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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I am, but its been nagging at me and she's washing my duds in the sink so I had a minute to jump on and ask. Difficult to moan about it if its a bigger deal than any we've had, whatever the perception of Wonga as a two bit operation. Clearly on another level to Tombola. Anyone complaining about the nature of their business is talking bollocks. I do think it cheapens the NUFC brand, but no more than Sports Direct had already, and at least there is reasonable recompense for it in this case.
  2. She hasn't been told yet . First real trouser test.
  3. He was great, after a month in hospital he'd only been out 3 days, and no better than when he went in. We had plans for a wheelchair and/or projcted video if he couldn't do it, but he was able to stand and give his speech which was lush. His lad was page boy too. Smart as a dart.
  4. Deserved more The Chinese accent stuff was the best.
  5. Cheers, we're on franklin ave, so that's a 10 minute drive.
  6. It's exactly the topic to be "contrary" about. The most emotive ones that build a mob mentality are the subjects that cause rash laws to be passed, which is why we live in the "post 9/11" world of indefinite detention, torture, war on 6 fronts etc.
  7. Right about now SMB court is in full effect. Gene Clark presiding in the case of SMB versus the police department. Prosecuting attourneys are MC Ren(ton), HOWMAN HEYMAN and Cabaye muthafuckin Aye. Order order order. Gene Clark take the muthafuckin stand. Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothin but the truth so help your black ass?
  8. Any recommendations of where to watch the game in Los Angeles at 8am local time?
  9. I did it off the cuff...but made it sound like the end of the greatest romcom you've ever seen.
  10. Me either....once I got out of bed I was ice cool, the grolsch helped. Mint day. My speech had them all in bits. Cheers everyone for the well wishes.
  11. Nervous. Lying in bed trying to put off getting up. Wedding day.
  12. DLA is not about ability to work. It's for families/individuals that have the burden of a disability, to help them with the costs. For example if you have a child with a disability that needs care, or transport. Incapacity benefit is about the ability to work.
  13. Since Brasseye it's difficult to know which facebook updates are serious and which are piss takes. Seems to be a lot of support for electronically tagging kids and burning paedos at the stake... Guess we'll know they're paedos if they float.
  14. Beatles fans might want to watch BBC2 on Saturday night
  15. ....and nowt to do with a persons ability to work or not eirher, more to do with the costs of living with the disability.
  16. Assumed you must have knowledge as you made it such a partisan issue. I've done a little reading this morning cos I knew nowt, from what I can see it's a benefit that the tories intoduced, Blair tried (and failed) to reform and is as black and white as kicking away crutches. Half a million are to be taken off it, a financial target rather than a redressing of the fairness in the system you're suggesting.
  17. CT, what criteria did the Tories change to ensure only deserving cases get DLA?
  18. What's the date? Is my invite in the post?
  19. Surprising how anyone could have missed the amount of posts that got chopped from the forums and placed into Leazes own little sticky thread. He just doubled down on his usual topics. For example John Terry should have got off because terrorist are claiming benefits in this country rather than fighting in their own country. ...and I was his number 2 fan Stevie.
  20. I think it'll depend. "St James Park, sponsored by Apple" for £200m is palatable. "The pound store@SJP" in a £10m deal will raise hackles.
  21. Continues the recent trend of Queen style pomp rock, with added hints of David Bowie, Aerosmith, Michael Jackson, ELO, Tinnie Tempah, Prince, Talking Heads and Kanye West. Panic Station brings all of these to mind in 3 minutes, a minute in I thought it was a laughable rip-off, but by the end I was amazed so many funky 80's references had been whittled into one track. Best song on the album. Don't know if I mis-remember the last couple but they didn't seem to have so much chart dance sounds. Lots of processed bass that makes me think they'll attract a new audience but alienate the rock core that loved the first 2 or 3 albums. I'll always like that Matt fellas guitar and keyboard workouts though. Think I've enjoyed the madness of it more on first listen than I did their other recent ones. Does every one of their albums say how now is "The time..." for whatever? It's been 15 years of the time for something biblical and something revolutionary and some almighty rock.
  22. I wouldn't mind SD on the shirts, if it was paid for. I wouldn't mind it plastered all over the stadium if it earned any money. The fact we're refunding a £10m deal suggests someone is going to pay more handsomely for shirt sponsorship at least. The only money in Stadium deals is for new stadia though, companies stay well away from messing with heritage, and if they do get involved, they pay peanuts relatively.
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