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Everything posted by Happy Face
NUFC To Score 0 - TheGingerQuiff 1 - @yourservice, Kevin Carr's Gloves 2 - LooneyToony, Holden McGroin, barnabox, acrossthepond, ToonMarshy, Ant, Anorthernsoul 3 - ohhh_yeah, sammynb, MiddleAgeCool, Dr Gloom, SpartaFC, rogerbarton, aimaad22, Dougle, Monkeys Fist, Kitman, zico martin, tooner, ewerk, scoobos, Happy Face, David Kelly, Andrew, Howay, Rayvin, ChezGiven, loonyTOON 4+ - strawb, Dickie, Tom, The Fish, wykikitoon, StoneColdStephenIreland NUFC To Concede 0 - sammynb, rogerbarton, aimaad22, acrossthepond, Dougle, Kitman, strawb, Ant, tooner, ewerk, scoobos, Dickie, Anorthernsoul, Tom, The Fish, Happy Face, David Kelly, wykikitoon, Kevin Carr's Gloves, StoneColdStephenIreland, Howay, Rayvin, ChezGiven, loonyTOON 1 - @yourservice, ohhh_yeah, LooneyToony, Holden McGroin, MiddleAgeCool, Dr Gloom, SpartaFC, Monkeys Fist, zico martin, Andrew 2 - barnabox, ToonMarshy 3 - 4+ - TheGingerQuiff
On black Friday too. The orgy of capitalist consumerism got him in the end.
American Is Killed in First Casualty for U.S. Forces in Syria Combat
Assange has been dead/in the hole since October 3rd though innit.
Key word was leaders. You're questioning a dissident group with an unblemished 100% record for authenticity and accuracy over 10 years and 10 million leaked documents that have embarrassed just about every major government on the planet, right wing and left. You're taking at their word the claims of government operatives such as Clapper, proven to have lied under oath to his own congress, that the group have a new found agenda.
I suppose military men are trained not to question what their leaders tell them.
Amazing to me that anyone actually goes along with this nonsense. Even worse to choose to put blinkers on and disregard any revelations from genuine leaks because of such accusations. "No, not having it, I'd rather not know what's going on than learn about it from that lot!" That's exactly the reason that the baseless accusations get made in the first place I suppose.
You might distrust their motives due to some ridiculous notion that reporters are duty bound to find scandals that relate to both sides or else hold onto material they obtain until they do have something on the other side. But they have an entirely unblemished and unchallenged record of over 10 million documents released being completely authentic. Why would you have any reason to doubt this release?
New wikileaks release The Yemen Files offer documentary evidence of the US arming, training and funding of Yemeni forces in the years building up to the war. The documents reveal, among other things, procurement of many different weapon types: aircrafts, vessels, vehicles, proposals for maritine border security control and Yemeni procurement of US biometric systems. https://wikileaks.org/yemen-files/?saudi
...the barristers blog asks questions and has possible reasons where it does of course, rather than Mensch and her click baiting certainty.
It doesn't matter where the arguments are made or who by. She's quotes from a barrister's blog on the oddities of the court case... http://barristerblogger.com/2016/11/23/footnotes-conviction-thomas-mair/
I loathe the woman, and disagree with the vast majority of what she's on any subject, including this. But she makes some interesting points I'd not heard elsewhere, probably because people found the whole abhorrent case to be open and shut http://heatst.com/world/jo-coxs-murderer-is-convicted-but-i-stand-by-what-i-said-about-his-prejudiced-trial/ The law should always maintain a certain standard, or we end up stabbing Gaddafi up the arse.
Jill Stein got less than 0.7% of the vote in Florida. I know it was a hotly contested state and most people would be more inclined to go with major parties, but it's a quarter of what Johnson got. Isn't Florida the US state most at risk from man made climate change? If they can't be convinced to vote with the environmentalists there's no hope.
Interesting thought pieces doing the rounds about Trump hotels potentially being targeted for terror attacks and how that would affect thee perception of him. The Trump brand would become synonymous with American resistance to terror. Trump hotels get the security of embassy's and people elect to stay there as a political statement and show of American solidarity. He gets the best approvals since Bush after 9/11 or longer. Worrying.
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TISA is the behemoth
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Got life. This is a pretty grim read on him and the attack http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-38071894
Aye, one tiny, miniscule positive in the cluster fuck of his election. Can't see it changing though.
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The problem with Trump is he's too gauche to do these things that have been lawful for 30 years quietly. He forces the public and media to look at what they've allowed to happen.
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Trump knows better than most about conflict of interest. His lawyers have looked at it. George Bush senior signed into law in 1989 that a president can't have a conflict of interest. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/trump-bush-ethics-exemption-231773
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I'm struggling to find the stats on what topics came up at the debates. Think the NSA (like global warming) didn't get a single question from the TV personalities hosting.
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Criticism of leaders is allowed within the conventional Washington orthodoxy. Wedge issues like gay marriage, weed legalisation, abortion, tax reform... basically the internal squabbles that don't harm the overall national interest. Obama has been congratulated by the most right wing neocons for his foreign policies by and large. The NSA's abilities to snoop have complete bipartisan consensus and barely get covered. The whole reason Trump was interesting is that he proposed to blow those orthodoxies out of the water and no-one in mass media knew what they were allowed to say about it. Now he's reigning it in and the MSM are going to revert to type.
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The Irony is only surpassed by someone defending this craven, self interested, careerist, cowardly act but calling Assange and Snowden coward's for turning their entire lives upside down to reveal the truth of what governments do and refusing to be sent to the country that will not give them a fair hearing for it.
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What was said in the meeting was secret. The fact we all knew who was at the meeting rendered the secrecy irrelevant as there was clearly no source protection issue. Journalists are intrepid and have protections that allow them to confront power, not cower under their demands of secrecy.
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