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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I've never been able to delete pissed up posts when people get in from the pub, or a Monday morning thread blitz, or any of the "FAO LM" type threads.....which I'm chomping at the bit to do tbh.
  2. There's no "you guys" here. It's been said several times that these are all personal opinions. I don't want a ban at all democratic or not. The bold bit is EXACTLY why Chez started the thread, but there seems to be little interest in defining those rules to apply to all, even from those that get most hot under the collar about it and ask for bans. If it's not feasible to define it, then I guess we see how the new moderating team gets on for now, using their own judgement, rather than asking them to ban someone before they've had the chance to moderate a single post.
  3. There's more blue topics than there are white for me.
  4. Sounds pretty arbitrary. What if I'm on me hols that weekend? and unworkable, how do you set up a polll with those restrictions? Will you check all the voters posted in the specified period? My assumption would be lurkers and infrequent posters don't feel stongly enough to log in and voice their unhappiness either. There's 205 people with over 500 posts, so if you really want this, then the democratic way would be first past the post. Get 103 of them to vote for a ban and that's unarguable.
  5. People who are pissed off vote in polls like that, perhaps a vocal minority. People who couldn't give a fuck tend not to bother. That's how you end up with Snow Patrol winning the greatest song ever written on Virgin radio's poll to end all polls.
  6. Can imagine you getting in a huff after doing a manual scan cos you won't get to use it for another month. Probably Itunes for me. Used it daily for a decade or so and paid for 1 song.
  7. Massive internal bleeding of the arse?
  8. Love how he gets punched in the face for scoring on the 30 second mark.
  9. Haha Class find. As good as I remembered.
  10. Is Delboys mate ok or not?
  11. Some people would say being the number 2 poster in one of the worst of the LM threads (as you are) should be a banning offence. This is where I got the "2totango" suggestion from. That's plain to some people. Not to me like. If 2 people are having a back and forth, they're both exercising free will imo. But that's why Plain-as-the-nose-on-your-face isn't a workable rule.
  12. Would have thought people crying for bans would want a say on what should constitute a banning offence though CT. Seems not though. Preference for complaint rather than amicable solution.
  13. Spot on CT. LM is out of the creche and there's plenty of mods on board now who are probably going to be much less forgiving of both him and those that goad him from now on. Won't do any harm at all to see how that goes for a bit.
  14. We aren't representing the mod team here. Chez and I are saying what we've consistently said.
  15. Every thread that that one person is the top poster in has a small group of people behind him as the most frequent responders....ironically there's a strong correlation between that group and the people that want him banned most now. I'm not saying correlation is causation, Chez would have my guts for garters, but banning that group would have had a similar benefit on the forum I think. I'd hate to see those people banned, but they're bringing it down too.
  16. It's been complicated for years. Why not simplify it so even the simplest member and their mates can't complain when they're hoyed oot.
  17. I reckon the people asking for bans for those things are taking the piss aye...but whether it's Fop or LM, Thompers or Paul Wynn...or Sima people always want someone banned. So lets avoid the debate next time.
  18. Can you define that then please? I think it's fine as it is and no-one should get banned or further moderated, but the concensus seems to be there are problems that need addressing which aren't defined in the rules, so why can't those that see a problem suggest moderating guidelines, rather than have a random few foist them on the forum? Going on what I've read, something like.... Thread Blitzing - Responding in 5 threads at once with quick fire smileys and one or two word responses will see all of those posts deleted and 1 week in the creche. Thread derailing - Any posts that doesn't respect the subject of the opening post will be moved to a thread it does belong in. Repeatedly derailing thread gets 1 week in the creche. Thread mining - Digging up threads from the past for nothing more than a smiley, or a 1 or 2 word dig gets 1 week in the creche. Threads can be resurrected for informed/detailed posts. Quoting an old post in a new thread to laugh or have a dig is fine. 2ToTango - Any thread that attracts multiple complaints to the mod team will be locked. The 2 top posters in that thread will be placed in the creche for a week. 3 Strikes and Out - Anyone sent to the creche in 3 seperate instances will be banned permanantly.
  19. Can we just ban this knacker? Guthrie better than cabaye indeed
  20. He Didnt break a rule though. It might be better without you. If stevie asks for you to be banned should it be done? This is an opportunity to say what should be a banning offence, if it can't be articulated it can't be implemented.
  21. Is there any video of Laurent Roberts overhead kick backheel? Don't think I've seen it since the night he scored it.
  22. They were all excellent goals tbf. Any one of them could have won and I wouldn't have felt it was a particularly bad decision.
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