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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Och aye the noo, jings, crivvens and help ma boab. Bothie. Happy Birthday.
  2. If QPR fans were reprasentative it would go off, Rodney King stylee.
  3. Like Barney I haven't had to change them in ages. I see he's provided them to you elsewhere
  4. Nah, if I piss in the street it's a public order offence and only needs the CPS to have the evidence they need to issue a fine.
  5. Does it need a complaint or charges pressed? I think he got caught in the act and the CPS pressed for it.
  6. Get the us DNS codes Still not great like, but much better.
  7. Got a lift back from a stag do near Keswick a few weeks ago with a lad from work and we listened to the Stone Roses, The Smiths, Balck Grape & that on full pelt all the way back. Singing wa faces off. Made me realise I spend too much time on new music and have to go back to the classics more often. Gutted to get dropped off in the end. "Just keep draavin' Thelma!!"
  8. Parky loves the tips he gets on the William Hill Punt podcast tbf.
  9. Who the fuck downloads a William Hill "Punt" podcast in the first place, let alone with informed host Ron Atkinson? "He does what I call a lollipop" "what does that mean Ron? You're not making sense" "Shut the fuck up and get your money on the Nigger!"
  10. What was the guilty verdict against Collymore?
  11. He does a podcast for William Hill called 'The Punt' Can't believe Gemmill is giving people stick for their lack of googlability elsewhere
  12. Aye, exactly my point then. Zero tolerance to racism.....unless we can get away with tolerating it. Kick racism out of football....unless the racist is geet good at kicking the ball. Not a dignified silence but a self-serving ignorance of the blatant.
  13. Could Chelsea have done that too if they wished?
  14. Sorry, I need glove puppets here. Could the FA have suspended him or not?
  15. Loving the Sports Direct logos all over the training gear too. looks mint.
  16. Williamson and Cisse having a good old laugh there. Proper BFFs
  17. I'm not saying Chelsea have been as bad as Liverpool at all. Just that they seem to have dodged a bullet completely when they could have leaned on their player to hold his hands up, apologise and move on from the whole sorry mess without a media circus lasting the best part of a year. The FA too. Of course it's Terry's right to deny the charge, but there's nothing to say a club or the FA can't act until the mater is resolved, is there?
  18. Whatever your thoughts on his ability, he played more games than all bar 2 players last season. First "first team" player to be sold. Assuming Debuchy and Santon are planned to be our fullbacks, who do we have to cover those positions? RTaylor and Perch?
  19. Think you're projecting your own feelings there like Gemmil you porv. I like replying to you and Leazes. Never complained about either of you. You're the one that's desperate to ban him while being first to respond to every one of his posts.
  20. I pinned it so it doesn't pollute the rest of the board again. As soon as it's not had a response long enough to disappear off the first page, I'll unpin it.
  21. If you're a naughty boy you have 2 options. You go to bed without any supper or you apologise. Not a fake apology either, a genuine one with handshakes and cuddles. The fact Terry refuses to apologise in any way says everything about the cunt. He's kicking and screaming as Supernanny drags him up the merry dancers. Like Suarez the cunt. I'm amazed Chelsea have got away with this as lightly as they have compared to Liverpool.
  22. someone or other would have said something like "Your values are not consistent if you apply them differently to your enemies and your friends."
  23. He's not adding any fuel to the fire like everyone over the last 4 pages.
  24. When Terry directed it at Ferdinand in front of millions of viewers it became an offence, irresective of the earshot of Ferdinand. It shouldn't be an offence in the home at all, any more than exposing your genitals at home would be compared to doing it on the bus.
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