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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. NUFC.com NUFC To Score 0 - TheGingerQuiff 1 - @yourservice, Kevin Carr's Gloves 2 - LooneyToony, Holden McGroin, barnabox, acrossthepond, ToonMarshy, Ant, Anorthernsoul 3 - ohhh_yeah, sammynb, MiddleAgeCool, Dr Gloom, SpartaFC, rogerbarton, aimaad22, Dougle, Monkeys Fist, Kitman, zico martin, tooner, ewerk, scoobos, Happy Face, David Kelly, Andrew, Howay, Rayvin, ChezGiven, loonyTOON 4+ - strawb, Dickie, Tom, The Fish, wykikitoon, StoneColdStephenIreland NUFC To Concede 0 - sammynb, rogerbarton, aimaad22, acrossthepond, Dougle, Kitman, strawb, Ant, tooner, ewerk, scoobos, Dickie, Anorthernsoul, Tom, The Fish, Happy Face, David Kelly, wykikitoon, Kevin Carr's Gloves, StoneColdStephenIreland, Howay, Rayvin, ChezGiven, loonyTOON 1 - @yourservice, ohhh_yeah, LooneyToony, Holden McGroin, MiddleAgeCool, Dr Gloom, SpartaFC, Monkeys Fist, zico martin, Andrew 2 - barnabox, ToonMarshy 3 - 4+ - TheGingerQuiff
  2. Iain Lee has spoken in almost identical terms to this on recent podcasts with Scroobius Pip and Adam Buxton. You should deffo see a gp as people recommend, but he also said how much comfort he got reading about other people going through the same thing, so I'd recommend listening to them.
  3. That's just one example. Trump wasn't going to be allowed into the UK... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/donald-trump/12074314/Government-may-exclude-Donald-Trump-after-565000-sign-petition-calling-for-UK-entry-ban.html and now we're rushing to organise a state visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38051579 Obviously that's the state making politically expedient claims and contradictory decisions. Embarrassing for them but a necessity. Job of the press is to hammer them for it, not sit back and wonder what he'll say when he comes. It allows the office he holds to bestow a respectability on Trump that he doesn't deserve. if the press allow that then discourse on vile ideas is harmed.
  4. It's been a massive discussion how much the public has been swayed by "fake news" so there is a big question mark over how aware the electorate were. if anything real journalists should redouble efforts to factually portray him and the racist position of his platformm.
  5. You'd expect the press to be more lenient on someone in power? I think the opposite.
  6. They reflexively kowtow to power. They crave access. They have no other investigative skills to trade.
  7. They already are... http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/11/the-huffington-post-ending-its-editors-note-about-donald-trump-231044
  8. They will kowtow as well
  9. He's had all the media in a big room and told them what is what. “It was like a fucking firing squad,” one source said of the encounter." http://nypost.com/2016/11/21/donald-trumps-media-summit-was-a-f-ing-firing-squad/
  10. The BFG 3 year old was transfixed for the first half hour but struggled with the 2 hours. I thought they did a good job.
  11. Wonder if he'll crack down on politics in music and insist we all listen to Richard Wagner.
  12. Moving on from the Election thread "turkey legs"
  13. I was just doing a dad joke in the style of Ben Elton. I'm even less funny than him though.
  14. Same name as EDL supporters.
  15. Everyone's going on about that winning streak, but the 40 points out of 45 Rafa has won in the last 15 games has never been bettered by any NUFC manager in any division. Think that's plenty, even if anyone does manage to get a draw against us.
  16. Chronicle trying to rewrite history rather than admit they didn't dare jeopardise what access they had by being too harsh on Pardew. Even going so far as to claim a minority was in fact a majority....
  17. Remember all the people who excused Pardew and that because they had to work with the likes of Dummet and Gouffran.
  18. Total Poster 16 ewerk 14 Happy Face 14 Kevin Carr's Gloves 13 Dougle 12 Anorthernsoul 12 Ant 12 OTF 12 Tom 11 Rayvin 10 acrossthepond 10 Howay 10 scoobos 10 StoneColdStephenIreland 10 strawb 10 The Fish 10 wykikitoon 9 barnabox 9 MiddleAgeCool 8 David Kelly 8 rogerbarton 7 @yourservice 7 Renton 7 tooner 7 zico martin 6 Andrew 6 ChezGiven 6 Jintsay 6 McFaul 6 ohhh_yeah 6 TheGingerQuiff 6 ToonMarshy 5 Christmas Tree 5 gpirlo68 5 Holden McGroin 5 jonasjuice 5 Kitman 5 Monkeys Fist 5 trophyshy 4 Dr Gloom 4 SpartaFC 3 247 3 Ausman 3 sammynb 2 vimalraja 1 AJack 1 angrysteve 1 arc89 1 Bryn5 1 Geordie1973 1 holycrosser 1 JonGoodwyn 1 Monroe Transfer 1 PaddockLad 1 The Mighty Hog
  19. NUFC to Score 0 - TheGingerQuiff 1 - ChezGiven, @yourservice, David Kelly, barnabox, Renton, zico martin, Kevin Carr's Gloves 2 - Dougle, rogerbarton, Tom, StoneColdStephenIreland, Dr Gloom, wykikitoon, ewerk, OTF, ToonMarshy, Anorthernsoul, acrossthepond, SpartaFC, The Fish, Rayvin 3 - Happy Face, Kitman, MiddleAgeCool, Ant, Andrew, Howay 4+ - jonasjuice, sammynb, ohhh_yeah, Monkeys Fist, strawb NUFC to Concede 0 - ChezGiven, Tom, barnabox, Happy Face, OTF, Monkeys Fist, MiddleAgeCool, Ant, acrossthepond, Howay, SpartaFC, Kevin Carr's Gloves, The Fish, strawb 1 - @yourservice, jonasjuice, rogerbarton, David Kelly, StoneColdStephenIreland, Dr Gloom, sammynb, wykikitoon, ewerk, Kitman, Anorthernsoul, zico martin, Andrew, Rayvin 2 - Dougle, Renton, ToonMarshy, ohhh_yeah 3 - 4+ - TheGingerQuiff
  20. Need a minutes applause in the 1st minute of the next game for Rob Green.
  21. *bang* "ANNUAL income, prick!!"
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