprised that I could find the plough and that fella with the belt. Never seen them before. Always thought astrologers were dafties randomly picking 6 or 7 of the hundreds of stars and deciding what makes a constellation. They really do stick out though.
  5. Didn't say that, did I? I obviously meant selected by their peers. I'm all for the ideal of democracy, but frankly, the average member of the public is a reactionary idiot. Why would I want them making decisions about macro-economics? Would the greated religious minds be allowed in? Muslims?
  6. We were awarded £3k+ He's not gonna pay it though. We'll get it noted on his property so we get it if he sells, but don't think he ever will. Proper dodgy bloke, he's got about 15 different names he uses and we don't believe the name of the owner on the freehold is anyone that actually exists. Which our solicitor reckons you could get away with years ago, but now you have to have 3 bits of original ID to buy or sell, it leaves him in limbo.
  7. ...anyone that said courts...you got the right (expensive) answer. Thanks for all the advice.
  8. The court decided today that the bell-end has to sign his authority to change the freehold in 7 days or they'll do it for him. 2 years later. Thank christ. It's been sat empty this whole time, spent the best part of £10k since the auction trying to get it sorted. My advice to anyone buying a property. Don't go through an auction and make sure you own 100% of the freehold.
  9. Am I missing something? How do you get into this non elected, non-selected group?
  10. Point being your view of Patero as a lone scapegoat that deserved not to besacked doesn't ring true. They should all go...Mcquery keeping his job is a disgrace, not Paterno losing his....though as the more senior of the two, Paterno had ultimate responsibility to ensure thee were no dodgy goings on in his own locker room.
  11. Not blameless, he definitely could have done more. But he did more than anyone else. What about his superiors who knew? Paterno was made the scapegoat when he did more than his superiors. Blaming it all on a frail 70 year old man while they knew all along and didnt give a shit is heartless. Hope the Nittany Lions crash and burn and more higher figures become implicated. Also hope that Sandusky never sees the light of day again. Not sure Paterno is the scapegoat. Of course those above him tried to protect themselves and the team by acting strongly against him, But Schultz and Hurley were indicted and Spanier was fired too.
  12. If I new kids were being raped by one of my oldest friends at the metrocentre i wouldn't report it to Paul Blart and be happy that was the end of it. The idea that anyone who does is blameless is shameful.
  13. Up to 74% want to bring back hanging. http://ukpollingrepo...g/archives/3802 Fortunately the tyranny of majority is not our way. Quite right too. What is? The 74% or not being our way?
  14. Up to 74% want to bring back hanging. http://ukpollingreport.co.uk/blog/archives/3802 Fortunately the tyranny of majority is not our way.
  15. Let's not be silly. We just want to move them to a ghetto. Cheap, small housing outside of the metropolis where we don't have to look at their satellite dishes and pyjamas in kwik save.
  16. This legislation would impact 67000 families if it goes though. Estimating an average of 2 claimants in each of those familes, that's 134,000 individuals. There ar 6,000,000 benefit claimants in this country. So 2% of benefit claimants are affected. Not quite the overhaul you're hoping for..
  17. There's already caps on each of the individual benefits anyone receives. So I'm saying those caps should remain as they are. Superseding those caps with an arbitrary totaliser cap, after the fact, ignoring the reality of the individual situation is vote winning barbarism. Let's simplify reality to ignore the extreme cases that have been identified as needing most help. It's ridiculous to means test someone, look at the kids they have, where they live, what other income they might have, other inhabitants, arrive at a figure for what someone in those circumstances needs to live on, then arbitrarily say that despite those circumstances we'll cut your benefits so you're forced to live on less.
  18. Being a carer is not a career choice. As you say, part of it has to do with kindness. It is also one of the most easily abused benefits available. Again, the allowance is not being removed, it is part of the overall cap. And it is worth about £2,500 a year, less than 10% of the cap. It's not like being a carer is an alternative to a job. The trick there is to treat benefit abuse as the crime it is, if it can be proved. However small carers allowance is, when added to the housing, council tax, child benefit and that, if it takes them over the top, then it's a kick in the teeth to say they ain't getting it and they should get a proper job. Carers are a FAR cheaper alternative than the official NHS provided staff, so it'll end up being a more costly exercise, robbing the NHS, to force those people back into the job market.
  19. Haha same here mate, took everything bar the kitchen sink... well everything but a torch which made the 5 minute hike to the beach from the car park a bit of a nightmare lol! Luckily managed to follow a group with some torches My phone's got a torch on which I used, but it was still a nightmare, didn't have a clue where I was headed to get over the dunes. I'll know for next time. Cheers for the advice btw Alex, St Mary's was heaving with cars so I was glad to go a bit further up the road but not too far.
  20. No they aren't. They rely on carers...who are going to be affected. In the vast majority of cases, the carer will be a family member who lives with the disabled person. They will not be affected by this. Exactly. The people affected are the ones where that is not the case. So people without family, who already rely on the kindness of a strangers to care for them, or with family that live separately....who now can't afford to care for them and have to get jobs.
  21. If implemented in its current form, the government's benefit cap will save £290m next year. That's on a £110 billion welfare budget. a 0.29% saving, on what is our third most costly government bill. Sure to save the country from it's financial woes. Pure politics playing on peoples emotional views rather than logic and facts. £290m is also just 4% of the £6bn (currently viewed as a conservative estimate) tax bill we let vodafone off with.
  22. No they aren't. They rely on carers...who are going to be affected.
  23. Well if that is all they're getting then no one will be too badly affected by the £26k cap then. They will. Because a very small number of people get that much. Housing benefit and Carer’s Allowance and Industrial Injuries Disablement will also be included in the cap. Ensuring that only the most vulnerable people taking care of disabled people, or themselves disabled or living in the most costly cities are affected. Hurrah for the cap. Hitting cripples who got this country in a mess hard.
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